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Farang Held In Phuket Drug Bust


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Apparently he had heroin on the boat:




George lets get something straight. From the beginning of this story of this persons arrest, it said this person was on a BOAT, and not in the frickin hotel waiting for those two bufoons to make such delivery. First of all this cat is smart enough if he happens to be really a drug baron. Drug lords never ever get near that crap much less even want to have it near or have it in their possession. Doing so is PURE SUICIDE. They only deal in money period, and most of the time they never ever touch it, because it goes thru so many channels to avoid any tracing back to them concerning the drug sale.

Most people know that after graduating high school.

Secondly that BOAT WAS SEARCHED, and nothing was FOUND ILLEGAL. Thirdly, his room was SEARCHED AND AGAIN NOTHING FOUND ILLEGAL. Fourth, his wife also came out CLEAN WITH NOTHING ON HER.

The only thing this forsaken wannabeeee drug baron did wrong is have a FALSE PASSPORT. A small pittiance crime wise which that alone is enough to get his persona non grata, (THAILAND ONLY) and of course passport problems in the future.

That is all he is going to get charged with. He will get his boat back because it belongs to him and there was nothing on that boat illegal being found. So to the dreamers here forget buying his boat.


Next now we see admission coming from the huh and duh.???????? She not handcuffed and still has purse and he looking perplexed. Something not right here, and I don't think he would be so stupid of a pea brain to even want to admit to something of the sort knowing what can happen to him. If he had a past in Taiwan, he more than would KNOW MUCH BETTER TO KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT and do the Abbott and Costello act.

Huh, that crap, me, hey wait a minute man, I don't know those two idiots, never met them, for any reason ever, and man I had none of that stuff around me, are you nuts, I already did time for that shito once, and I am not about to do it again by being that stupid, and me and the mrs here are clean concerning that business officer. You don't believe me check my background in Taiwan!!!!

Now what cha gonna do when that cats says that with no proof to nail him other than the passport charge, once he says that and they do find out he said right.

If that is the case then the Drug Agency is no better than the Drug Lords activities himself, because they cannot be honest with everyone and have very little training to really do the bust correctly to make those charges be solid without doing the drop or plant. Understand.


Interesting to note they seem to somehow disappear out of the limelight.!!!!! Why is that??????????? They were the ones who got caught COLD TURKEY with 40 kilos of PURE HEROIN, in THEIR CAR!!!, with their fingerprints splashed all over the 2 attache cases and possibly on those heroin bars itself, not to mention DNA linking them too. They have no defense except to say I am guilty. Unless they are drug undercover sting cops doing the set up.


Great post Dave!...


I totally agree....... I think

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I tend to disagree with you brit. When the story came out from the coppers mouth saying no dope was found in their possession, or in that boat, it means just that.

Now they changed all that and did the switcheroo on the buckeroo!!!!!!

Not good PR for the Police I shall say. Bottom line is right now I strongly suspect the cheeky and chongy were undercover dudes, trying to set him up, but viola he not at hotel but at the boat rockin and rollin as the bay goes rollin by.

Surveillance sure, what else is there to see besides moonie and poonie?????

That is like saying to them yoooooooo hooooooo----> hey polly wanna cracker, come and get it!!!!!

Gawwwwd help us.



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Ok, not much of an update, but this is what they put out:

along with a new pic:


looking more and more humble with each passing day... :o

Kiwi appears in Bangkok court

Nov 11, 2005

A New Zealander arrested for drug smuggling in Thailand has appeared in court.

Kerry Graeme Mitchell, 49, his Thai wife and two others from Hong Kong are accused of trying to smuggle 40 kilos of heroin through the Thai island of Phuket.

Mitchell was arrested last week and faces the death penalty if found guilty.

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The most suitable sentance for these pushers would be a heavy heroin addiction while in jail awaiting a final fatal overdose to be administered without any prior warning.  If they receive a life sentance rather than the death penalty, the same punishment should apply, only with periods when they are pulled cold-turkey from the drugs on a regular basis to suffer that henious drugs withdrawls without any medical help of easement of the symptoms.

The time should fit the crime.  They deserve to suffer the same fate so many of their clients had to all in the name of the greed and the evil they were willing to partake in for the almighty dollar selling their poison.

It is scientifically proven that CIGARETTES are MORE addictive than HEROIN!!!!


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The most suitable sentance for these pushers would be a heavy heroin addiction while in jail awaiting a final fatal overdose to be administered without any prior warning.  If they receive a life sentance rather than the death penalty, the same punishment should apply, only with periods when they are pulled cold-turkey from the drugs on a regular basis to suffer that henious drugs withdrawls without any medical help of easement of the symptoms.

The time should fit the crime.  They deserve to suffer the same fate so many of their clients had to all in the name of the greed and the evil they were willing to partake in for the almighty dollar selling their poison.

It is scientifically proven that CIGARETTES are MORE addictive than HEROIN!!!!


Wrong - if thats the case I'd be smoking fags myself. :D

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Cigs are more addictive than Heroin.  EVERY ex heroine addict Ive ever seen has done their cold turkey yet still smoke. 

