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Justice Ministry To Change 'Terrorism' Charges Against Red Shirts To 'Criminal Association'


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I stand by my post history. Wherever I have perceived misjustice, in my opinion, I have commented on it.

Of course. You consider your own opinion based on what is fair, and the opinion of others who disagree, as based on bias.

No. I have my opinions and I state them. If my opinion was based on what you perceive it to be it wouldn't be my opinion would it, it'd be yours.

Don't know what you are saying "no" to.

You made a statement about what you think i base my opinions on and my supposed thoughts on other peoples opinions. I disagreed with that statement.

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You made a statement about what you think i base my opinions on and my supposed thoughts on other peoples opinions. I disagreed with that statement.

So you don't think your opinion is based on what is fair, and you don't think the opinion of those who you say have gone from believing in the judges under the Dems, to not believing in them under the PTP, is based on bias. OK.

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You made a statement about what you think i base my opinions on and my supposed thoughts on other peoples opinions. I disagreed with that statement.

So you don't think your opinion is based on what is fair, and you don't think the opinion of those who you say have gone from believing in the judges under the Dems, to not believing in them under the PTP, is based on bias. OK.

Whatever you say Rivalex.

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You made a statement about what you think i base my opinions on and my supposed thoughts on other peoples opinions. I disagreed with that statement.

So you don't think your opinion is based on what is fair, and you don't think the opinion of those who you say have gone from believing in the judges under the Dems, to not believing in them under the PTP, is based on bias. OK.

Whatever you say Rivalex.

It was what you seemed to be saying, although it wasn't terribly clear, hence my asking for clarification. If that's too much trouble, never mind.

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The ministry has ordered all related agencies to be ready to follow the proposals of the Truth for Reconciliation Commission, which includes changing terrorism charges against the red shirts to "Ang Yi" or criminal association.

Does this mean we will get a review of the 'airport seizure' case against the PAD ?

"Court orders PAD leaders to pay US$17 million for airport seizure

March 26, 2011


The movement's key leaders including Sondhi Limthongkul, retired Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang, Phiphob Thongchai, Somsak Kosaisuuk, Somkiat Pongpaibul, Chaiwat Sinsuwong and Suriyasai Katasila. They have been facing severe charges of terrorism as they spearheaded the Yellow Shirt protesters seizure of the airports."


Interesting detail, Dr. weng was very vocal begin of December 2008 and started the talk on terrorism. Found this blog entry, the embedded theNation links give a 404 unfortunately


Undated, but probably begin of December 2008


Edited by rubl
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Ha, I love reading all the fascist coup loving pro democrats getting all worked up now the Thai people are able to do to them what was done to them. To the victor the spoils :)

Ah, so you're not a true democrat and apparently not very learned also, huh? Never heard of the "tyranny of the majority"?

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Terrorist charges were a failed politically motivated world wide joke to start with.

Maybe but there are several forms of terrorisim (world terrorism to localised internal terrorism). Personally i thought it was more sedition than terrorism.. but i'm not sure that Thailand has sedition on its statute .

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Ha, I love reading all the fascist coup loving pro democrats getting all worked up now the Thai people are able to do to them what was done to them. To the victor the spoils :)

Ah, so you're not a true democrat and apparently not very learned also, huh? Never heard of the "tyranny of the majority"?

Sorry if you missed the point but by 'democrats' I was refering to the Democrat party which I do understand is misleading in the extreme. As for the not very learned bit you just demonstrate what an elitist you are and try to throw insults. As a matter of fact I had a very good education thank you.

As to the tyranny of the majority it sure beats the tyranny of the minority of which you are clearly a member.

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Ha, I love reading all the fascist coup loving pro democrats getting all worked up now the Thai people are able to do to them what was done to them. To the victor the spoils :)

Ah, so you're not a true democrat and apparently not very learned also, huh? Never heard of the "tyranny of the majority"?

Sorry if you missed the point but by 'democrats' I was refering to the Democrat party which I do understand is misleading in the extreme. As for the not very learned bit you just demonstrate what an elitist you are and try to throw insults. As a matter of fact I had a very good education thank you.

As to the tyranny of the majority it sure beats the tyranny of the minority of which you are clearly a member.

'I love reading ... all the fascist ... coup loving ... pro democrats ... getting worked up' ==> suggests some text posted is by 'pro democrats' who happen to 'love a/the coup' and are 'fascist' to boot.

'the Thai people are able to do to them ... what was done to them' ==> 'the Thai people' suggests a majority of the Thai people; 'do to them' may refer to the OP with red-shirts being merely 'criminally associated' rather than terrorists, but it may also refer to the posters which doesn't make sense as most would be foreigners anyway and not charged of terrorism or criminal association.

'to the victors the spoil' needs clarification as it probably doesn't refer to the OP which is about justice.

Well, at least the rain stopped ;)

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Ha, I love reading all the fascist coup loving pro democrats getting all worked up now the Thai people are able to do to them what was done to them. To the victor the spoils :)

Ah, so you're not a true democrat and apparently not very learned also, huh? Never heard of the "tyranny of the majority"?

