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Why Sleight Us Oldies ?


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There's nothing wrong with having a good time, and even whooping it up on occassion.

But its pretty pathetic when that's ALL you do (and all you have done with your life).

I'm not sure that I'm comprehending this correctly.

I had a good time in my youth at school. I had a good time during my first learning years in employment. I had a good time with my first wife. I had a good time raising my children. I had a good time doing my job to the best of my ability. I am now having a good time retired in Thailand.

My epitaph will read "He was pretty pathetic but he had a good time all his life".

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Well, they seem to be hiring them at British Airways, Air Canada and Qantas.

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :D

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.


Classic :D

Personally , I don't care what any of you do as long as your happy doing it .

There's no other way of having that much fun without laughing :D

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Well, they seem to be hiring them at British Airways, Air Canada and Qantas.

Air Canada is a slave to its unions. Once rated #1 international airline, now a big joke. The upside is that if you have any unanswered questions about a DC-3, chances are your flight attendant remembers them and can tell you the answer. :o


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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

Wow Rigger where the heck did all that come from a Rock Ouch!!!!!

Ok time for a reality check my father was 65 when I was born, I was the seventh son with the same Woman. The bed springs were still sqeaking when I was old to enough to understand what that meant and there was no viagra around. That was not Thailand that was in the states.

Was I ashamed of my father just the opposite, not because he could still have sex, but because he was a patient tolerant man. Trust me I had it much easier then my broithers did in his younger years.

I'm 58 my wife is 31, she looks 15, not my fault. I didn't marry her because of the way she looks, we are married because we share similar interests and enjoy our lives together pretty simple stuff.Why did she get my attention out of the women I met in all age groups here she was the one who was honest. We work toward common goals and sometimes we fight like crazy, were just like any other married couple. We have been around Udon long enough that no one pays any attention to us anymore. But outside Udon the jerks both Thai and farrang assume she is a bar girl, There mind not mine. I gave up caring what other people think about me long ago.

You guys are right there are a lot slobbering old drunks here, but my guess is they were slobbering young drunks before they came here.

Does age make me smart no! But it does give me an idea of what not to do since I already fell into a lot of those traps. I still manage to find more. At least life is not boring.

I have a friend in the states who is 78 and lives with a beautiful educated successful 35 year old woman, heck I don't why, they just get along with another, it ain't money.

I'm sure that security had a lot to do with my wife being with me, she is not stupid and knows a new day is coming. But she wasn't buy me a cell phone get me motorcycle the buffalo is dying girl. Saw Pattaya for the first time a few weeks ago, didn't like it to many bars. Worked as a housekeeper for 1k a month for an older couple since she was 14. Quit because the families children believed that they were giving her to much money and a friends family let her work on a farm room and board. Had a great life Father beat he Mother to death over a Mia Noi, her boyfriend stole all her money out of her purse while she was at her father's death bed. You know it took me two years to find these things out she never once complained that life can be unfair. So ya I'm sure security meant something to her. So things may not always be as they seem.

Let me esplain Thailand is the cure for Viagra usage :o

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I had a good time in my youth at school. I had a good time during my first learning years in employment. I had a good time with my first wife. I had a good time raising my children. I had a good time doing my job to the best of my ability. I am now having a good time retired in Thailand.

My epitaph will read "He was pretty pathetic but he had a good time all his life".

My life was a bit different.

When I was conceived my mum wanted an abortion, but I survived, albeit with a few aflictions. Had a lousy time at school - no mates and everyone hated me, my family moved home many times whilst I was at school but I found them out - even from London to Scotland. This was all character building - and I needed it. I married an ugly girl who couldn't get anyone else, but she left me six times before she finally disappeared. I had two kids but they don't talk to me. I made my million and married a Thai bar girl who took all my money but I'm still with her and we're due to move to LOS in two years but I've been diagnosed with cancer with 23 months to live.

I think the epitaph on my tombstone will read "Here lies Lucky".

Edited by pnustedt
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This thread has been good for a laugh as I really couldn’t care what you old farts do

If you are enjoying your self  and are not hurting your self or others GOOD LUCK to you

As for you old guys that get so drunk that you cant even make it home and have to be put to bed in a motel well GOOD LUCK to you to Kringle  :D  :D  :D  :D

Rigger, I'm standing on the 5th (ammendment that is not a bottle of booze) and sticking to it. You might understand better as this : That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :o:D:D

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The Dude has read this thread through and through and feels compelled to comment on a number of mentioned issues. Firstly, The Dude will state that he is 40ish and thus does not fit the old or young category.

1. On Old Dudes in Thailand: The Dude feels that Thailand is here for these people. These people belong here. This is a highly populated land where the average wage wouldn't buy you a cup of Starbucks coffee a day in the US. The Thai people have needs and the old dudes can help and verse vice. Can you dig with shovel as The Dude can?

