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Why Other Asian Currencys Stronger Against The €,,Then The Thai Bath,?

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this text,i write in my motherlanguage,and translate to english with google,because,its gramaticly a little bit difficult to explain, for me what i want to tell:)

i hope,you understand!

here the result!

Good day!

have a intersannte discovery, made ​​after several comparisons exchange rate!

there is always the weak €, was to blame for the poor Thai Bath!,

I see, but now the exchange rates on Oanda.com, six months retroactively, from Bath to malaysia ringgit, or $ €, I note that the exchangerates in early April, when I was in Malaysia, are almost identical, with course as a half a year later!

itself, is the price to € uS Dollar nearly equal, book now in September, as in April, where we got to Bath € but even more than now!

to what is really?

form in which the U.S. is $ really tied/coupled to the Bath?

that we read,inmany diffrent media!

the self, when compared to $ Thai Bath, from the beginning of April this year, compared with today's exchange rate, the value at 30 Bath, including identical?

what is now keeping $ of this coupling? against the Thai Bath, there is realy?

see at the moment in this comparison, no reason why, other Asian currencies, the euro weakness affected by less as the ThaiBath, the uS Dollar coupling, it is not, but what reason is it then?when i exchange now the ringits into € i got nearly same rate in april then now,and same with the $ to bath,when the € would be lower,i still not understand,why other asian currencys,have nearly same stability,rates ,over a period,of a half year?

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Unlike a lot of brain dead foreigners in Thailand Naam never stops thinking.thumbsup.gif

Anyway, the global currency is the USD. Which is not always liked, but that's what we have.

So almost everything revolves around the USD where international finance and trade is concerned.

Most Asian central banks try and limit fluctuations against their currencies by a bit of manipulation involving a basket of Asian currencies and the USD. They do not want to go out of step with their neighbours, which might cause a bit of irritation. But there is a tendency to weight the basket in a (downward trending) peg against the USD.

If you are looking for a reason why the EUR and USD have moved against the THB or MYR, then you have to look at what is happening between the USD and EUR first. And that is an issue which is far too big to go into here.

Doubtless Naam will come down heavily if he thinks I have erred in my thoughts.ohmy.gif

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