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What'S The Current Status Of Firearms Ownership


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What part of 'I have just moved from Singapore where I lived the last 8 years' escaped your brain? How long do you expect to be able to live in somewhere like Singapore unless you are earning very good money and have a specialized skill the country needs?

Lots of people live in Singapore who aren't earning good money and have a specialized skill in the country. If you were making such good money and have specialized skill the country needs, why didn't you stay there? No guns there. You would be happy. But I guess you were "too successful" in Singapore and left for Thailand for "a challenge" because you got tired of making good money.

Like I said, I got a 4 story house that you are welcome to stay rent free, but no firearms. Come'on, what do you have to lose?

BTW I see that you are still on this thread. So make your follow up post quickly. I am about to go to sleep because it's 3:11 a.m. in Los Angeles. I will come out and play tomorrow if you want.

Incorrect assumption again. My wife is Thai and wanted to go home after living in Singapore for 7 years so I have transferred to Bangkok from Singapore. I was quite happy in Singapore but a change doesn't hurt. We also thought it would be good for our children to spend some time in one of the countries they hold a passport for.

Anyway, if you haven't learnt by now, you can't really make accurate character assessments from a few lines on a web forum. You have been completely wrong about me, although I have to admit I did position my answers with the intention of drawing you in slightly, knowing you would make yourself look foolish so please accept my apologies for that.

Sweet dreams somchai, don't trip over any mangoes.

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What part of 'I have just moved from Singapore where I lived the last 8 years' escaped your brain? How long do you expect to be able to live in somewhere like Singapore unless you are earning very good money and have a specialized skill the country needs?

Lots of people live in Singapore who aren't earning good money and have a specialized skill in the country. If you were making such good money and have specialized skill the country needs, why didn't you stay there? No guns there. You would be happy. But I guess you were "too successful" in Singapore and left for Thailand for "a challenge" because you got tired of making good money.

Like I said, I got a 4 story house that you are welcome to stay rent free, but no firearms. Come'on, what do you have to lose?

BTW I see that you are still on this thread. So make your follow up post quickly. I am about to go to sleep because it's 3:11 a.m. in Los Angeles. I will come out and play tomorrow if you want.

Incorrect assumption again. My wife is Thai and wanted to go home after living in Singapore for 7 years so I have transferred to Bangkok from Singapore. I was quite happy in Singapore but a change doesn't hurt. We also thought it would be good for our children to spend some time in one of the countries they hold a passport for.

Anyway, if you haven't learnt by now, you can't really make accurate character assessments from a few lines on a web forum. You have been completely wrong about me, although I have to admit I did position my answers with the intention of drawing you in slightly, knowing you would make yourself look foolish so please accept my apologies for that.

Sweet dreams somchai, don't trip over any mangoes.

Goodnight. I will dream of shooting mangoes with a high power rifle round. Have a good day with your wife and young child. Remember, I didn't mean to call YOU the 60 year old sexpat. That was reserved for Moonrakers.

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What part of 'I have just moved from Singapore where I lived the last 8 years' escaped your brain? How long do you expect to be able to live in somewhere like Singapore unless you are earning very good money and have a specialized skill the country needs?

Lots of people live in Singapore who aren't earning good money and have a specialized skill in the country. If you were making such good money and have specialized skill the country needs, why didn't you stay there? No guns there. You would be happy. But I guess you were "too successful" in Singapore and left for Thailand for "a challenge" because you got tired of making good money.

Like I said, I got a 4 story house that you are welcome to stay rent free, but no firearms. Come'on, what do you have to lose?

BTW I see that you are still on this thread. So make your follow up post quickly. I am about to go to sleep because it's 3:11 a.m. in Los Angeles. I will come out and play tomorrow if you want.

Incorrect assumption again. My wife is Thai and wanted to go home after living in Singapore for 7 years so I have transferred to Bangkok from Singapore. I was quite happy in Singapore but a change doesn't hurt. We also thought it would be good for our children to spend some time in one of the countries they hold a passport for.

Anyway, if you haven't learnt by now, you can't really make accurate character assessments from a few lines on a web forum. You have been completely wrong about me, although I have to admit I did position my answers with the intention of drawing you in slightly, knowing you would make yourself look foolish so please accept my apologies for that.

Sweet dreams somchai, don't trip over any mangoes.