2. On young dudes in Thailand (20ishes). My question is, <deleted> are they doing here? Are they here for the chicks? The Dude thinks that reason is ludicrous. These dudes should be bird dogging chicks in there own countries. I mean, like what a challenge man, chasing chicks in Thailand...LOL. Are the young dudes here for the business/employment opportunities>? Again, ROFLMFAO. Anyone making this claim is a liar or a fool. So then, Why the fock are they here? The Dude wants to know. You should be using these prime years stockpiling cash and benefits in 1st world nations. You're penniless now and will be forever. That's no way to go thru life, laddies. You have no savings, heath care, nothing. Go home and come back after you make something of yourselves. This is The Dude talking and he won't be handing out any shovels until you do cause your situation is not diggable. you dig?>

3. On Viagra: what a great invention by Pfizer but better to go without cause it cuts down on sensation. The Dudes take is if you can do w/o then do so. Pfizer shovels to be handed out at next Thai Visa party. Dig?

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Well, they seem to be hiring them at British Airways, Air Canada and Qantas.


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Has it ever occured to you that the 15 year old that you assume the oldie is screwing may actually be his grand daughter? The next time you see an oldie and a child walking down the street hand in hand just, for one minute, allow your bigotry to assume that they might be family rather than customer and client. Some of you people are puke-worthy  :o

Actually, endure, that's exactly the problem we face every day. We're the targets of that bigotry and having a bunch of old farts cavorting around RE-ENFORCING that stereotype doesn't exactly make our life any easier.

The other day, I was at the hospital and had the opportunity to witness an exchange that is sadly all to common in this country.

A pretty young Thai-looking woman (maybe 22) and a much farang older gentleman (maybe 50ish) approached the counter and attempted to make an appointment for the young woman. The nurses there essentially snubbed them and went about their business, probably assuming that they were in a client/working-girl relationship and therefore deserved second-class treatment.

It wasn't until they produced ID proving that they were father and daughter that the staff actually brightened up a bit and started to be genuinely helpful.

So, yes, it's all fine and good for some old fart to chase around girls 1/3rd his age, but let's not kid ourselves, that kind of behavior is NOT acceptable in normal Thai culture, and so (fair or not) it DOES paint the rest of us with that same brush.

You're absolutely right that people should not automatically assume that an old man and a younger woman are client and working-girl, but given the ABUNDANT evidence of that kind of behavior in many parts of Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya, it's understandable why many people do make that assumption.

And let's face it. Most Thais don't like that kind of public behavior. They TOLERATE it, but they don't like it.

And so many of us are forced to "prove" we're not like that before we can interact with people in "normal" society.

This may be an Adult Disneyland for some people, but some of us do live here, and when we're sitting on the Skytrain with our wives and/or families, it's kinda annoying to get lumped into the same group as the flip-flop wearing beachball and his pay-by-the-hour "girlfriend".

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

Wow Rigger where the heck did all that come from a Rock Ouch!!!!!

Ok time for a reality check my father was 65 when I was born, I was the seventh son with the same Woman. The bed springs were still sqeaking when I was old to enough to understand what that meant and there was no viagra around. That was not Thailand that was in the states.

Was I ashamed of my father just the opposite, not because he could still have sex, but because he was a patient tolerant man. Trust me I had it much easier then my broithers did in his younger years.

I'm 58 my wife is 31, she looks 15, not my fault. I didn't marry her because of the way she looks, we are married because we share similar interests and enjoy our lives together pretty simple stuff.Why did she get my attention out of the women I met in all age groups here she was the one who was honest. We work toward common goals and sometimes we fight like crazy, were just like any other married couple. We have been around Udon long enough that no one pays any attention to us anymore. But outside Udon the jerks both Thai and farrang assume she is a bar girl, There mind not mine. I gave up caring what other people think about me long ago.

You guys are right there are a lot slobbering old drunks here, but my guess is they were slobbering young drunks before they came here.

Does age make me smart no! But it does give me an idea of what not to do since I already fell into a lot of those traps. I still manage to find more. At least life is not boring.

I have a friend in the states who is 78 and lives with a beautiful educated successful 35 year old woman, heck I don't why, they just get along with another, it ain't money.

I'm sure that security had a lot to do with my wife being with me, she is not stupid and knows a new day is coming. But she wasn't buy me a cell phone get me motorcycle the buffalo is dying girl. Saw Pattaya for the first time a few weeks ago, didn't like it to many bars. Worked as a housekeeper for 1k a month for an older couple since she was 14. Quit because the families children believed that they were giving her to much money and a friends family let her work on a farm room and board. Had a great life Father beat he Mother to death over a Mia Noi, her boyfriend stole all her money out of her purse while she was at her father's death bed. You know it took me two years to find these things out she never once complained that life can be unfair. So ya I'm sure security meant something to her. So things may not always be as they seem.

