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Sniffer Dogs On Bangkok Subway And Skytrains


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Thais use sniffer dogs in terror fight

BANGKOK: -- Thai army will use sniffer dogs to search for bombs on Bangkok's train system as fears grow that terrorists might target tourists, including Australians.

Thailand's south has been wracked by years of bloody violence between Islamic insurgents and government force.

The Thai army now fears that foreigners might be attacked in the capital as they were in Bali by bombings in 2002 and this year.

A Thai army source said army chief Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin fears that visitors, who use Bangkok's popular Skytrain and underground trains to beat the city's notorious traffic, are vulnerable.

Australian Ambassador Bill Paterson told AAP in Bangkok the development was "a very prudent move".

The Thai armed forces plan to use 12 German Shepherds as sniffer dogs and train staff would receive extra security training.

"No country is immune from the threat of terrorism today, and we welcome steps to protect people from danger," Paterson said.

"We work very closely with the Thai authorities in this regard, and it is good that they are monitoring closely what is going on. This development should help reassure people."

The ambassador said that he did not have any information about a specific threat.

However, the latest Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade advisory warns travellers to exercise great caution - especially in popular public places used by foreigners.

"We receive regular reports that activists may be planning terrorist attacks in various parts of Thailand - not only in the southern provinces - but of course no-one knows precisely where they could strike," Paterson said.

There are signs that such warning are making an impact,

Only a few dozen tourists were on board a normally packed train attacked by bombers en-route from the Malaysian border to Bangkok 12 days ago.

Some passengers jumped off the train but no-one was seriously injured.

Two small bombs exploded and derailed the train - but two others failed to go off.

Violence in southern Thailand continues. Two men were shot dead in Narathiwat's Cho Airong district.

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra spent Sunday night under an extraordinary blanket of security at a Narathiwat hotel, with more than 1,000 armed guards on duty.

A total of 24 suspects have been detained in connection with the storming of a temple in Pattani's Panare district last month in which an elderly monk and two temple boys were killed.

-- AAP 2005-11-07

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Hooray, they are at least making an effort at security in Bangkok. I look forward to the day when I am sniffed before entering BTS or BMT, as it hasn't happened yet, nor have I seen it done to anyone. More effective would be mandatory bag/backpack searches of all passengers before they enter public transit systems, as is done in Manila on their light rail systems. All the security guards standing around in skytrain and subway stations won't be much good if a terrorist with a bomb in a bag decides to do the same as they did in London.

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Well, at least if they are “German Shepherds” they are hopefully bred and properly trained for the job, unlike the local Soi Dogs which were “rescued” some years ago and supposedly trained as Security Dogs.

I well recall the picture in a local newspaper after the dogs had “graduated” from their training course – the “handlers” looked even more embarrassed than the dogs.

As for security in general in Bangkok………… it’s really a rather sad joke.

As an example, I had occasion to visit both the Sheraton and Marriott Hotels here last week.

The Sheraton has equipped their Rent-a-Cop Security Guards with one of those wheeled mirrors - designed to check under a car for an explosive device, but it was obvious from the careless way it was being used that the chap would not recognise a bomb under the car unless it was carefully labeled – in Thai of course.

The Marriott has an impressive looking walk through detector which beeps constantly and is studiously ignored by the Guards who instead make a show of physically examining briefcases etc.; I was carrying a 1 inch thick Folio Case which was not opened by the Guards but could have easily held several ounces of Semtex or other material.

Most measures I have seen here will merely provide a small degree of reassurance to users of a facility – but, at most, a minimal deterrence to a not very motivated Terrorist.


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1. bomb sniffing dogs are not trained, they are conditioned at birth to smell the smell of types of explosives while nursing, this is then used later in training sessions

2. any intelligent breed can do it and the thai soi dogs (pariah dog types) work fine

3. terrorist id by dog can be done by any willing dog and handler who 'marks' types of people by behavior

4. since i live in a country that has massive door/bag/car etc checking, u dont want that!!... it takes me half an hour to get into the super ever;y day because of this...

5. profiling is what is often used, in the states it was deemed unconstitutional so lots of wierd and crazy checks...

6. as an israeli, i am paranoid of any suspicious movement action or type when getting on/off trains etc

7. what i enjoyed in thailand was lack of security at every single door of every single place i went even though i automatically paused to open my bag at every door (they must of thought i was nuts>>)

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Glad that bina has posted.

I was thinking how they could have everyone boarding the skytrain sniffed by a dog.

There can never be a thing such as 100% secure. It's just a matter of balancing.

If they can't do it on the trains, they'd do it on the buses.

Let's be realistic.

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I was on the subway 3 months ago when two soldiers boarded with a dog and it was checking everyone out. Must not happen to often judging by the reaction of the Thai's on board who were all eyes. Can't remember if it was an alsatian or a labrador. I liked how they had it fitted out with little booties on each paw. :o

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