Goodnight. I will dream of shooting mangoes with a high power rifle round. Have a good day with your wife and young child. Remember, I didn't mean to call YOU the 60 year old sexpat. That was reserved for Moonrakers.

I suppose thats the closest I'll get to an apology.

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I believe you were calling me the 60 year old sex pat.

I think he's aiming it at anybody that doesn't agree with him.

No actually I posted about whether the Bangkok Amphur was still giving out permits to own guns or if I should transfer my Tabien Bahn to Phitsanoluk to get the permit.

You two clowns started posting about how guns are evil, and how no one should be allowed to own guns, and how guns are worst than Hitler. Then you said I needed a gun to feel like a real man, that I hunt overripe fruit for it, that I am Rambo, and we gun types are always certifiable.

If you don't like guns fine. Great. Don't own one. But even in Thailand they are LEGAL. And I am asking about the procedures. My posts are about a legitimate topic. Your post is spouting your opinions which were not asked for in the original question.

You go calling people losers and sexpats after they question the logic and ethics behind owning a weapon that is designed specifically for assault, not defence. You really expect to have such a machine of violence and not expect people to have something to say about.

And again, here's the title to your thread:


Yet you still deny you were asking foreigners about gun laws, even though you claim to be such a worthy Thai citizen that you can tell others to leave. Just because they disagree with you.

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The thing with this is that although I do not think people should be allowed to own guns, there is some justification to weapons that are suitable for home protection. (Handguns, shotguns etc)

But an assault rifle? Where the hell is the justification in that?

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The thing with this is that although I do not think people should be allowed to own guns, there is some justification to weapons that are suitable for home protection. (Handguns, shotguns etc)

But an assault rifle? Where the hell is the justification in that?

When you absolutely have to kill ALL the mangoes on the tree...

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The thing with this is that although I do not think people should be allowed to own guns, there is some justification to weapons that are suitable for home protection. (Handguns, shotguns etc)

But an assault rifle? Where the hell is the justification in that?

I agree i think an assault rifle is not needed but i understand why the guy wants protection if even over the top a little... As an x british soldier living here in los and no not a sexpat im only 40 :rolleyes: i will be asking my girlfriend to apply for a gun license when we move in our new home together... It will probably never be used but if ive got 3 men in my house wanting to rob me or maybe kill me then they will feel the full force... Better to be safe than dead imo...

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Knowing this man is actively seeking to bring a fully automatic assault weapon into the country my children live in helps me sleep at night.And they're so useful too. Think of all those tin cans you can put holes in. So many uses.

Judging by what you have posted you seem to have drank the media koolaide.

Assault weapon is a term coined by lobbyist who seek to restrict ownership.

If I assault you with a baseball bat is it now a assault weapon?

If I assault you with a pellet gun or 22 that can shoot as fast as I can click the trigger is it now an assault rifle?

AR-15 & AK-47's like the OP mentioned are not full auto weapons. They fire one shot at a time.

It is near impossible for any citizen to buy a full auto weapon let alone afford the ammo

AR-15-platform rifles are among the most popular firearms being sold. They are today's modern sporting rifle.Confusion exists because while these rifles may cosmetically look like military rifles, they do not function the same way. Also, groups wanting to ban these rifles have for years purposely or through ignorance spread misinformation about them to aid their cause.

As for your feeling safer....

When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"

So yes you actually should feel safer in a country that does not restrict its citizens from


All that aside the OP asked a simple question.."Is Bangkok still not giving out permits to own firearms?"

Posters here have felt the need to insult him over this question...Yet they are indignant at his replying in kind to these insults.

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Posters here have felt the need to insult him over this question...Yet they are indignant at his replying in kind to these insults.


Have you not noticed he has done nothing but attack others.

A mention of rambo and shooting mangos was made, yet sub maniac launches into a tirade of losers and sexpats. Does that sound like a balanced argument to you?

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AR-15-platform rifles are among the most popular firearms being sold. They are today's modern sporting rifle.Confusion exists because while these rifles may cosmetically look like military rifles, they do not function the same way. Also, groups wanting to ban these rifles have for years purposely or through ignorance spread misinformation about them to aid their cause.


That text is copied and directly from this site: http://www.nssf.org/MSR/facts.cfm

Like we can expect a non balanced comment from the national shooting sports foundation.

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6 posts to say one thing?

