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Thai Police Arrest Three Britons For Running Online Sex Show


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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

Sarcasim only works if it is worded right .If this is not your intent Do not not post on this site Everyone here is an expert!

Reworded; Thailand is an equal opportunity democratic shit magnet.

You guys are being facetious / www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary.......joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious>. 2. : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark>. — fa·ce·tious·ly ...

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It seems to me a quite innocent form of business, no minors involved but only consenting adults, and furthermore it was not shown in Thailand.Those people did not disturb anybodym after all.Of course, they could have sex with 20 girls at the same time with no problem at all, but showing it and making money out of it...This is Thailand...

Maybey they forgot to pay the cops.....

And that's why caught.

Can not stream live sex.....but can buy sex....sometimes even i don't understand Thailand.

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I guess the BIB were not getting their cut or perhaps they were the highway BIB, the ones that don't take a share of motorists wealth. ;)


Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

You're wrong. The massage parlors everywhere owned by politicians are illegal. The full nude dancing with short time rooms in Pattaya are illegal. The gambling dens are illegal. And on and on. They shut down what they don't get a piece of. The 'British scum' wasn't exploiting anyone. Adults chose to work and made good money. End of story.

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Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

Do different than the locals exploiting their own people. It's all bad, regardless of where they come from.

I understand selling porn is illegal in Thailand, but is filming or webcam streaming of yourself naked or performing sexual acts illegal? And if they aren't selling it in Thailand but are streaming it overseas and receiving payment from that country- not for individual items of pornography, but for the service of performing the acts, is that different?

I mean, it's not selling it within Thailand, or distributing it locally. It's like if making a drug was legal but selling it was illegal, so you make it and sell it somewhere that it IS legal, does that count? Do they have a separate law to cover sales that occur overseas?

Genuinely curious, not defending them, just wanting to understand the laws being used here.

Were they having sex on webcam? I see some webcam girls and it seems they only do sexy shows by themselves. If so, what is the difference between that and Thai Penthouse magazine that sells at most bookstores? Anyone know the actual law on this and how someone like Penthouse gets away with it?

This place gets more confusing by the day.

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I guess the BIB were not getting their cut or perhaps they were the highway BIB, the ones that don't take a share of motorists wealth. ;)


Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

good point

I cant see any sense or even a point?

I think many on tv would not have a clue either what you are infering,me included?

so any chance of an explaination Suradit ? to this apparently nonsense post of yours?


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So why do you guys think they are exploiting Thais running this. the girls were making 1500 baht a day i don't call that exploitation that's a bloody good living in my book for them. Besides they probably were happy to do it and as well. If they were doing this out of a house in the UK you wouldn't say they were exploiting the girls there would you!

Too bad they shut it down one of the girls looks alright i would've taken a peak.

well said my man cool.gif

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This raid of BiB possibly explains, why the soapies in Pattaya remain untouched; the live show dram shops of walking street operate with local and Russian lasses and ....... all seems to be legal as the police is patroling in front of those establishments.

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I agree Baht 1500 is a bloody good living for these girls and I feel sorry for them as their living has been snatched from them. Far better that they put up with the suggestive, rude and downright filthy remarks of callers than working the bars.(are there any in Korat) Shame that the Welsh/English bosses were so greedy. If they had paid their taxes and any other necessary costs nothing would have been said. As for acting on a tip-off, come on how long has this been known about?

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So why do you guys think they are exploiting Thais running this. the girls were making 1500 baht a day i don't call that exploitation that's a bloody good living in my book for them. Besides they probably were happy to do it and as well. If they were doing this out of a house in the UK you wouldn't say they were exploiting the girls there would you!

Too bad they shut it down one of the girls looks alright i would've taken a peak.

well said my man cool.gif

psml too right i would of been a front row seat fan lol at least he didnt harm anybody thailand needs to wake up and smell the coffee

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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

Yes, because then the meagre few girls that work in the sex industry catering to tourists and foreigners (meagre as compared to the vast majority that service Thai's, many of whom are bonded into service for one reason or another) could all go work in an up country brothel where they will get paid alot less, be treated like animals, be coerced into unsafe sexual acts, stand a far better chance of contracting STD's, etc.

Your are so right - preventing the entire perverted western world (UK / US / Aus / European countries / Asia covers pretty much the most of it - 4 continents worth anyway) from coming to thailand is going to solve everything.

Protect the hookers from the white men.......

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To me, the word "exploit" suggests that people are coerced or forced or tricked into something.

