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So this neat little game popped up on my Steam account last week, priced at only $15 and the demo video looked very good, so i bought it and downloaded it.

I didnt get around to playing it until Saturday morning, and i must say its a really good game. You are a god and have the powers to affect Land, Plants, Sea and Lava and each mission is basically a puzzle where you have to raise/lower land, deal with some unexpected things and lead your tribe of people to the end (gateway to next level) Its real time and not as simple/basic as my description indicates :) (trying to quickly build a path for lava to flow so it doesn't engulf your village is fun, especially when there wasn't a volcano there 5 mins ago!)

Some of the levels are incredibly hard (until you figure out the 'trick' for that level) and i spent a lot of my day retrying levels to get them right... the game is really well put together and very interesting, the graphics are pretty good and the game felt exciting. My only complaint was the game ended too soon (i still felt hungry for more levels!) i would definitely recommend this one, and for the price tag its really worth while picking up a copy and giving it a try.

This week i will be playing Tropica 4 :)

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