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Ice Cream Maker


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I bought one years ago that was only electric from Verasu here in Bangkok. Now they have the manual powered crank with the electric power. I remember cranking the thing when I was young and was glad for the electric version.

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i had one in the uk,you had to put the bowl in the freezer made aprox 1litre,but i wouldnt think it would work as well over here with the room temp.being so high,so if you see any electric ones that churn and freeze at the same time i might consider getting one.then try and find some good quality milk and cream.

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Not sure but... even commercial ones can be a bit tricky.

They have a timer switch for churning and a switch for the freezer, if it freezes up and the timer doesn't cut it out then they can grind gears and all sorts of dramas.

At my old work we had one which could make 2 litres at a time. It was as big as a microwave and cost about $2500AUD it went in for repairs at least once in the first year. It was all stainless steel an looked very sturdy.

At my work now we have one I think was a bit cheaper at around $1500 dollars it makes 1litre, it's white (plastic casing) and almost as big.

I have walked into the area at least once lately and noticed the churn is jammed, and it was spasming. I informed the chef using it and went about my business. However from what I hear they have been through all sorts of dramas getting it fixed and getting it replaced on warranty.

In summary these machines are supposedly "commercial" but anyhoo they are definitely a tricky machine to use, as is making good Aisecareeme!!

But good look in finding a cheap alternative keen to hear how it goes

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