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What Is Up With Canadians And Their Maple Leaf Patches


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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

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It's no secret that throughout the years many Americans have been known to sport the leaf when traveling through virulently anti-American regions. On a few occasions I have lied to obviously hostile people saying I was a Canuck and when I did, the anti-Yankee cursing began.

I haven't had occasion to try this yet, but posing as Canuck is now way too passe (and obvious). If I feel the necessity to pose in future, I'm going to say I'm BELIZIAN.


Edited by Jingthing
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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

Would concentration camps be good enough. ? From Wiki


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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

Would concentration camps be good enough. ? From Wiki


I'm well aware of the "Concentration Camps" as you put it, they were used during the Second Boer War and as a point of fact that was in the 1900's.......so try again.

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

Exactly! The war between India and Great Britain didn't happen because the Brits were good guys. The same with problems in Africa. And, in times of war the British generals treated Canadians and Australians as cannon fodder. Galipoli comes to mind.

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

and what about it?...........tell me all about this evil British Empire........

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

and what about it?...........tell me all about this evil British Empire........

Well they weren't exactly nice about it, were they?

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

Exactly! The war between India and Great Britain didn't happen because the Brits were good guys. The same with problems in Africa. And, in times of war the British generals treated Canadians and Australians as cannon fodder. Galipoli comes to mind.

Oh really?......so there were no British troops at Gallipoli? I'm amazed at people's ignorance of history.

In regards to India the British managed to eradicate the cult of the Thugees, who spent their time wandering the streets at night strangling innocents, and the practise of burning widows alive with their newly deceased husbands.

It's also a little known fact that the British Army and civil service combined in India totaled 30,000 people in a country of a population of 200 million, not much of an occupying force that huh? I wonder why the Indians allowed it?????

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Exactly! The war between India and Great Britain didn't happen because the Brits were good guys. The same with problems in Africa. And, in times of war the British generals treated Canadians and Australians as cannon fodder. Galipoli comes to mind.

Oh really?......so there were no British troops at Gallipoli? I'm amazed at people's ignorance of history.

Sure there were British troops at Gallipoli, but it was the Aussies that were told to charge into over whelming odds with no hope of survival or success.

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Exactly! The war between India and Great Britain didn't happen because the Brits were good guys. The same with problems in Africa. And, in times of war the British generals treated Canadians and Australians as cannon fodder. Galipoli comes to mind.

Oh really?......so there were no British troops at Gallipoli? I'm amazed at people's ignorance of history.

Sure there were British troops at Gallipoli, but it was the Aussies that were told to charge into over whelming odds with no hope of survival or success.

Sorry, wrong. It wasn't only the Aussies that were told to charge. The entire household of the Royal estate of Sandringham were lost at Gallipoli. These people were known personally to the King and Queen at the time, and they volunteered en-masse, and died together.

Go and have a look at the amount of War Memorials there are in every town and village in the UK. My home village just dedicated a new monument last week. Village population of 2,000 lost 250 men in the First World War. This was a war against German Imperialism.......ie against the German Empire.....did you know the Germans had an Empire?

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Looks the op has a decideous case of flag envy, perhaps gone a little sappy, cant get the syrup from sticking to his undies?

While we are here though, let's ask, why do so many americans on tv insist in making every topic a comparison between LOS and USA?

Topic could be where's the best pizza or steak in TH, and within 6 posts, some expert will claim "that's not real..." only real ...is found in NY, LA, or CHI.

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Go and have a look at the amount of War Memorials there are in every town and village in the UK. My home village just dedicated a new monument last week. Village population of 2,000 lost 250 men in the First World War. This was a war against German Imperialism.......ie against the German Empire.....did you know the Germans had an Empire?

It wasn't as big as ours though :rolleyes:

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

Fair enough characterization.

I don't stereotype

Hmm, seems like you just did. :whistling:

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

There is the little matter of the British Empire

and what about it?...........tell me all about this evil British Empire........

For someone who seems well versed in the history of the British Empire, how could you not know about the atrocities they committed?

Besides that, what do your comments have to do with Canucks wearing the Maple Leaf?

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I am very well versed in the " Atrocities" that we committed, I am also very well versed in the the history of many other countries that committed even more heinous atrocities than Britain and live in absolute denial of them.

I get annoyed when idiots make general sweeping statements such as " arrogant Brits in the 1800's", that's why I ask for evidence.

On your point about what this has to do with Maple leafs etc, the " Arrogant Brits of the 1800's" created Canada, they had a falling out with the French population in the country due to French belligerence in Europe amongst other things, however it has all worked out quite well now as the Nation of Canada is by statute bi-lingual, and as a fluke of democracy the Prime Minister of Canada tends more often than not to be of French descent.

