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Why Sleight Us Oldies ?


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Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly.  They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

  Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

  Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

Simbo, it might be that on the odd occassion you have been an objectional old fart :D

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

Wow Rigger where the heck did all that come from a Rock Ouch!!!!!

Ok time for a reality check my father was 65 when I was born, I was the seventh son with the same Woman. The bed springs were still sqeaking when I was old to enough to understand what that meant and there was no viagra around. That was not Thailand that was in the states.

Was I ashamed of my father just the opposite, not because he could still have sex, but because he was a patient tolerant man. Trust me I had it much easier then my broithers did in his younger years.

I'm 58 my wife is 31, she looks 15, not my fault. I didn't marry her because of the way she looks, we are married because we share similar interests and enjoy our lives together pretty simple stuff.Why did she get my attention out of the women I met in all age groups here she was the one who was honest. We work toward common goals and sometimes we fight like crazy, were just like any other married couple. We have been around Udon long enough that no one pays any attention to us anymore. But outside Udon the jerks both Thai and farrang assume she is a bar girl, There mind not mine. I gave up caring what other people think about me long ago.

You guys are right there are a lot slobbering old drunks here, but my guess is they were slobbering young drunks before they came here.

Does age make me smart no! But it does give me an idea of what not to do since I already fell into a lot of those traps. I still manage to find more. At least life is not boring.

I have a friend in the states who is 78 and lives with a beautiful educated successful 35 year old woman, heck I don't why, they just get along with another, it ain't money.

I'm sure that security had a lot to do with my wife being with me, she is not stupid and knows a new day is coming. But she wasn't buy me a cell phone get me motorcycle the buffalo is dying girl. Saw Pattaya for the first time a few weeks ago, didn't like it to many bars. Worked as a housekeeper for 1k a month for an older couple since she was 14. Quit because the families children believed that they were giving her to much money and a friends family let her work on a farm room and board. Had a great life Father beat he Mother to death over a Mia Noi, her boyfriend stole all her money out of her purse while she was at her father's death bed. You know it took me two years to find these things out she never once complained that life can be unfair. So ya I'm sure security meant something to her. So things may not always be as they seem.

Let me esplain Thailand is the cure for Viagra usage :o

Sounds good ray and I agree with what you have writen

but if I was you I would look out the front as I think I saw someone running off with your wheel chair :D:D:D

Edited by Rigger
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Could I ask what I think is a sensible question?

My first computer was a ZX 81. Therefore you can probably guess how old I am. However, the new breed who purport to be far more sensible than I, still cannot seem to reply to a topic on here without quoting 'everything' verbatum that has been said before.

E.g. 300 lines of copied text with :o:D:D at the end?

Maybe I'm just an old fart.

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Havn't concluded this topic yet?

Better hurry up before these young 'uns finish their "quick time" and return home to Mummy and Daddy.



Thomas, why do you get yourself in a position that leaves you open for ridicule, just let it go and be "Old" like me

Is 51 old??? Dont feel 51, feel 24's :D

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Could I ask what I think is a sensible question?

My first computer was a ZX 81. Therefore you can probably guess how old I am.

It does not mean much. While you were toying with the ZX 81, "my" first computer was DEC VAX 860. And I could be younger than you.

There you go! That wasn't the point of the post. I wasn't highlighting the fact that I had a ZX 81, I was highlighting the fact that most posters don't appear to be able to "reply" to a certain post without repeating yards and yards of previously posted text.

I think I had a student like you once. Or maybe a lot.

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Could I ask what I think is a sensible question?

My first computer was a ZX 81. Therefore you can probably guess how old I am.

It does not mean much. While you were toying with the ZX 81, "my" first computer was DEC VAX 860. And I could be younger than you.

I had a TRS-80, Model I.

Then I upgraded to a Commodore Vic-20, but my friend down the street outdid me when he got an Apple II for his birthday. Curses!

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Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly.  They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

  Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

   Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

   What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

Simbo, it might be that on the odd occassion you have been an objectional old fart :D

you there again? I'd better be careful what I say, in case you complain to the mods again. however, you sound like an old fart. Complain about that ! :D

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Havn't concluded this topic yet?

Better hurry up before these young 'uns finish their "quick time" and return home to Mummy and Daddy.



Thomas, why do you get yourself in a position that leaves you open for ridicule, just let it go and be "Old" like me


I am am just waiting for the penny to drop, with these recently short-panted adolescents, that we - and especialy myself - don't give a toss what they think about anything.

As for ridicule - don't know the meaning of the word, except perhaps in a derivation such as the ridiculous baying of young pups.

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>>>You obviously havent flown United airlines , it's scary .

Several posters said that about UA, QF, AA...

But, really, how many flight attendants look like large Alfred Hitchcock (in his late days)? That's what I meant.