Let me esplain Thailand is the cure for Viagra usage :o

I have never been to Udon but i am sure i would like to meet you ray23.
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Whilst Fatter than Harry detests the dudes writing style, he at least gives him credit for keeping it in the third person for over 280 posts.

well said..............................dude grow up

Now now LJ.... don't feed the trolls :o

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

Somehow, they don't take it that way when walking with a girl 20-30-40 years their junior. Some here even believe they can attract them.

Wow Rigger where the heck did all that come from a Rock Ouch!!!!!

Ok time for a reality check my father was 65 when I was born, I was the seventh son with the same Woman. The bed springs were still sqeaking when I was old to enough to understand what that meant and there was no viagra around. That was not Thailand that was in the states.

Was I ashamed of my father just the opposite, not because he could still have sex, but because he was a patient tolerant man. Trust me I had it much easier then my broithers did in his younger years.

I'm 58 my wife is 31, she looks 15, not my fault. I didn't marry her because of the way she looks, we are married because we share similar interests and enjoy our lives together pretty simple stuff.Why did she get my attention out of the women I met in all age groups here she was the one who was honest. We work toward common goals and sometimes we fight like crazy, were just like any other married couple. We have been around Udon long enough that no one pays any attention to us anymore. But outside Udon the jerks both Thai and farrang assume she is a bar girl, There mind not mine. I gave up caring what other people think about me long ago.

You guys are right there are a lot slobbering old drunks here, but my guess is they were slobbering young drunks before they came here.

Does age make me smart no! But it does give me an idea of what not to do since I already fell into a lot of those traps. I still manage to find more. At least life is not boring.

I have a friend in the states who is 78 and lives with a beautiful educated successful 35 year old woman, heck I don't why, they just get along with another, it ain't money.

I'm sure that security had a lot to do with my wife being with me, she is not stupid and knows a new day is coming. But she wasn't buy me a cell phone get me motorcycle the buffalo is dying girl. Saw Pattaya for the first time a few weeks ago, didn't like it to many bars. Worked as a housekeeper for 1k a month for an older couple since she was 14. Quit because the families children believed that they were giving her to much money and a friends family let her work on a farm room and board. Had a great life Father beat he Mother to death over a Mia Noi, her boyfriend stole all her money out of her purse while she was at her father's death bed. You know it took me two years to find these things out she never once complained that life can be unfair. So ya I'm sure security meant something to her. So things may not always be as they seem.

Let me esplain Thailand is the cure for Viagra usage :D

I have never been to Udon but i am sure i would like to meet you ray23.

Well you get down this way, let me know we will round up the friends, English Aussie, French and Thia and will cook some mexican food and have good international night.

I really get along with the french guy doesn't speak English or Thia, we have never had an argument :o

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Maybe this is the problem:

A group of senior citizens residing in a Thailand rest home find their lives turned upside down after they are offered the gift of eternal youth by benevolent aliens in Ron Howard’s wonderful tribute to the human spirit. Brian Dennehy is Walter, an alien who returns to earth to rescue 20 of his friends now hibernating in cocoons in the coastal town of Pattaya. With the help of a charter boat captain (Steve Guttenberg), the cocoons are stored in a deserted swimming pool. When three men from a nearby retirement village (the charming Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, and Hume Cronyn) sneak into the pool for a swim, they discover what seem to be oversized oystershells in the water. Suddenly they feel physically and spiritually rejuvenated, believing they've found the long elusive Fountain of Youth. The men's frisky behavior causes something of a controversy in the retirement village as residents are forced to choose between a second youth or accepting the more natural aging process.

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Has it ever occured to you that the 15 year old that you assume the oldie is screwing may actually be his grand daughter? The next time you see an oldie and a child walking down the street hand in hand just, for one minute, allow your bigotry to assume that they might be family rather than customer and client. Some of you people are puke-worthy  :D

Actually, endure, that's exactly the problem we face every day. We're the targets of that bigotry and having a bunch of old farts cavorting around RE-ENFORCING that stereotype doesn't exactly make our life any easier.

The other day, I was at the hospital and had the opportunity to witness an exchange that is sadly all to common in this country.

A pretty young Thai-looking woman (maybe 22) and a much farang older gentleman (maybe 50ish) approached the counter and attempted to make an appointment for the young woman. The nurses there essentially snubbed them and went about their business, probably assuming that they were in a client/working-girl relationship and therefore deserved second-class treatment.

It wasn't until they produced ID proving that they were father and daughter that the staff actually brightened up a bit and started to be genuinely helpful.