I will try to condense it....

1) Britain is a good example...did gun control help?

But AFAIK Britain does in fact still allow gun ownership... not easily but still possible....so no it is not a police State

2) This topic from the start I knew would go astray.

I am not going to re-read it all but yes it started well

& quickly degenerated into folks expressing opinions that had nothing to do with answering the

basic question asked.

3) Your wikipedia link supports the fact that the AR-15 is therefore NOT an assault weapon.

You have it confused with a M-16 the AR-15 is not selectable between full & semi auto.

4) your claim of pray & spray of an AR-15 is wrong.

The AR-15 & also AK-47's sold to civilians do not have a full auto option.

I have not just shot one I own a few & have been involved with shooting sports for decades.

5)Yes that text did explain it better than I

6)laugh all you want but a country where just the government & cops have guns is a scary place to me ;) If it is a scary thought to you for citizens to be allowed to own firearms....well you have options...Britain?

Perhaps now instead of burning up 6 posts you can actually answer the ON Topic question the OP asked? If not lets leave it to those who can.

I will not derail the OP's thread any further.

apologies to the OP

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6 posts to say one thing?

I will try to condense it....

1) Britain is a good example...did gun control help?

2) This topic from the start I knew would go astray.

I am not going to re-read it all but yes it started well

& quickly degenerated into folks expressing opinions that had nothing to do with answering the

basic question asked.

3) Your wikipedia link supports the fact that the AR-15 is therefore NOT an assault weapon.

You have it confused with a M-16 the AR-15 is not selectable between full & semi auto.

4) your claim of pray & spray of an AR-15 is wrong.

The AR-15 & also AK-47's sold to civilians do not have a full auto option.

5)Yes that text did explain it better than I

6)laugh all you want but a country where just the government & cops have guns is

a scary place to me ;)

Perhaps now instead of burning up 6 posts you can actually answer the ON Topic question the OP asked? If not lets leave it to those who can.


22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.pngUnited States[64][65] Kingdom (excluding attempts)[59][60][78]1.701.782.061.761.751.491.501.511.281.281.28http://en.wikipedia....l_homicide_rate

2) Show me what I said that warranted me be called a loser sexpat (not that I care)

3) You said the term assault rifle was used by lobbyists. You were simply wrong, It comes from a German word. But let's not let the facts get in the way eh!

4) You claimed the AK47 only fires one shot. I was responding to that Your words

5) What you mean is that website said exactly what you wanted them to say, because the think guns are cool too

6) See number 1

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Oh and wait, back to number 4

Wiki tells me the AR-15 is a semi-automatic assault rifle. Since when has semi-automatic mean it fires once shot?

Trying hard to not respond to your ignorance of firearms but....

semi auto means fires one shot at a time same as a pistol or any other magazine fed semi auto firearm.

Enough eh MR?

Dont bogart the thread :)

On Topic or off thread shall we?

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Oh and wait, back to number 4

Wiki tells me the AR-15 is a semi-automatic assault rifle. Since when has semi-automatic mean it fires once shot?

Trying hard to not respond to your ignorance of firearms but....

semi auto means fires one shot at a time same as a pistol or any other magazine fed semi auto firearm.

Enough eh MR?

Dont bogart the thread :)

On Topic or off thread shall we?

Here's a youtube clip of the AR-15 firing only one round

And I want and answer to number 2

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Dont bogart the thread :)

On Topic or off thread shall we?

Here's a youtube clip of the AR-15 firing only one round

And I want and answer to number 2


I see it is not possible for you to be on topic.

I will not sit & try to correct your ignorance of firearms.

You post a link to wiki showing clearly what the definition originating in a German word

of what an assault rifle is. They even show a picture OF AN M-16

yet you will continue to assume an AR-15 is a M-16 & justify the lobbyist use of the word.

Yes there are those who will modify en existing design.You can do the same to a shotgun with a barrel clip.

That is not what is for sale to civilians though.

Semi auto = 1 shot per trigger pull. That is not to say you can pull the trigger slowly only. You can pull the trigger on any weapon as fast as you can.

It will fire till your out of ammo

As for your answer to #2

your behavior could be your answer.

If you would like to continue to degenerate the OP's thread

with your obvious ignorance of firearms & how they function

find someone else to dance with.

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Dont bogart the thread :)

On Topic or off thread shall we?

