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Stop Smoking Hypnosis In Cm?


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I remember seeing some discussion a few years back on hypnotists in CM and I have tried the search function and no results. Need to quit this terrible addiction and have had success in the past with hypnosis.

Would appreciate any info on hypnosis for kicking the smokeing habit here in CM.......

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I quit using the herbal pills. You know the old lady/guy that walks into each bar with a plastic basket full of impotency/growth creams and pills... You take 1 pill 3 times a day. After the first day, the smell of smoke makes you gag. By the first week, the thought of smoke will make you gag. 1 Bag is 100B.

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Giving this thread a little bump in the hopes that someone missed it. I did contact Earl at the Nic Anonomus and he seemed like a decent guy and maybe that program works, but this time, I want all the help that I can get on my side to beat that deamon nicotine and still would like to find a good hypnotist in CM.

Thanks in advance.....

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I believe the best way is to cut down on consumption. Quitting abruptly may weaken your body defense system that has been fighting against the harmful effects of cigarettes for all those years.

My kid bought me 'blu' premiere electronic cigarettes from the States. It sat on my desk unopen for 12 days until this morning when I ran out of cigarettes, and I have been smoking it the whole day, even at this moment. You can inhale and blow smoke (water vapor) like a real cigarette. I am satisfied with the taste and will use it interchangeably with real cigarettes. I'm a one pack a day smoker. With this electronic cigarettes, I believe I can reduce it to half a pack immediately and eventually to 5 cigarettes a day (I don't want to quit completely because my body knows them for ages). People interested may google blu cigarettes as it may be against the forum rule for me to post its website. Good luck!

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Maybe like the audio book, I've heard of some book that gets into the psychology of smoking and how it works for smokers, and apparently people just quit after reading it. I know of a couple people who've said this. I'll find out the name n get back to you. It sounded pretty amazing to me, and not like it was a forceful thing at all. Something logical about it just gets people past the drive to smoke. Hmmmm....

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It's the book Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking which is on the web in pdf format.

Unlike listening to a video one night, you should read the book slowly and make sure it all sinks in.

It might take several weeks to really think about the concepts put forth. Depends on the person.

Then, when you understand it and fully agree with it, that's the time to become a non-smoker.

BTW, it's not painful and it's not about will-power. It's knowledge and understanding.

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It's the book Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking which is on the web in pdf format.

Unlike listening to a video one night, you should read the book slowly and make sure it all sinks in.

It might take several weeks to really think about the concepts put forth. Depends on the person.

Then, when you understand it and fully agree with it, that's the time to become a non-smoker.

BTW, it's not painful and it's not about will-power. It's knowledge and understanding.

Thank you, I found it here:


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Hello, I am a certified hypnotherapy with training in stop smoking hypnosis, NLP and I am a biochemist & molecular biologist. I just moved out of CM and am currently living in the south. I am happy to give you some myth dispelling truths about smoking addiction and you can take it from there.


1) if you smoke up to 1 pack of cigarettes per day, you do not have enough nicotine in your system to be 'physically addicted' . Your addiction is psychological and hypnosis will easily give you the tools to modify this behavior. If you smoke more than a pack a day, then you will have to reduce your intake to a 1 pack/day or less, in order for hypnotherapy to , or anything else to help you. so this is your first critical step. you will need to smoke a pack or less for at least 1 month prior to attempting hypnotherapy.

3) it takes 10 days to overcome a physical addiction ( 10 days is the half-life of the receptors in your brain that are seeking the external stimulation - i.e., in 10 days of reducing your smoking to a pack or less/day, you will no longer be physically addicted from smoking 2 packs/ day, in 20 days you will be free from physical dependence from 3 packs /day.

so just 'bite the bullet' and choose to reduce your intake to less than a pack a day. this is an absolute requirement, do or die, so to speak straight "pom chop pud throng throng na"

3) you and all humans, are actually capable of dropping this 1 pack/day habit in as little as 1 hour , but for many, it will take about 3-5 weeks, ( 1 - 2 60-90 min sessions per week) for some it will take longer. a well designed hypnotherapy smoking cessation program will take about 5 sessions. The first session will prep you , the second session will break the habit, the remaining sessions will deepen the work and give you just the right amount of support, give or take a session or 2.

