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My Thailand Adventure!

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So I left early in the morning and now I'm sitting here at the Siam Oriental Inn freaking out.

<deleted>?! Seriously, I didn't know I'd be so nervous and honestly miss home! I hope this feeling doesn't last because it's making me second guess my plans! Anyone else feel like a nervous whelp when they first touched down?

I'm all by myself and can't fall asleep even though I guess I'm jet lagged to hel_l? Never been on a jet before the two looong JAL flights. I'm freaked man.

Hahahaha <deleted>?! Honestly this is weird and then having the ###### shit hole room cost me 530b a night with cold showers which is just a faucet in the wall which is retarded... dude I seriously need to meet some people now before I freak even more. It's weird how they tell me to not keep valueables in the room... gah I want to hit up the beaches soon maybe I'll feel better then? It's probally 'cause I'm alone and it's just a bit different... hah

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Take it easy, give yourself a couple of days to get over your jet lag and sort your sleeping out, and you'll settle into things fine. In the meanwhile, just take it all in, relax, and go to a bar and make some conversation. There's lots of people there in the same situation as you. Don't dwell on the nervous energy, thrive on it.

Have fun!

Edited by Fast Eddie
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Relax and take a deep breath matey. Chill back go and get yourself a beer, and play a few games of pool, go and chat to the ladies. You dont have to sleep with them, just buy them a few drinks and a couple of games of pool. If you are really struggling to sleep, go to a pharmacy and buy yourself some valium.

Most of all though go out and enjoy the time you have :o

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Relax and take a deep breath matey. Chill back go and get yourself a beer, and play a few games of pool, go and chat to the ladies. You dont have to sleep with them, just buy them a few drinks and a couple of games of pool. If you are really struggling to sleep, go to a pharmacy and buy yourself some valium.

Most of all though go out and enjoy the time you have :o

*Inhales deeeply*

Oh man... this is weird.

Nana plaza?

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If I was out there I'd come over and give you a hand. If I were you I would order some room service, put the TV on and chill. Sleep a few nights before you bother going anywhere or doing anything - let your body get used to the climate etc.

Don't go to Nana plaza, heh.

What you feel is normal - just ride it out :o

About the valuables - they have to say that to cover themselves, dont they! It doesnt mean you're actually gonna get gang raped for your wallet.

Where exactly is that hotel anyway? It rings a bell..

Edited by OxfordWill
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It's called culture shock, welcome to it. You're doing ok, compared to alot of those faux hippie types who get romantic notions about leaving mommy's house and travelling through India.

Here's a few tips to get you started;

1. 7-11 is your friend. All the prices are clearly marked so if you need food, drink, etc, you can grab them and pay without having to ask any questions. You'll have to deal with markets eventually but sometimes you just need a snack without any hassle or stress.

2. Many people are gonna flame me for this, but I suggest staying in Khaosan road and meeting up with others who've been here awhile, know the ins and outs abit, and can ease you through the basics. Keep in mind that Khaosan is basicly lame, so don't get stuck there, but use it to your advantage for a couple days.

3. Never trust anyone who is just way too helpful to be believed.

4. Keep a few business cards of where you are staying with you and if you get lost just hop in a meter cab and show him the card. Do this to a tuk tuk and it can get expensive.

5. Just enjoy the challenge, and adventure. Laugh at yourself like you will when you look back on it later, and have a good time.

6. Stay away from Nana, Patpong, Soi Cowboy, etc, until you are more cynical than you are now.

Keep in touch, we'll try to keep you out of trouble. :o


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get henna tattooes... Buy pyjama pants and walk around in htem..... get braids..... Walk around half naked pointing your feet at every thai person you see.... get off of tv.com There`s seventy two thread about your trip and its taking up my time.... Send me money to pay my internet bill...

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Here is an idea for you Jessie, go start a blog and write about all your little dilemas inside there.

That way you'd be saving bandwidth on TV for better threads and many other members won't become victims of reading such boring posts. :D:D:D:D:D:D:o:D

Edited by cdnvic
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I don't find them boring at all... in fact, I find Jesse's posts rather amusing. I bet I'm not the only one! Keep posting Jesse, we want to hear all about it!!!  :D

Yes, I see what you mean about humorus. First and second thread funny but third and forth not so funny :o

Maybe I should of inserted some smiles in that above post of mine, it does look a bit mean :D

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So I left early in the morning and now I'm sitting here at the Siam Oriental Inn freaking out.

<deleted>?! Seriously, I didn't know I'd be so nervous and honestly miss home! I hope this feeling doesn't last because it's making me second guess my plans! Anyone else feel like a nervous whelp when they first touched down?

I'm all by myself and can't fall asleep even though I guess I'm jet lagged to hel_l? Never been on a jet before the two looong JAL flights. I'm freaked man.

Hahahaha <deleted>?! Honestly this is weird and then having the ###### shit hole room cost me 530b a night with cold showers which is just a faucet in the wall which is retarded... dude I seriously need to meet some people now before I freak even more. It's weird how they tell me to not keep valueables in the room... gah I want to hit up the beaches soon maybe I'll feel better then? It's probally 'cause I'm alone and it's just a bit different... hah

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Jesse is obviously home-sick from the way he is describing it. I find it humorous that he is complaining about the quality of a hotel is he paying 530 B a night for. Were you expecting Shangri-La??? :D:o

Probably not a good idea to go on such a trip by yourself in the first place. I can understand how you are probably feeling. Just remember, and this is the most important thing, if you smile at a Thai woman the law states you will have your hand chopped off so whatever you do, don't smile at them!!!!

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Icey has obviously forgotten what it is like to be young! (ho ho).

As you're on Khao San all you need to do is walk outside and wait for the first smile to tempt you into an open air bar type arrangement from where you can order some food and a drink (water for now maybe?) and just watch the craziness going on around you.

I did the same thing as you although when I was a little bit younger - doing it alone is the best way to go. If you really hate your hotel there are about 80 more in that street and all of them are happy for you to look at their rooms. Just ask with a smile and you can maybe find yourself a nicer place for the same price.

Incidentally, you should be very happy that the shower is cold - aren't you sweating yet?

Have fun matey. Keep calm and smile and you'll have a great time. :o

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hey Jesse,

Just culture shock man!

I'm a fellow Canadian and I know how different this is to what we're used to.

Just regroup and try to hook up with some ppl you're comfortable in talking to as they will give you the full low down. You will meet ppl very easily here...not just bar girls.

Living here 2 months now and it took a little bit of an adjustment but it's like anything new. At your young age, I'm not surprised as it took courage to come here at all.

I know a decent hotel that has the comforts that we're used to and it will not break your budget. Just get back if you have any questions or concerns.


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