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Are Thais Racist?


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Are Thais Racist?

Whilst in Pattaya this year I took my TG to the cinema, as you do, to see a very funny Thai movie called Yam Yasothon. If you have not seen this yet then I highly recommend it. I was literally doubled up with laughter at some points.

I stopped laughing and sat opened mouthed in surprise when there were several references to the ugly girl of the film being called “Blackie” and “Monkey”. The rest of the audience found this hilarious.

Now I’m not one of your liberal, jumps on the race band wagon, Guardian reading radicals but I must admit, as a westerner, I found it surprising that dark skinned people could still me referred to like this for comedy value. In the UK we haven’t seen stuff like this since Alf Garnett.

I understand that Thais do value white skin and there are several skin whitening products available as well as the powder all the girls seem to use but my question is are Thai people inherently racist or is it just a cultural naivety?

BTW there were 2 black American guys in the same cinema and they didn’t seem to be upset of offended so maybe this is something they had come across before?

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It's because you come from a country that is so far up it's arse about protecting the "Ethnic Minority" that you find the Thais liberalism strange.

30 years ago you would not have to worry about calling somebody "A Black" now you can go to prison for it.

One of the reasons I live in Thailand.

oh and of course no offence intended to Black people- see I'm conditioned

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Nothing to do with liberalism. Thais really are racists!

Against whom? Black White Yellow?

Why do you say that.? Please clarify exactly what you mean and how things difer here from your country of origin

I have been here three years and never been racially abused, Unless you consider the term "Farang" to be racist.?

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Thais are very racist and direct it with most venom towards Blacks and indian/packistani people. I have been told that "it's because they smell" to explain this attitude

Yep i have heard this several times around Thailand, and quite openly said as well

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Shocking - well maybe they do smell.....?

Now this puts me in a bit of a predicament being of Pakistani origin (my parents) but born and brought up in the UK - the thing is I wouldn't have noticed any such attitude from Thais and have certainly not experienced it during my 4 visits there. I have met and interacted with many locals (obviously) and even made a few friends who remain in regular contact. So what's the deal? Is it because I'm not a "real" Pakinstani but a British one?

Edited by zaz
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Actually you're right there toast, I've heard/read about the term "smelly farang" more so than any other....but hey aren't most people/countries racist if even a little? It's human nature to be comfortable with the "clan" that you are with. The important thing is that it's not explicit enough to cause offence/insult and that they don't end up treating some people badly.

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I worked for twelve years in the Thai offices of an international corporation. We frequently had assignees in the office from our other international offices, in particular South Africa and India.

My employers operate a non discriminatory employment policy and all employees are required to undergo corporate training in a range of topics from business ethics through Health, Safety and Environmental awareness. We are also required to attend training on non discrimination.

My employers had to re-run the non discrimination classes when we started to assign Black African and Indian staff after several incidences of racism. These ranged from Thais refusing to share office space with Black Africans and Indians, cases of verbal abuse and racist comments of the sort identified by the OP and Thais who simply refused to even talk to Black Africans and Indians.

I myself witnessed a Thai dump a plate of biscuits into the trash directly after an Indian colleague had taken one of the biscuits. I saw this, I heard the racist comment that accompanied the act and so did the Indian guy.

At the workshop to address these issues educated Thais stood up and made statements that I would associate with white supremacist groups.

I’m not talking about ‘Innocent Non PC’ statements, I’m talking about racist filth.

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Thais are very racist and direct it with most venom towards Blacks and indian/packistani people. I have been told that "it's because they smell" to explain this attitude

Yep i have heard this several times around Thailand, and quite openly said as well

Well I never

You have to get out more ThaiPauly. Just kidding. :o I agree that there is racism here but then where isn't there any. You can tell by the various derogatory terms the Thais have for different races/groups. Won't go into them here because I am really uncomfortable with any racist terms.

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I was literally doubled up with laughter at some points.

I stopped laughing and sat opened mouthed in surprise when there were several references to the ugly girl of the film being called “Blackie” and “Monkey”. The rest of the audience found this hilarious.

Racism or not....Thai's are allowed to enjoy themselves, and they know how to.

If they want to laugh at this sort of thing they do, if they dont want to laugh, they dont.

They have a choice. My choice in the UK was taken away from me, along with hundreds of other liberties that are not denied me here in Thailand.

The US prides itself on being the land of the free, this is rubbish, you cant fart in USA for fear of lawsuit.

Thai's are free to laugh at this kind of thing if they want to, who are we to argue?

I for one find their percieved ignorance of issues like racism quite liberating

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I am bewildered why on earth a bunch of Covicts have the audacity to suggest that we magnificent Brits are "Soap Dodgers"

Surely a shower a week in Thailand is more than enough... oh plus an extra one Christmas !!!

I have edited this post so I do not start World War 3

Edited by ThaiPauly
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I tend to believe that every single human being on earth is racist.

It's as simple as people being borned to like different colours, different food, different smells...etc...

I think in this discussion, it's important to really define the word "racism" accurately.

Is only dislike of a certain skin colour in one's mind and not showing it "racist"?

Is physical action required to constitute "racism"?

Is the dislike of the way of life or certain things being done by certain races "racists"?

And the list goes on...

I think perhaps a lot of members here have different ideas about what "racism" is which leads to a lot of different answers to this thread.

It's quite an abstract issue.

My opinion is that Thais aren't very racist when compare to some other countries.

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I tend to believe that every single human being on earth is racist.

It's as simple as people being borned to like different colours, different food, different smells...etc...

I think in this discussion, it's important to really define the word "racism" accurately.

Is only dislike of a certain skin colour in one's mind and not showing it "racist"?

Is physical action required to constitute "racism"?

Is the dislike of the way of life or certain things being done by certain races "racists"?

And the list goes on...

I think perhaps a lot of members here have different ideas about what "racism" is which leads to a lot of different answers to this thread.

It's quite an abstract issue.

My opinion is that Thais aren't very racist when compare to some other countries.

Birds of a feather stick together, I see your point

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I tend to believe that every single human being on earth is racist.

It's as simple as people being borned to like different colours, different food, different smells...etc...

I think in this discussion, it's important to really define the word "racism" accurately.

Is only dislike of a certain skin colour in one's mind and not showing it "racist"?

Is physical action required to constitute "racism"?

Is the dislike of the way of life or certain things being done by certain races "racists"?

And the list goes on...

I think perhaps a lot of members here have different ideas about what "racism" is which leads to a lot of different answers to this thread.

It's quite an abstract issue.

My opinion is that Thais aren't very racist when compare to some other countries.

Yes, indeed it's a question of defining racism. I suppose over history there are plenty of examples of different levels of racism e.g. "old" America's attitude towards African slaves, South Africa's history against indigenous blacks etc. And there's always been banter between Brits and Aussies, Aussies and Kiwis, Yanks and Canadians the list goes on.

At the end of the day how people play it is what counts - is it ok to just have a laugh about it and when does one actually step over the line - where is the line drawn? It's all about how much offence it causes and if it causes offence then it surely can't be acceptable in any shape or form.

Racism is the point at which stereotyping/prejudice goes beyond just generalising certain groups of people.

Back to the OP and the film, however, I scratch my head in confusion....what exactly is so funny about a black person being black?

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Actually you're right there toast, I've heard/read about the term "smelly farang" more so than any other

We are smelly farang. We eat red meat and drink dairy products which gives us a characteristic smell which the Thais notice because they don't eat as much red meat or dairy. When they say we smell what they mean is that we smell different to them.

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