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Good Results With Bbb 590 Baht Per Month Plan


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Recently I switched over to the BBB 590 baht per month plan; my old plan, costing twice as much, which is not currently offered now, titled "Premium Entry Level with Extra Degradation of Service and Random Outages From Hours to Days," or some such, was about 1200 baht per month.

I'm surprised to see connection to the mainly international sites I use frequently are just as fast, if not faster, than before the plan change. And, right now, I'm downloading technical videos from last week's Microsoft Build conference for software developers, for the last four hours, at speeds around 800k, which is about nearly twice the best download speed I had on the old plan.

Now, there are many factors that can influence download speed: it's very possible that Microsoft has a "mirror server" here in Thailand (or in Singapore ?) that may be making the download require fewer "packet hops."

And also, usage patterns may affect response speed: I do not use any so-called social-networking sites, like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

Your mileage may vary. But, note: it is now much simpler to switch plans with BBB; didn't have to wait until the end of the month. They did require I show them my passport again, however.

best, ~o:37;

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Most encouraging, since AIS has during my recent brief absence reduced their 3G limitations at the same price (850, with tax), defaulting to EDGE, what joy.

Alas, True doesn't quite reach my location out toward Maejo with their 3G service, they say, which would have been unlimited at the same fee (+ also defaulting to EDGE for traveling). Nor do they offer ground services here.

So I may be trying Bubba out after all, without the Premium Package.

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Sawadee Dawadee Orang37:

Your command of the English language is not only considerable but enjoyably verstatile. But could you, this once, explain to those of us that use the internet a lot but don't share either your eloquence or technical knowledge what 'mirror servers' and 'packet hops' are? I use 3BB as well but pay 2,600baht a month for which i usually but by no means always get a good connection. Could understanding 'packet hops' potentially save me money?

Yours Hopefully!

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I agree that the 631 Baht package (590 + tax) is a much better connection than the one for 1200. When they were Maxnet I had what they called the Premier package for a while and it was absolutely terrible. I think that was about 1200 if I recall. I've tried a few of the packages and the cheapest ones are always the fastest, most reliable - when they work. I don't understand the pricing at all...

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... could you, this once, explain to those of us that use the internet a lot but don't share either your eloquence or technical knowledge what 'mirror servers' and 'packet hops' are? I use 3BB as well but pay 2,600baht a month for which i usually but by no means always get a good connection. Could understanding 'packet hops' potentially save me money?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun OldeBellPedr,

I don't think this forum is the right venue to get that technical, but here are a few good sources you can use to educate yourself about the fascinating technologies, and data transmission protocols, behind the "Net."

Overview of the Internet

Where the Internet came from

Under the water your data travels, and fast ...

What are packets ?

Mirror Server

popular book explaining the Internet

Would deeply grokking any of the above help save you money ? I doubt it. Perhaps, however, becoming ensorcelled by the magnificent 'how' and 'why' of it all might distract you from more expensive vices :)

best, ~o:37;

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If you change from the Premier plan (what I currently have) and go with the 590 baht plan do you need to bring your router in to their office to have it reset?

No. I've gone back and forth a few times and all you need to do is contact them and they will give you a password good for 2 weeks to try another plan before you commit to it. Once you find the plan you like they will change over the billing.

Also, one thing that improved my Internet connection significantly was when I threw the cheap router they provide customers with into the trash and picked myself up a Cisco router at Panthip Plaza. I got the newest Cisco Linksys with WiFi for under 2K Baht and the difference in the connection is unbelievable.

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I pay B1166 a month with 3BB and get good service.

For first time in a year, the other week the connection packed up.

A phone call had me though to Technical services who suggested that my Router was at fault and for me to take it to 3BB in Kad Sun Khow.

They checked said OK and when I reconnected still no service, but my ISPN no had changed. A second phone call had system up and running.

For whatever reason the ISPN had changed, no input on my part.


