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Hello All

My Wife has been here now in the UK on her Spouse Visa for 3 weeks, and we have managed to get her National Insurance Number, Medical Number and a joint bank account set up. We are now looking for work for her.

Our next step is the IIR Visa, which we do when she has been in the UK for 24 months.

My Question is what else should we be planning for this IIR?

And when do we start applying for the IIR?


Anybody who knows about the IIR or is that step ahead of us, I would love to hear from you guys, for tips, you guys helped me so much when it came to me doing the spouse visa and the holiday visa before that.:jap: :jap: :jap: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Alan Day


As you say, she qualifies for ILR after she has been living in the UK for 24 months, though she can submit her application up to 28 days before the 2nd anniversary of her arrival.

She will need to show that she has been living with you for the 24 months by providing 6 letters etc. address to you both jointly or individually covering the entire period.Examples of acceptable documents can be found in Section 10 of the application form.

She will also need evidence that she has sufficient Knowledge of language and life in the UK.

There is no limit on time spent outside the UK during the 24 months, but when she applies she will need to show she is a UK resident; difficult to do if she has spent more time outside the UK than in! (Note that when/if she comes to apply for British citizenship that there is a limit on how long she has spent outside the UK in the three years prior to applying. See this topic.)

For more details; fees, how to apply etc., see Completing application form SET(M).

Note that all the above is the current situation, and subject to change at any time by the government.



Ok yes, so I need to read about Life in the UK test for the ILR, not get her to do the ESOL ( English for Speakers of Other Languages then?

Should I still get her to do the ESOL Course at the local College? It must help her to understand English that little bit more, I mean my Wife can speak and listen about the English Language but she is a bit slow at reading and writing.

What do you thing ???



If her English is good enough, ESOL entry level 3 or better, she should be able to understand the LitUK study materials and the test itself so should do this; it's the quicker and cheaper option. If her English is not at that standard she should take an ESOL with citizenship course.

As it says in the Knowledge of language and life in the UK link above, at the bottom of the page,

If you are not exempt from the KOL requirement, you must demonstrate a good knowledge of language and life in the UK before you apply for settlement. Most applicants will need to do this by:
  • passing the 'Life in the UK' test, if they speak English to a reasonable standard, or if they are currently in the UK as skilled or highly skilled migrants; or
  • taking and passing a course in English and citizenship, if they do not speak English.

See also The 'Life in the UK' test and ESOL course in English with citizenship.

  • 3 weeks later...

i too was told my wife had to wait a year but wasnt quoated any figures, but while that year was passing i got my wife the lituk book and cd, she sat on the pc at home listening to the cd and practising the tests and reading what she could understand in the book, my wife doesnt need esol now she passed the test (£50 by the way) all with 15mth to spare? to me the lituk test is the easiest and best option,

The lituk , is that the Life in the UK test???? And you can use The Life in the UK test towards the ILR which she has to do in year and a half, my wife is here on her spouse visa, been in the uk now since september, she has done 4 months before on a Holiday Visa too.

Alan Day :D


So I'm thinking now to forget abot the ESOL at the local college , and to get her involved in doing the Life in the UK test. Can pick out the CD & Book from any good book shop???

And we can use The Life in the UK Test towards her ILR in 18 months ???

Alan Day



There are two ways of satisfying the Knowledge of Life and Language in the UK requirement; passing the Life in the UK test or advancing one level on an ESOL with citizenship course.

See Demonstrating your knowledge of language and life in the UK

From the LitUK website

'Life in the United Kingdom' handbook

You must read the second edition of the Life in the United Kingdom handbook. This is the only official handbook for the Life in the UK test.

You can buy 'Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship', Life in the United Kingdom: Official Citizenship Test Study Guide and Passing the Life in the UK Test: Official Practice Questions and Answers from The Stationery Office website or from bookshops across the UK.

Time spent in the UK as a visitor does not count towards the 24 month qualifying period for ILR.

NB, I've moved a post where you asked the same question from another topic to this. Please do not ask the same question at the same time in different topics. It wont get you any extra answers, but can cause confusion. topic to this.

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