4) all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis, in this case with a guide. know this to empower yourself. you will be doing the work and the changes, as nobody can do it for you. this means that you have to be authentically willing and accept that you may fall back and then get back up and so on, until you learn how to master this unconscious aspect of your mind... nice and easy works best.

5) habits ( and this is the most addictive aspect of smoking) take about 21 days to break. you must learn how to bring awareness to your habit, and this awareness, coupled with very simple relaxation exercises, will help you be free. in reality, if you meditate while you smoke ( not smoke while you meditate !) you will see how easy it is to be free ;-)

6) . zero judgements. be gentle and compassionate with yourself. we are bombarded and overwhelmed with pr scientifically and psychologically designed to enter and manipulate our subconscious mind in order to purchase 'nicotine delivery devices', aka cigarettes. you can easily learn how to filter this psychological 'spam' by simply using your awareness of it. and you will be able to master this ;-) download and watch "A Century of Self" - 4 part series by the BBC for revealing insights in how corporations, governments, religions and special interest groups use advanced mind manipulation technology ' basically commercial hypnosis and NLP NeuroLinguistic Programming, very interesting , insightful and revealing ^^

7) know that the most important component of this work is about directly finding , purging and transcending long standing and acting self destructive imprints and conditionings we all imprint in our childhood. once these are cleared, smoking or not smoking is no longer relevant. in other words, get to the root of the problems and they all fade away , especially when smoking is coupled with drinking, drugs, gambling, unhealthy sex, and other self destructive habits and behaviors, etc..;-)

finally, if what i have written here resonates with you, feel free to pm me for more info... and in the meantime, I am contacting a cm hypnotherapist who may be experienced enough to guide you on this journey.

cheers ^^

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Hello, I am a certified hypnotherapy with training in stop smoking hypnosis, NLP and I am a biochemist & molecular biologist. I just moved out of CM and am currently living in the south. I am happy to give you some myth dispelling truths about smoking addiction and you can take it from there.


1) if you smoke up to 1 pack of cigarettes per day, you do not have enough nicotine in your system to be 'physically addicted' . Your addiction is psychological and hypnosis will easily give you the tools to modify this behavior. If you smoke more than a pack a day, then you will have to reduce your intake to a 1 pack/day or less, in order for hypnotherapy to , or anything else to help you. so this is your first critical step. you will need to smoke a pack or less for at least 1 month prior to attempting hypnotherapy.

3) it takes 10 days to overcome a physical addiction ( 10 days is the half-life of the receptors in your brain that are seeking the external stimulation - i.e., in 10 days of reducing your smoking to a pack or less/day, you will no longer be physically addicted from smoking 2 packs/ day, in 20 days you will be free from physical dependence from 3 packs /day.

so just 'bite the bullet' and choose to reduce your intake to less than a pack a day. this is an absolute requirement, do or die, so to speak straight "pom chop pud throng throng na"

3) you and all humans, are actually capable of dropping this 1 pack/day habit in as little as 1 hour , but for many, it will take about 3-5 weeks, ( 1 - 2 60-90 min sessions per week) for some it will take longer. a well designed hypnotherapy smoking cessation program will take about 5 sessions. The first session will prep you , the second session will break the habit, the remaining sessions will deepen the work and give you just the right amount of support, give or take a session or 2.

4) all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis, in this case with a guide. know this to empower yourself. you will be doing the work and the changes, as nobody can do it for you. this means that you have to be authentically willing and accept that you may fall back and then get back up and so on, until you learn how to master this unconscious aspect of your mind... nice and easy works best.