This entire thread reminds me an old joke.

A young bull and a old bull standing on a hill. Overlooking a heard of cows

Young bull says lets run down there and have us one.

Old bull says no. lets walk down and have them all.

You young guys need to quit worrying so much we will leave some for you when your old.

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Havn't concluded this topic yet?

Better hurry up before these young 'uns finish their "quick time" and return home to Mummy and Daddy.


I suppose it is quite sad when you think about it; if you are half my age then I have had twice as many orgasms as you have had.

But the difference is not only quantative.

The types of sex, its forms, its expressions, the variety, the opportunity, the sheer naturalness of the whole act, throughout the 70’s when your weenie wasn’t even formed, will never be repeated by your post-AIDS generation.

Frustration is the cross you must bear. We have never been frustrated.

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..........until now


Frustration is being starving hungry and wandering around the supermarket with only 25 cents in your wallet.

We, who by nature of our age and a full working life, are fortunate to have wallets bearing considerably more than the youthfully unemployed. We may not have the starving appetite, but then the delicacies savoured are all the better enjoyed.

Complete satisfaction, on all levels, is a state youth never attains.

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stupidity is walking round a supermarket with 25 cents

frustration is not being able to get work

do you honestly expect anyone to believe that you would rather be old ,waking up with aches and pain's and less ability to do the things that you once took for granted .

i am not bashing older people at all,i have a lot of respect for the people who have molded us younger guys into the people we are

but why not be honest about it,insted of trying to justify reasons why it is better to be old

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That's what I was talking about in the other thread, Tiger7Moth.

That guy knocked up some bargirl 1/3rd his age without giving any thought to the consequences of his actions. That's something you might expect from a horny teenager, but a man of his years should know better.

It's not that having kids at his age is a bad thing, many people do, it's that having kids at his age WITHOUT PLANNING FOR THEM is a very, very bad thing.

In the end, it worked out badly for him. He lost everything and his daughter will grow up calling some other guy(s), "Daddy".

You, on the other hand, seem to be taking a more sensible and mature approach. You're weighing the pros and cons and communicating them to your wife. That's a commendable thing.

If and when you do decide to have a child, it'll be because you've decided that you WANT one and that you can CARE for one properly, even after you die.

There are a lot of luk krueng kids running around Thailand that aren't so lucky.

Again, I wasn't slamming on "old folks" in that other thread, just "old farts" who've pissed away their life and having accumulated enough common sense to avoid making stupid, teenage mistakes (and not being financially stable enough to deal with those mistake either).

"I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year."

I will be 59 this month.  Before moving to Thailand a couple of years ago, I had never given a thought to having a child again (I have a 34 year old son).  I was aware of several public figures who had children in their 70s and one over 80 (the comedian Jerry Lewis being one of them).

After being here about 6 months and being involved with a woman just turned 30 who wanted to have children I decided that I would be willing to become a father again.  Afterall, I was quite fit and active going to the health club 6 days a week.

But, I developed a problem with my back and my activity has been curtailed significantly. After several misdiagonses, I had an MRI last week and it was found that I have a herniated disc - it looks fine in X-rays, which is all that had been done previously.  So, I am now hopeful the problem with be completely resolved and I can return to my normal activity level.

But, I married while I was having the problem and was concerned that my physical abilities would continue to degrade (of course they will in the long run but there were 2 guys in a running club I belonged to in the States who were over 80 and still very healthy and very active).  So, when the subject of children came up I said that due to conerns about my health, I didn't feel I could have children again.  My wife said she was OK with this even though she is 33 and has never had children.

To my surprise, last night she made an offhand comment about stopping birth control and becoming pregnant. 

Although I am now hopeful I can return to previous activity level, I am concerned about my health 10 or 15 years down the road.

Regarding an early death on my part, should we have children, I suspect this isn't of the same concern as it would be in the US, especially if we lived in the same area as my wife's family.  My wife has 8 brothers and sisters who presently have produced 23 children.  They all live in walking distance with each other.  So, I imagine any child I would produce would be well taken care of and not lonely should I die.  Also, as seems to be common in large Thai families, death happens, an accepted part of life.  My wife has already experienced deaths among her generation, including one sybling.

The other factor in this is other unknown Thai cultural considerations.  My wife knows my age and concern but I imagine views things quite differently than I do.  Here is an example of the disparity of her thinking and mine.  Although she had an appendectomy at Bumrungrad last year (presumably indicating a belief in science and medicine) she believes the source of my back problem is she hasn't visited the graves of her grandfather and grandmother often enough and they are angry :o  While I respect Thai cuture and beliefs, I don't share this opinion.