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I'd be worried about higher contention ratios with the cheap package (Indy perhaps 50:1), ie, more potential users sharing same bandwidth. With that, what's the consistency like, esp peak times, morning/early evening rush hours? I've been on Premier forever (supposedly CR 20:1) and noticed it tripping up of late, though it's always been quite consistent. However, still have 4meg down, 1 up, which is pretty lame right now in the great scheme of things. Also, how's the latency?

Will prob give it a try, though, thanks.

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If you change from the Premier plan (what I currently have) and go with the 590 baht plan do you need to bring your router in to their office to have it reset?

No. I've gone back and forth a few times and all you need to do is contact them and they will give you a password good for 2 weeks to try another plan before you commit to it. Once you find the plan you like they will change over the billing.

Also, one thing that improved my Internet connection significantly was when I threw the cheap router they provide customers with into the trash and picked myself up a Cisco router at Panthip Plaza. I got the newest Cisco Linksys with WiFi for under 2K Baht and the difference in the connection is unbelievable.

Specifically, where do you go to get the 3bbb password in order to try out the 590 baht plan? Is it the office they have at Airport plaza or some other location?


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If you change from the Premier plan (what I currently have) and go with the 590 baht plan do you need to bring your router in to their office to have it reset?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Mr.MillerSr,

Probably not, but you may need to change the internal username and password in the hardware; which normally is done through a web-browser.

On my simple Huawei ADSL modem (not a router) the internal settings are accessed through a web-browser using:

Suggest when you do go to change your plan you at least take the exact name, model number, etc., of your router with you, and make sure you understand exactly what needs to be done.

good luck, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Specifically, where do you go to get the 3bbb password in order to try out the 590 baht plan? Is it the office they have at Airport plaza or some other location?

Sawasdee Khrup, MrMillerSr,


best, ~o:37;

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I'd be worried about higher contention ratios with the cheap package (Indy perhaps 50:1), ie, more potential users sharing same bandwidth. With that, what's the consistency like, esp peak times, morning/early evening rush hours? I've been on Premier forever (supposedly CR 20:1) and noticed it tripping up of late, though it's always been quite consistent. However, still have 4meg down, 1 up, which is pretty lame right now in the great scheme of things. Also, how's the latency?

Will prob give it a try, though, thanks.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun JackR,

Yes, I was worried about the contention/performance after down-shifting the plan, also.

Download rates are varying depending on source, time of day, etc., however, I am not using Torrents, or doing that much downloading, so that's not critical for me.

The ten hours of downloading tech videos from the recent BUILD conference at near 800k looks like a record, so far :)

Of more importance to me is access to US and Canadian technical sites; that's just fine.

My guess would be that results for any one particular person with this entry-level plan would vary widely depending on neighborhood, etc.

best, ~o:37;

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If you change from the Premier plan (what I currently have) and go with the 590 baht plan do you need to bring your router in to their office to have it reset?

No. I've gone back and forth a few times and all you need to do is contact them and they will give you a password good for 2 weeks to try another plan before you commit to it. Once you find the plan you like they will change over the billing.

Also, one thing that improved my Internet connection significantly was when I threw the cheap router they provide customers with into the trash and picked myself up a Cisco router at Panthip Plaza. I got the newest Cisco Linksys with WiFi for under 2K Baht and the difference in the connection is unbelievable.

Specifically, where do you go to get the 3bbb password in order to try out the 590 baht plan? Is it the office they have at Airport plaza or some other location?


You can go to any 3BB office; Airport, KSK, Sansai, etc., etc. Just give them your telephone number and they will pull up your account.

Orang37 is correct. Just type in and change the password there. Very simple.

Actually it may be At least on my router it is.

Edited by elektrified
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Elektrified, and Khun Tywais,

Yes, you are both correct, the magic IP address is:

This well-trodden blade of grass typed from memory, and did not fact-check.

mea culpa, ~o:37;

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