I know a couple of girls that work in go-go bars in bangkok because it is good money. One of them recently left her job as a receptionist in a spa where she got 6500 baht per month work a bar in a red light area where she gets 12000, "just" to dance and sit with customers - no funny business..... whether she goes any further is her choice and her business. The other one worked a tops before making a career change - similar set-up.

Both girls finished high school and freely chose to move into this line of work. Is it healthy? Is it a good idea? No. But they chose to do this because they want more money..... not need, not forced, not backed into a corner..... none of that..... do they like it? Probably not. But they are not being exploited. Millions of Thais live and work on a standard salary in the range of 6000 - 10000 per month (some alot more, some alot less) - the private sector is currently up in arms at the suggestion univeristy graduates should be given 15000 where the currently pay about 10000 ......... presumably the 2 girls I mention here get their 12000 + a few thousand on top if they choose to do "the deed".

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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

sorry, i cant see the problem , {apart from being illegal} but nobody was forced to do anything, all were paid for their services, if taffy was raking in 100,000b it says to me that alot of guys were tuning in ,so obviously a demand for it........., the girls didnt have to leave theire kids or family and go to pattaya and had money to support them too ....... big deal , shock horror,........ hands up whos never paid for sex .......... i said hands up please ..........anyone hear me ???

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I understand selling porn is illegal in Thailand, but is filming or webcam streaming of yourself naked or performing sexual acts illegal? And if they aren't selling it in Thailand but are streaming it overseas and receiving payment from that country- not for individual items of pornography, but for the service of performing the acts, is that different?

I mean, it's not selling it within Thailand, or distributing it locally. It's like if making a drug was legal but selling it was illegal, so you make it and sell it somewhere that it IS legal, does that count? Do they have a separate law to cover sales that occur overseas?

Genuinely curious, not defending them, just wanting to understand the laws being used here.

You can be held for 90 days in Thailand without charge and then trials can easily take a further 18 months. If after all that time in the nick, you may be informed that, yes, indeed it was in fact not a crime and you may go. If you have not died of TB, diabetes, lack of medical care, beaten to death in the prison in the meantime.

If the police decide you are guilty here, there is little you can do except try to buy your way out.

The voice of experience? Or yet another barstool know-it-all?

Must be a bar stool thing then. These experts know all about nothing. jap.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

sorry, i cant see the problem , {apart from being illegal} but nobody was forced to do anything, all were paid for their services, if taffy was raking in 100,000b it says to me that alot of guys were tuning in ,so obviously a demand for it........., the girls didnt have to leave theire kids or family and go to pattaya and had money to support them too ....... big deal , shock horror,........ hands up whos never paid for sex .......... i said hands up please ..........anyone hear me ???

ME never used the services of a lady of the night.

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For those asking why the Webcam is so big.

It's an IP security cam used mainly in networks, it will probably have a built in motor and can be controlled remotely.

Now I know what the bastard used in my colonoscopy last month!

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I am not defending the pocile but I have to say that the usual bla bla bla police didn't get their cut is so blazay. Would it be a surprise to you that not all police in Thailand are corrupt? That some if not most have integrity and honor their jobs and their responsibilities. These guys got caught because 1. They are idiots and second the police were tipped off. I know there are many corrupt cops in Thailand but not all. Show some respect eh?

You all should be careful slandering the police force in this country, Generalizations could be seen as Slanderclosedeyes.gif

Slander the mafia? I think you are being sarcastic.

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These kind of sites are pretty lucrative, guys back home pay several dollars per minute to just chat with a naked a chick. They also will give their favorite chicks gifts, it's crazy that these dudes give thousands of dollars to a chick they never even met.

What? As opposed to giving thousands of dollars to a chick they met twice in a bar in Pattaya?

Love it ! this is the best truthful quote - ha ha ha - there are so many idiots paying their well earned money to girls - even guys sending money to Thailand - i have a couple living near me - they openly tell everyone they are getting money from 2 foreigners each and they are looking for more

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It seems to me a quite innocent form of business, no minors involved but only consenting adults, and furthermore it was not shown in Thailand.Those people did not disturb anybodym after all.Of course, they could have sex with 20 girls at the same time with no problem at all, but showing it and making money out of it...This is Thailand...

Maybey they forgot to pay the cops.....

And that's why caught.

Can not stream live sex.....but can buy sex....sometimes even i don't understand Thailand.

My view as well.

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I have never paid for sex and I am a male. Never been down to a point where I have had to go out and buy it. Not all men have to pay for sexual gratification.

You always pay in one way or another, money, time, attention, entertainment, something. Don't fool yourself, nothing about you is that special, but go ahead and keep trying to prove it to yourself if you need.

Well done chooka pet. Just wait till you turn 15... then it will change.

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