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The Last Straw

The Gentleman Scamp

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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.

Just means you gotta plan ahead?

Try Brazil, Scampy - it 'rocks' too! :o

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Be as honest with yourself about it as you are when you post and you might have half a chance.

I am very aware of it, however - I can drink steadily until I pass out without slurring, stumbling or making an exhibition... I have matured into one of these 'sober' drunks who drink themselves sober and fall asleep in the middle of a conversation like Homer Simpsons dad.

I empathise with you Scampy, mate.

Do you have "blackouts"?

If you don't, you have all the signs of early alcoholism, and you will get them.

I was a drunk in Bangkok for over 5 years, and believe me it is very dangerous!!

Many of the guys I used to run the streets with are now dead, locked up in jail or asylums, still in the "disease", or recovering. Not one got better and managed to drink like a "Gentleman", although they have tried unsuccessfully for f'years.

I am very very lucky to be alive, with my freedom, after some of the situations I found myself waking up to. I could shock a few here with some of these stories.

Grand Slam - that is nothing! Drinking became SO important, that I put up with a lot worse than that to get my "fix".

Alcohol was the main reason that I came to Thailand - being able to drink round the clock, along with a few other substances to make the horrors less.

If you have a drinking problem, it WILL get worse. You should check to see if there are any alkies in your family - if there are then the warning bells are ringing.

If you're lucky you might heed them and quit before you go down the nightmare road that I and many others I know did. It is not fun. Unfortunately you will be an exception if you don't.

Here are 12 questions to find out if you have a drinking problem. If you answer 4 "yes", then you probably have a problem - I answered 12.


Kind regards

N :o N

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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :D  :D  :D  :D

This idiotic new law has been passed since I have been away and I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out at a FamilyMart to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next?  Closure of Cowboy and Nana?  Eradication of Tuk Tuk's and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be a cross between the U.S. ,North Korea and communist China - not a great mix.

Well, he won't be able to have it both ways - either keep Thailand real and make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel genuinly sorry for the poorer people of Thailand because they could suffer as a result of Mr T being such a control freak and his obsession with power and what all his leader peers think of him, not to mention the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes...  He is a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without him, and although if he has it his way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.


This is the biggest pile of <deleted> i have read for a long time!

No wonder Thai's think were just a load of fat whore-mongerers!!!!

Hey i represent this remark :o

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Somehow I think Scampy will <deleted> himself before all is said and done. :o

Understandable. He lives in a shit..ole of a place, for him even isaan plains might be entertaining.

Poor man from a sad, very sad hole with a very bad climate.

Saw that lousy place 4 times, even lived there (at Windsor as the office was at Poyle), never again, I hope. On weekends staying at Euston Holiday In.

1 year of drizzle, can't forget it.

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I was happier when I was poor - people generaly are, which is another reason Thailand should stop trying to become another western country cause it won't do it any good and it'll end up just like the U.K. -  full of insecure drunks with nothing better to do.

People are generally happier when they are poor? How patronising. Why do you think people work? Sorry, but poverty doesn't make people happy - it's just that money doesn't necessarily bring happiness. There is a difference. If you are unhappy when you are poor, all that money does is take away one set of worries and replace them with others. Been there, done that.

As for the insecure drunks in the UK - yup, there are plenty. If you have problems in the UK, running away to another country will not solve them. A loser in the UK will be a loser in LOS.

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Have to agree with sad man here....

whats the prob scampy?.....u cant' get your beer after 1am...big deal...! buy some before 1am....

and happier being poor? are u for real? happyness isn't defined by how much u have in the bank scampy...maybe u have fallen down that trap?

i maybe wrong here, but it seems like u are unhappy with yourself...?

chill out mate...let the thai's rule their country how they like after all its their country and u are just a visitor looking for an easy life...

where else wud u go anyhow scampy? somewhere were there are no laws? and poor people? so u can leave like a king..???

sorry scampy ur post is very self righteous.... :o

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Actually Scampy the law was introduced in 1972, but laid to rest and forgotten about. Someone delving around in the archives found it in Dec 2004 and the law was reintroduced on Jan 15th 2005. Since then there have been around 20 posts on the matter, so it goes to show you do not read other peoples posts on Thai Visa, maybe only your own. The negative results you got on your post may be due to the fact that after the first 5 posts on the matter a lot of people were so p1ssed off reading about it, and the fact that after a number of posts we were still getting " Er guess wot? You can't buy fahkin booze" that after nearly 9 months of people realising that this was a law, some bright spark ignites the long forgotten fuse once more. I suggest you try reading a few more posts. You certainly have the time seeing as all the new posts you introduce. No hard feelings but put it to rest please.

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So only Eric Davies and Wolfie twigged I was on a wind up then?

I can only hope that the reason this went over the heads of so many is because they skipped page 4 or replied after reading the OP.

If anything this post does highlight the fact that I drink too much, and in reply to Neeranam's post, the best contribution to this farcical thread thus far, then yes there is a history of alcoholism in my family.

I was fostered at 3yrs old because my dear mother (who died of boozing in 2001) was reported to social services after being pissed in charge of a pram and my father had a drink problem for years but at 75 is healthy and drinks in moderation.

I am by no means in denial and I can go without but only if my time is occupied with work, but we are on holiday for the next month and I can't wait to work again.

This post by the way is genuine, I'll now scroll back and do that test.

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