5) habits ( and this is the most addictive aspect of smoking) take about 21 days to break. you must learn how to bring awareness to your habit, and this awareness, coupled with very simple relaxation exercises, will help you be free. in reality, if you meditate while you smoke ( not smoke while you meditate !) you will see how easy it is to be free ;-)

6) . zero judgements. be gentle and compassionate with yourself. we are bombarded and overwhelmed with pr scientifically and psychologically designed to enter and manipulate our subconscious mind in order to purchase 'nicotine delivery devices', aka cigarettes. you can easily learn how to filter this psychological 'spam' by simply using your awareness of it. and you will be able to master this ;-) download and watch "A Century of Self" - 4 part series by the BBC for revealing insights in how corporations, governments, religions and special interest groups use advanced mind manipulation technology ' basically commercial hypnosis and NLP NeuroLinguistic Programming, very interesting , insightful and revealing ^^

7) know that the most important component of this work is about directly finding , purging and transcending long standing and acting self destructive imprints and conditionings we all imprint in our childhood. once these are cleared, smoking or not smoking is no longer relevant. in other words, get to the root of the problems and they all fade away , especially when smoking is coupled with drinking, drugs, gambling, unhealthy sex, and other self destructive habits and behaviors, etc..;-)

finally, if what i have written here resonates with you, feel free to pm me for more info... and in the meantime, I am contacting a cm hypnotherapist who may be experienced enough to guide you on this journey.

cheers ^^

Good info and thanks Rafaelo.....too bad you moved down south before we could connect. I'm about a pack and half smoker and cutting down. I have had a previous experience with hypnosis that did the job for 7 years, so I know it can work and it does seem logical that the less dependent you are, the easier to get success from hypnosis.

I am under some pressure with a construction project at home [another excuse?] and think that I would be more receptive after the job is done and I can focus on quiting........True?

Meanwhile, I will try to attend one of the NA meetings and connect with some others in the same boat as me.

And Yes, if you think that your other hypnotist friend is available and capable, then please connect us by PM.

And I am downloading the BBC series as I write this.

Thanks for your support and tips.....


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Not quite hypnosis, but I've been off the ciggies and 'smoking' an electronic cigarette for almost 6 months. Pretty much from the beginning I was 'smoking' zero nicotine liquid, just menthol flavoured glycerine. Not sure if I'm allowed to put a link to the CM supplier of the best type you can get, but happy to let you have it. I've always believed smoking is habit rather than addiction, this way I get to suck on something and blow 'smoke' out. I even still go onto the balcony for my fix. B)

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i can help you stop smoking ,

first you got to give me a million baht .

every time you smoke 1 - i deduct 15,000 baht from the million baht you give me .

at the end of 60 days i will return you what ever that is Left to you .

we can sign a contract also .


if you are successful our fee will be a mere 10 baht :)

- Wanna try ?

- this is the most advance subliminal stop smoking tactic i invented .

we have a 90 % success rate - base on study . and if in 60 days we do not make you stop smoking we throw in another 30 days free of charge

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Well, it's two full days that I have been smoking exclusively this blu premier electronic cigarettes. I just used up one cartridge (the filter that contains the ingredients). One cartridge is meant to last 250 drags which it says equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. So far, it has satisfied my smoking habit but like I said earlier I would use it interchangeable with real tobacco.

Reading off the cartridge box:

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Nicotine, Natural & Artificial Flavors, USP Glycerin, Citric Acid

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Well, it's two full days that I have been smoking exclusively this blu premier electronic cigarettes. I just used up one cartridge (the filter that contains the ingredients). One cartridge is meant to last 250 drags which it says equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. So far, it has satisfied my smoking habit but like I said earlier I would use it interchangeable with real tobacco.

Reading off the cartridge box:

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Nicotine, Natural & Artificial Flavors, USP Glycerin, Citric Acid

I smoked a pack a day untill I bought an ego-t electronic cigarette. I stopped smoking the same day and still have half a pack on my office desk. Try it - its just different, but you don't have the feeling to miss something.

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