I suppose after I am restored to full activity level, I will consider this again.  But, I do wish my wife had already had 1 or 2 children and that this wouldn't be an issue.  Not that I wouldn't enjoy a child, I think I would.  But, I am reluctant because of concerns that my physical condition would degrade and I couldn't be an "active" parent.

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I suppose it is quite sad when you think about it; if you are half my age then I have had twice as many orgasms as you have had.

// never mind yet again.

Do you ever have any opinions yourself, apart from flaming TM?

Which I ought to remind you, a breach of Forum Rules.

Personally, I don't mind if you continue your childish game.

The more the evidence - the longer the ban.

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

Wow Rigger where the heck did all that come from a Rock Ouch!!!!!

Ok time for a reality check my father was 65 when I was born, I was the seventh son with the same Woman. The bed springs were still sqeaking when I was old to enough to understand what that meant and there was no viagra around. That was not Thailand that was in the states.

Was I ashamed of my father just the opposite, not because he could still have sex, but because he was a patient tolerant man. Trust me I had it much easier then my broithers did in his younger years.

I'm 58 my wife is 31, she looks 15, not my fault. I didn't marry her because of the way she looks, we are married because we share similar interests and enjoy our lives together pretty simple stuff.Why did she get my attention out of the women I met in all age groups here she was the one who was honest. We work toward common goals and sometimes we fight like crazy, were just like any other married couple. We have been around Udon long enough that no one pays any attention to us anymore. But outside Udon the jerks both Thai and farrang assume she is a bar girl, There mind not mine. I gave up caring what other people think about me long ago.

You guys are right there are a lot slobbering old drunks here, but my guess is they were slobbering young drunks before they came here.

Does age make me smart no! But it does give me an idea of what not to do since I already fell into a lot of those traps. I still manage to find more. At least life is not boring.

I have a friend in the states who is 78 and lives with a beautiful educated successful 35 year old woman, heck I don't why, they just get along with another, it ain't money.

I'm sure that security had a lot to do with my wife being with me, she is not stupid and knows a new day is coming. But she wasn't buy me a cell phone get me motorcycle the buffalo is dying girl. Saw Pattaya for the first time a few weeks ago, didn't like it to many bars. Worked as a housekeeper for 1k a month for an older couple since she was 14. Quit because the families children believed that they were giving her to much money and a friends family let her work on a farm room and board. Had a great life Father beat he Mother to death over a Mia Noi, her boyfriend stole all her money out of her purse while she was at her father's death bed. You know it took me two years to find these things out she never once complained that life can be unfair. So ya I'm sure security meant something to her. So things may not always be as they seem.

Let me esplain Thailand is the cure for Viagra usage :D

Sounds good ray and I agree with what you have writen

but if I was you I would look out the front as I think I saw someone running off with your wheel chair :D:D:D

Well don't just stand there you whippersnapper go get him :o

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Upon reading this thread I have seen a lot of generalizing going on about a certain age group - teenagers.

It dosen't surprise me at all because the majority of teenagers today do have traits such as what the posters in this thread have said. But I believe life experience is made of trial and error you learn from past mistakes and this is what most of these teenagers will do. No person will live making no mistake in their life, if it does happen tell me about it.

I don't think teens deserve to be given bad comments because at this time in our life we are going through a very big learning process discovering so many new things and our hormones don't help it along the way.

We are called minors for a reason too and it would help if we had elders to look up to that didn't judge us so quickly and were intelligent enough to know we are not all the same and it actually may help the majority of teens if they were to set a decent example and undertstand what it is like being a teen since every elder has experienced this.

And we are forgetting about the minority of teenagers that do not hold these traits you generalize us with. The media portrays the youth of today to be so many things that are not positive, that is called a sterotype. If you relate all teenagers with drugs, sex and alcohol then I sympathise with you.

Next time you generalize, think about it :o

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They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'.

Nothing wrong with having fun in your "twilight years".

But having fun at the expense of others, pursuing sexual encounters like an irresponsible teenager, and living on the verge of financial collapse are things best left to Spring Breakers, not Golden Agers.

You're right, real knowledge does come with time and experience, which is why those who behave themselves (in public) like a bunch of drunken, randy monkeys should be doubly ashamed of themselves.

Not only are they making big asses of themselves, but they are also proving that their entire life was pretty much a waste of time, because they didn't learn a d-a-m-n thing.

By the time you hit the golden years, you're supposed to have wised up and realize that you can still have your fun, but you need to take some responsibility for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community as a whole. Boring as that may seem to some "permanent adolescents", its also the "grown up thing to do".

Something that some people seem to have conveniently forgotten when they stepped off the plane here.

What makes you such an expert, I'm 67 have travelled the world as an Airline pilot, I love coming to Thailand, my favorite country, and perhaps at times I make a fool out of myself, but I enjoy doing it, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. :o

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