In my opinion, the Canadiens have got it just about right, they stand up for freedom, they fought fantastically well during all the major conflicts of the last 100 years or so, they are a mature democracy, with a rule of law, they have ensured that the Indigenous people have special tax concessions by way of partial compensation for now sharing their country, they have a well funded and open health service, good ( Excellent ) education, and they are confident in their abilities without being cocky and arrogant. No wonder they are proud to wear the Maple leaf.

Good on them I say........

Edited by theblether
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Thanks for the pump me up post mate-i feel all patriotic now and wanna play hockey eh.

Btw, quickly edit your post from Premier to Prime Minister. I almost thought you were from the land of the free and all that ;)

Edit done....apologies for that!!

Don't go and play hockey.....too violent !!! :D

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We only play rough against the yanks.

Ps, anyone wanting to have a go at them should do so before the "board of tv trustees" awakes at 5am. Lol

Back to flags, I saw a union jack the other day on an american with a half thai, half cdn gal-talk about confusing.

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We only play rough against the yanks.

Ps, anyone wanting to have a go at them should do so before the "board of tv trustees" awakes at 5am. Lol

Back to flags, I saw a union jack the other day on an american with a half thai, half cdn gal-talk about confusing.

I think confused is the operative word here :D Three different flags all based on Red, White & Blue!!

Also I've got no doubt there will be some some people loading their flame guns as we talk, it's going to be fun tomorrow !!!!

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That's the reason I wake up so dam_n early (at least I hope), get a few punches in early and log off-feeling at peace knowing that the river of flames to follow will fall on deaf ears after I log off and tend to more pressing needs like taking a dump, going to the gym before going to my office to yell at a few staff.

Makes life worth living doesn't it?

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It's no secret that throughout the years many Americans have been known to sport the leaf when traveling through virulently anti-American regions. On a few occasions I have lied to obviously hostile people saying I was a Canuck and when I did, the anti-Yankee cursing began.

I haven't had occasion to try this yet, but posing as Canuck is now way too passe (and obvious). If I feel the necessity to pose in future, I'm going to say I'm BELIZIAN.


Canadian friend of mine, long time resident in Thailand was talking about how he see's this ostentatious display of the maple leaf on backpacks etc, he remarked:

"Whenever I see the maple leaf being displayed like this I ask them what part of Canada they are from, I have done this dozens of times and never yet met a Canadian" .

That has also been my experience, I've met quite a few Canadians in Asia but they don't seem to feel the need to sport the maple leaf. Or maybe they are cute enough to have worked out that the bad guys see it and "me think thou do protesteth too much" comes to mind.

On the other off-topic posts regarding colonisation, of course you can look back and see it as wrong, hindsight is so easy. The British introduced concentration camps, vile as they were, little worse than the penal institutions that existed in Britain at the time. They also introduced and left the concept of democracy. India might have kicked the Brits out, still happens to be the worlds largest democracy modelled almost totally on what the Brits left behind. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand's neighbours, doesn't seem to me that colonisation harmed them in any way, don't hear them agitating to leave the Commonwealth. Am I defending colonisation ? Emphatically NO, but you have to put it in the context of its time, and what was left behind were the building blocks for many of these nations. Misguided concept? Sure was.

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Exactly! The war between India and Great Britain didn't happen because the Brits were good guys. The same with problems in Africa. And, in times of war the British generals treated Canadians and Australians as cannon fodder. Galipoli comes to mind.

Oh really?......so there were no British troops at Gallipoli? I'm amazed at people's ignorance of history.

Sure there were British troops at Gallipoli, but it was the Aussies that were told to charge into over whelming odds with no hope of survival or success.

I'd be interested to know how the British troops who suffered more than twice the number of deaths at Gallipoli than the Aussies did met their deaths, were they poisoned by out of date tea or something ?

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In answer to the OP's question I think he is correct. Despite living relatively close to each other, Canadians and Americans ARE different. And, because America has got the reputation (deserved or not) of being the "bully boy" leaders of the world, and sticking their noses into other people's business, they irritate some people... just as the arrogant Brits did in the 1800s.

On average, Canadians are usually not so aggressive, and more mild mannered.

As for myself I don't give a shit what people think of me. I don't step on anyone's toes and they better not step on mine. I don't stereotype and I take everyone on a one to one basis. There are azzholes and good guys in every nation.

Just like the arrogant Brits did in the 1800's?

Can you back up that remark with evidence?

How would you ike that backed up?

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