Sorry if you missed the point but by 'democrats' I was refering to the Democrat party which I do understand is misleading in the extreme. As for the not very learned bit you just demonstrate what an elitist you are and try to throw insults. As a matter of fact I had a very good education thank you.

As to the tyranny of the majority it sure beats the tyranny of the minority of which you are clearly a member.

'I love reading ... all the fascist ... coup loving ... pro democrats ... getting worked up' ==> suggests some text posted is by 'pro democrats' who happen to 'love a/the coup' and are 'fascist' to boot.

'the Thai people are able to do to them ... what was done to them' ==> 'the Thai people' suggests a majority of the Thai people; 'do to them' may refer to the OP with red-shirts being merely 'criminally associated' rather than terrorists, but it may also refer to the posters which doesn't make sense as most would be foreigners anyway and not charged of terrorism or criminal association.

'to the victors the spoil' needs clarification as it probably doesn't refer to the OP which is about justice.

Well, at least the rain stopped ;)

Not sure what you are rambling on about ?!?

Got the last bit though. I do that too when I have nothing to say - mention the weather :)

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Sorry if you missed the point but by 'democrats' I was refering to the Democrat party which I do understand is misleading in the extreme. As for the not very learned bit you just demonstrate what an elitist you are and try to throw insults. As a matter of fact I had a very good education thank you.

As to the tyranny of the majority it sure beats the tyranny of the minority of which you are clearly a member.

'I love reading ... all the fascist ... coup loving ... pro democrats ... getting worked up' ==> suggests some text posted is by 'pro democrats' who happen to 'love a/the coup' and are 'fascist' to boot.

'the Thai people are able to do to them ... what was done to them' ==> 'the Thai people' suggests a majority of the Thai people; 'do to them' may refer to the OP with red-shirts being merely 'criminally associated' rather than terrorists, but it may also refer to the posters which doesn't make sense as most would be foreigners anyway and not charged of terrorism or criminal association.

'to the victors the spoil' needs clarification as it probably doesn't refer to the OP which is about justice.

Well, at least the rain stopped ;)

Not sure what you are rambling on about ?!?

Got the last bit though. I do that too when I have nothing to say - mention the weather :)

Terribly sorry I missed your post from just a few minutes before I replied. If only I'd known you had a decent education ... :rolleyes:

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Funny how some of the people who think labelling the red shirt protests of 2009 and 2010 - that happened to include burning buses, buildings, molotov cocktails, grenades, guns, slingshots - as terrorism, to be quite ridiculous, were the same people who were saying that the yellow sit in at the airport - that didn't include burning buses, molotov cocktails, grenades, guns, slingshots, but did include some inconvenienced travellers - most certainly was a terrorist act.

It's a warped old world some people are living in. Not you somo, i'm sure.

Call either of the acts what you will, but terrorism charges were going over the top.


Considering that terrorism simply means, by my understanding anyway, inciting fear through violent acts to force change, I don't see why it is over the top. Perhaps the problem some people have with the term, is they associate it with outside extremists of a muslim faith, and with flying planes into building and suicide bombers. Perhaps if Arisman and friends were all wearing burqas, some might see their acts, like standing on stage declaring war and instructing the destruction of certain institutions, as more terrorist like.

see, i disagree... there is no what "terrorism simply means", there are broad and differing definitions

by your definition if someone phoned an airport and gave a hoax bomb threat then it would not be terrorism, as it was only the false 'suggestion of violence' but not a violent act in itself

so again, i don't think there is a "terrorism simply means" statement that you can make.

do you think that people weren't in fear of violence when pad took over the airport? i think they were

but i still wouldn't call either the red shirt rallies of 2010 or the pad's actions of 2006 "terrorism"

i wouldn't call the latest middle eastern protests "terrorism" either, yet they weren't 100% peaceful demonstrations...

they were mainly peaceful but there was a small minority of armed rogue elements among protestors, just like the 2010 protests of thailand imo

some people say terrorism is to incite public fear to enforce change, even just because of the possible threat of violence

there are human rights experts who discuss this very thread topic ie. whether it was terrorism, if you want to research it further.

but, i stick to that it wasn't 'terrorism'...

also just to the part i bolded, i could be wrong but don't they officially refer to the extremists down south as insurgents and not terrorists?

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I stand by my post history. Wherever I have perceived misjustice, in my opinion, I have commented on it.

Of course. You consider your own opinion based on what is fair, and the opinion of others who disagree, as based on bias.

Are you saying "phiphidon" and "Siam Simon" are one and the same person?

I must confess that I'm much happier seeing you making childish troll posts such as this one quoted rather than seeing you make posts advocating the murder of people who you don't like, and the mass murder of the families of people who you very much don't like :crazy: .

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Anayway, all these posters criticising the Judiciary as being interfered with by politicians. Isn't that a banning offence on TVF, and a criminal offence in real life?

The OP is in regards to the Justice Ministry, which is not part of the judiciary, but rather, is part of Yingluck's government.


Edited by Buchholz
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Anayway, all these posters criticising the Judiciary as being interfered with by politicians. Isn't that a banning offence on TVF, and a criminal offence in real life?

The OP is in regards to the Justice Ministry, which is not part of the judiciary, but rather, is part of Yingluck's government.


Thank you Buchholz for bringing us back to the OP!

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