Some of you posters sicken me.  My thoughts and feelings go out to this guy and his family.

They aren't getting rid of public restrooms in most cities because people were overdosing on cigs and dying in them.

No kid ever got aids or hep-c from being pricked by a cigarette discarded in a playground.

Nobody is saying cigarettes are good, but you apologists for heroin dealers are a joke.


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No kid ever got aids or hep-c from being pricked by a cigarette discarded in a playground.

True, but hundreds of people are dying every year from passive smoking; many, many more than the perhaps one or two kids each decade who happen across a dirty needle and catch something from it.

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No kid ever got aids or hep-c from being pricked by a cigarette discarded in a playground.

True, but hundreds of people are dying every year from passive smoking; many, many more than the perhaps one or two kids each decade who happen across a dirty needle and catch something from it.

Oh, my mistake.... heroin dealers are ok then.

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No kid ever got aids or hep-c from being pricked by a cigarette discarded in a playground.

True, but hundreds of people are dying every year from passive smoking; many, many more than the perhaps one or two kids each decade who happen across a dirty needle and catch something from it.

Oh, my mistake.... heroin dealers are ok then.

Generally speaking the impression I get from the press, media, etc. is that they're not OK, but I guess some might be - I don't know, I've never met any.

What I was pointing out was the spuriousness of that comparison; there are plenty of other examples you could have given of why this guy with his boatload of heroin could be indirectly causing harm to people - e.g. middle or bottom level dealers who cut this heroin with other harmful substances so that people are injecting iron filings or detergent into their arm; or people overdosing because they don't know the strength of a hit they're taking due to the erratic nature of the purity levels of different batches up the stuff.

Edited by dantilley
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Cigs are more addictive than Heroin.  EVERY ex heroine addict Ive ever seen has done their cold turkey yet still smoke. 

Some of you posters sicken me.  My thoughts and feelings go out to this guy and his family.

Your nick says it all you're fking HOPELESS! :D

You don't understand though Brit. Because cigs are bad for you, it makes it okay to deal in heroin. :o


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Cigs are more addictive than Heroin.  EVERY ex heroine addict Ive ever seen has done their cold turkey yet still smoke. 

Some of you posters sicken me.  My thoughts and feelings go out to this guy and his family.

Your nick says it all you're fking HOPELESS! :D

You don't understand though Brit. Because cigs are bad for you, it makes it okay to deal in heroin. :o


No, no. Ciggies and heroin are OK because some people sell guns and stuff. Much worse. :D

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  • 2 years later...

funny every drug bust in los s always with the help of several other countries,they never seem to catch these scum working alone.i do realise of course that co-operation is needed but it just makes me think.

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So who gets the yacht now then???

Yea... I want the Yaht... but only after every nook and cranny is looked over. I would not want to buy it with a "stash" still in it.

Happened to me before, I bought a used BMW once with some "herb" under the seat. I was DARN angry about that. If a cop would have found that I would have been toast.

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No, no. Ciggies and heroin are OK because some people sell guns and stuff. Much worse. :o

Well, let's be rational rather than cynical, shall we?

What is more dangerous for our environments, children or, let's say, society in general, drugs or weapons?

Only a dumb ass would say drugs, wouldn't he?

But no, a lot of posters here hear the word drugs and scream 'hang them'. What a display of intelligence :D

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No sympathy for 88lbs. heroin!!! Farang or not = death; it should be!!!

Did you notice

1: The is an old thread

2: The man and his wife was cleared of all charges in a court


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:D I agree about public executions, if people can hear the charges and see the execution,

maybe they will think twice.



I agree! These people will never learn!! There needs to be public ot televised executions to get the point across that drug trafficking carries the death sentence! You can't pussyfoot around this issue, it needs to be stamped on the mind of 'would be' drug smugglers!

If only the UK adopted the same, maybe that would deter all the Yardies' drug mules!


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I thought it was a rather interesting read , especially the last part when the Google

parts come into play and the OP ( who was the accused ) turns out not to be as innocent

as he says , this time interesting Sriracha John , not go to hasty about this old thread ......

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I thought it was a rather interesting read , especially the last part when the Google

parts come into play and the OP ( who was the accused ) turns out not to be as innocent

as he says , this time interesting Sriracha John , not go to hasty about this old thread ......

If I look at the OP of this thread I do not see that it was placed there by the accused. I thought it was merely a poster who copied the local news for that day??? Hmmmmmm??

I have read much of the other thread but honestly have not read it in a few days to be fully updated. If I recall the accuser, did have a past related to the use of drugs but not smuggling them. His remarks and replies in the other post stated that he was in prison for an x amount of months and then released on all smuggling charges.

What I find so amusing is that all the old posters who wanted this man dead three years ago have not come forward with any type of apology or at least remarks stating how wrong they were....

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This thread is over two years old and all original information is out of date. Given the fact that the accused man has started his own thread in the Phuket forum explaining the outcome, I am closing this thread as many posters seem confused by the fact that it is out of date.

Please read and then post your comments in this thread please Up Date On 2005 Heroin Bust Phuket ....we are free!!!


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