So, yes, it's all fine and good for some old fart to chase around girls 1/3rd his age, but let's not kid ourselves, that kind of behavior is NOT acceptable in normal Thai culture, and so (fair or not) it DOES paint the rest of us with that same brush.

You're absolutely right that people should not automatically assume that an old man and a younger woman are client and working-girl, but given the ABUNDANT evidence of that kind of behavior in many parts of Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya, it's understandable why many people do make that assumption.

And let's face it. Most Thais don't like that kind of public behavior. They TOLERATE it, but they don't like it.

And so many of us are forced to "prove" we're not like that before we can interact with people in "normal" society.

This may be an Adult Disneyland for some people, but some of us do live here, and when we're sitting on the Skytrain with our wives and/or families, it's kinda annoying to get lumped into the same group as the flip-flop wearing beachball and his pay-by-the-hour "girlfriend".

Now be fair about this young fella-me-lad. :D It's not just the oldies who are seen with what you call a 'working girl'. In any case, you may sometimes be making the wrong assumption about their relationship. My experience is that age difference between partners is not an issue with Thais and my wife confirms that. Whether or not the contractual arrangement may offend Thais in general I'm not sure. I do, however, suggest that you take care when you comment on the particular arrangements that offend you. I personally know of no such couples but I understand that many farang, of all ages, have met and married 'working girls' and are very happy. If you are a family man, why do you think that Thais 'lump' you with the farang who have 'pay-by-the-hour girlfriends'?

Whenever I feel a prejudice welling up to the surface, I remind myself that we all have to find our way in the world as best we can with the skills and experience that we are given. When I walk around MBK, I usually see farang whose physical appearance I find quite repelling, but who am I to judge them? I have no more right than do the farang women who cast a judgemental eye over me and my wife.

I accept, of course, that some older farang behave badly according to the rules of one person or another. But, then so do farang of all other age groups. And they do it all over the world. Boy, I thought that it was the old who were reactionary and critical. The constant poking at oldies at the moment is getting just a bit tiresome. They have the same right to be what they want as do people of any other age. They have a great deal to offer society and have had either the skill or good fortune to achieve what many young folk will not; they have survived decades of work, traumas, losses and disasters more or less in tact. Now they want to play until they drop their teeth into the glass for the last time. Good luck to them and I hope that as many young bucks as possible have the same opportunity - because you will all find that if and when when you also become oldies you won't want to give up on life either. :o

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in the sequel to the yorkys post, the retirees who chose to leave earth to live forever return home for a temporary visit with their loved ones while their alien escorts attempt to rescue a cocoon dislodged by a pesky oceanographer (lovely cutie). Don Ameche is back as simbo, with his friends Ben Luckett (thomas merton) and Joe Finley (jayenram) and their wives, Bess (bambina), Mary (khall64au), and Alma (ice maiden). They rediscover the value of human emotion and the fragility of their own lives as they visit with their old friends and remember what it's like to live on earth. As the group of friends reconsider what life would be like if they returned permanently, they shop, party, and make some miraculous discoveries about the future of their relationships. Before they decide whether to stay on Earth or return to space, they must help their alien escort Kitty (kat) rescue an alien cocoon from the hands of the government, with the help of her old friend Jack Bonner (cdnvic). Once again the elderly friends must debate whether to stay or to go and consider whether it is better to die surrounded by the people one loves or live forever, separated from family and friends.

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If you told an old-fat-bald person to apply for a flight attendant job, they would tell you get lost. They know how grotesque they would look pushing a trolley along the plane's corridor and how people would look at them and what the customers would think of the airline employing such staff.

You obviously havent flown United airlines , it's scary .

The thing about being old is very soon , sooner than you think you will be old , if your lucky . Not that im old or anything

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in the sequel to the yorkys post, the retirees who chose to leave earth to live forever return home for a temporary visit with their loved ones while their alien escorts attempt to rescue a cocoon dislodged by a pesky oceanographer (lovely cutie). Don Ameche is back as simbo, with his friends Ben Luckett (thomas merton) and Joe Finley (jayenram) and their wives, Bess (bambina), Mary (khall64au), and Alma (ice maiden). They rediscover the value of human emotion and the fragility of their own lives as they visit with their old friends and remember what it's like to live on earth. As the group of friends reconsider what life would be like if they returned permanently, they shop, party, and make some miraculous discoveries about the future of their relationships. Before they decide whether to stay on Earth or return to space, they must help their alien escort Kitty (kat) rescue an alien cocoon from the hands of the government, with the help of her old friend Jack Bonner (cdnvic). Once again the elderly friends must debate whether to stay or to go and consider whether it is better to die surrounded by the people one loves or live forever, separated from family and friends.

are you Quentin Tarantino ?


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