Here's a youtube clip of the AR-15 firing only one round

And I want and answer to number 2


I see it is not possible for you to be on topic.

I will not sit & try to correct your ignorance of firearms.

You post a link to wiki showing clearly what the definition originating in a German word

of what an assault rifle is. They even show a picture OF AN M-16

yet you will continue to assume an AR-15 is a M-16 & justify the lobbyist use of the word.

Yes there are those who will modify en existing design.You can do the same to a shotgun with a barrel clip.

That is not what is for sale to civilians though.

As for your answer to #2

your behavior could be your answer.

If you would like to continue to degenerate the OP's thread

with your obvious ignorance of firearms & how they function

find someone else to dance with.

The ArmaLite AR-15 is a selective fire assault rifle which was adopted by United States armed forces as the M16 rifle. Due to financial problems, ArmaLite sold the AR-15/M16 design to Colt.


Maybe wiki is lying then?

Flying. Do you think that not sharing the same opinion as somebody warrants being called a loser sexpat? Why don't you direct me to whatever it was I said that warranted that.

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Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles despite frequently being considered as such. For example, semi-automatic-only rifles like the AR-15

Oh right, I concede

So the AR -15 is only semi-automatic and not fully automatic. Well makes it OK then, doesn't it?

S'pose I'd better be careful.I might be called a loser expat again, it would seem that not agreeing with people warrants such a thing,

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Just a note:

1. Selective fire allows you to switch between firing modes, near the trigger guard.

2. There's a huge difference in fire rate between semi and full auto. Simplest explanation would be that semi fires one round per pull of the trigger, whereas you can hold the trigger down to spray in full auto.

3. There are actually quite a number of M16 variants. Some of which aren't actually M16s in the first place.

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The thing with this is that although I do not think people should be allowed to own guns, there is some justification to weapons that are suitable for home protection. (Handguns, shotguns etc)

But an assault rifle? Where the hell is the justification in that?

I agree i think an assault rifle is not needed but i understand why the guy wants protection if even over the top a little... As an x british soldier living here in los and no not a sexpat im only 40 :rolleyes: i will be asking my girlfriend to apply for a gun license when we move in our new home together... It will probably never be used but if ive got 3 men in my house wanting to rob me or maybe kill me then they will feel the full force... Better to be safe than dead imo...

First I would like to state that I was a sexpat until I got married, now I'm an exsexpat...on that note I understand wanting a firearm for home protection...I live in a village and my neighbors and I count on each other to take care and secure our families...I on the other hand am looking for a samurai sword...I've always wanted to cut someones arm off and an attempted robbery would be the perfect opportunity for me to wreck some havoc on bad guy body parts....

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While i am for gun control, the OP was pretty nice till others started to insult him.

Gun control never stopped bad guys from having guns anyway.

Just check Switzerland and gun crime there all citizens can have guns after they leave the military. Compare that with GB. The US and GB are harder to compare as they are much more different.

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Another wanna be Rambo. Lots of groups up in the high and low country of the US where he can play army. Certifiable is one of their requirements, but may not be a problem. The early mention of acreage planed to be his firing range may upset anyone within hearing and/or range of his play toys. Sling shots and soft bb guns are readily available, no documents required and he is not so apt to hurt himself or others. Especially once he is know to the locals.

Another armchair intellectual who does not know what he is talking about. "Oh yes, I've read about them in books because in Europe we can't have them. I know nothing about what they are, what they do or how to handle one, but since I am in Thailand I am a big man and can spout off whatever opinions I want, even though I don't know anything about the subject matter."

You conveniently left out my last comment on the possession of automatic weapons in the US. Not sure of your age but I was issued a M 16, probably prior to your birth. We had grenade launchers, thus the boom tube did not come until later. The op seems to have a perchance to misread what was posted and for sure has no clue to the background of other TV members. Some AR 15's are easy to convert to full auto (colt) the auto sear can be copied/built from drawing in most machine shops, the other components can be purchased at many gun shows and are interchangeable.I did post earlier about your contact points in Thailand for import/license questions but you seem to have selective memory as well as reading comprehension.

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I don't know why you're all bothering with this guy, you're providing him with cheap entertainment and getting yourselves worked up in the process, he's playing you all like a violin!

You're so right. The only reason I am posting on here is because he has a gun pointed at my head.

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