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Headless Body Of A Western Woman Washed Ashore On Koh Chang


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Can we drop this British most dangerous place to live thing please?? It has almost no relevance to this topic.

And lets have a little decorum here, this was a human being and someone loved her. Where is your decency?

I have deleted the post that falsely alleged that www.fco.gov.uk contains text making such claim and the replies to it.

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how many thais you no with blonde hair and blue eyes!! maybe a katoy haha

thailand has become a very dangerous place _many people dissapear never to be seen again..... back last year a farang lady in soi boukow was found tied to a tree suffocated,her jeans wrapped around her ankles_used condoms nearby.."police say they can not tell at this stage if sexual acts had taken place---- police are like buffalo--stupid-!! this is a warning to lady tourists who travel to thailand_expecially those alone...dont be fooled into thinking these people are here to help you_you are farang..they just think your a rich tourist visiting a poverty country.

and will steal what ever they can from you if given the oppertunity.i have seen this at first hand.....they take your kindness as a weakness...thailand has become a graveyard for the farang tourist............with the baht ----again the pound sterling slides to just under 46

people cannot afford to travel to thailand...when i first started visiting this wonderful country i recieived 72 baht to the £

thailand will collapse simply because it rely upon tourism_and with these stories of farang ladies being killed_only deter others not to travel.

Is that right, a farang lady was found dead, tied to a tree on Soi Buakhao (BooKao?) ?

If so, who was she, did the police investigate or just claim she killed herself? Soi Buakhao is a busy road, how could this have happened? And I have never seen a tree there, so does this actually mean a soi off Soi Buakhao?

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Can we drop this British most dangerous place to live thing please?? It has almost no relevance to this topic.

And lets have a little decorum here, this was a human being and someone loved her. Where is your decency?

Hear, hear.

It's been while now, has she been identified yet?

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how many thais you no with blonde hair and blue eyes!! maybe a katoy haha

thailand has become a very dangerous place _many people dissapear never to be seen again..... back last year a farang lady in soi boukow was found tied to a tree suffocated,her jeans wrapped around her ankles_used condoms nearby.."police say they can not tell at this stage if sexual acts had taken place---- police are like buffalo--stupid-!! this is a warning to lady tourists who travel to thailand_expecially those alone...dont be fooled into thinking these people are here to help you_you are farang..they just think your a rich tourist visiting a poverty country.

and will steal what ever they can from you if given the oppertunity.i have seen this at first hand.....they take your kindness as a weakness...thailand has become a graveyard for the farang tourist............with the baht ----again the pound sterling slides to just under 46

people cannot afford to travel to thailand...when i first started visiting this wonderful country i recieived 72 baht to the £

thailand will collapse simply because it rely upon tourism_and with these stories of farang ladies being killed_only deter others not to travel.


Obviously you have not been here long. Things have changed. A poverty country you say??? The Thais are getting richer and the farangs that visit Thailand are getting poorer. Since this thread is about Koh Chang, the first Thai I met in Koh Chang last week was a doctor worth more than 300 million Baht. Nobody cares about your sterling. Their Baht has remained strong while most other currencies have tumbled. Open your eyes!

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sad thing here is that nobody has been missed, to me this means one of two things

this person lived completely issolated - unlikely

others that she new are aware and choose to remain quiet.


3. The police didn't manage to check all the sources (e.g. hotels) where there may have been a record of the victim.

4. The place where the victim stayed is one of the hotels/guest houses that don't have proper record keeping.

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How can there be not traces of injury on a decapitated body ?

Foreigner - dead - nude... I wouldn't be surprised if the Thai cops concluded that it was in fact suicide. :lol:


Where did you come up with such an amusing bon mot? I have never heard a joke so funny.

You should really try your hand at stand-up.

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I have to say that my heart goes out to the family of the headless unknown woman.

It is very very very very sad.

Could a shark have done this?

I saw a TV programm that said they often have a bite to see if the 'prey' is tasty if they don't recognise it. Perhaps a shark would have found her not to its taste and having tried her head decided to leave it. But that was too late for the victim who would have succomed to her injuries.

I've never known anyone survive such an injury.

I know they can sew back hands and arms if they get the parts together quickly but in the sea makes it more difficult. Either her head sunk or was eaten. If it was gobbled up by a shark then you'd have to catch the shark first.

Very difficult.

Then there's the heat.

I'm always vary with fish as it goes off quickly. Especially if left in the sun and only having a bit of ice shovelled on it every now and again. Then there's the flies.

Are there any jet skies nearby as they cause some nasty accidents?

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Can we drop this British most dangerous place to live thing please?? It has almost no relevance to this topic.

And lets have a little decorum here, this was a human being and someone loved her. Where is your decency?

Speaking of decency, what's with the insanely graphic image in the original post?

This unfortunate person's identity will be found, and at that time you will get friends and family confronted with it. This is the same line Thaivisa always uses if someone posts a comment that can be considered even slightly inappropirate.

I don't get it.

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