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Demonstration For Potential New Employer


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Hello Teaching Forum, this is my first post here.

Im currently teaching in Nakhon Pathom but unfortunately my boss is a cowboy and as tight as cramp with a wage.

Anywhooo, I've got an interview with what I will only describe as an awesome school with awesome prospects.

Great pay

Great hours

Great OT if I want it


I have an interview / demonstration for this job which I have had a million interviews and can hold my own talking about anything to anyone.

Now the demonstration is another story, at first it was a cheeky 20 minute say hello to some students get them talking and don't scare them.

Now its a 20-30 minute English affair with a 20-30 minutes Maths affair, so call it an hours class with 2 subjects and lots of eyes watching me, directors other staff you name it. Now this doesn't scare me infact quite the opposite I'm ready and have lots of ideas.

My good Thai Teacher Visa type people, all I ask is a few ideas to throw around regards linking the 2 and not stopping and making it feel like 2 classes, I'd love some ideas of how to fill the time and not just pass the time.

I'm a fairly new teacher (1 year) so be gentle, I'm ex-military and can tell a class of grown ups what to do but the little dears are another story.

I've had great results with the children I've worked with so far in Thailand and just want to WOW the directors.

I've already told them I am the man for the job and I know I am 100% confident of getting the result I want.

So help or don't help It will all be appreciated if positive and if its negative then you can go take a walk off a cliff. (Sorry no offence intended in advance) ;-)

The class will be aimed at Prathom 1 aged 5-6-7 is that?

Thank you and take care


Edited by jambco984
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Its not for another week and a bit so I hope someone will pop up with some pearls of wisdom.

I have got it covered I think but its just nice to hear some other ideas and as you say if some demo monsters read this then please feel free to give me some words of loving.

Thank you

:wai: :jap:

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Its not for another week and a bit so I hope someone will pop up with some pearls of wisdom.

I have got it covered I think but its just nice to hear some other ideas and as you say if some demo monsters read this then please feel free to give me some words of loving.

Thank you

:wai: :jap:

hi, for prathom 1's, flashcards are your friend. a picture says a thousand words and all that.

you will probably only be able to teach a few words as this is all new to them but at that age they are like sponges.

to make it a fun lesson as well as educational, show the flashcard and get them to repeat 2 to 3 times. when you think they have a firm grasp, line the flashcards along the bottom of the board and write a number above each one (maths) 1 - 6 for example. then ask the students 'where is .....? (dont know what subject matter you are doing)

sorry forgot to say, split them into teams in the rows they are in and have a small prize for the winning team.

just watch them get really involved with this game. they will discuss together about location and also argue a little (this is good, it shows they're thinking critically)

depending on their english abilities if they pick the wrong number and it is something else, give bonus points if they can identify the item anyway. if they can say 'it is a ,,,,,," that would be excellent. you will know how hard or easy to make it when you meet them first and workout their provicency.

i wish you the best of luck with your interview. just make it fun, they want you to be the funny farrang so give them what they want.

Good Luck. :thumbsup:

Edited by thequietman
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Thank you very much "thequietman"

Yes I agree flash cards are great, the kids are apparently a good bunch with a grasp of English a wee bit so thats an advantage straight away. I wont be alone though as I will have an in class Thai teacher supporting me so I'm praying the demo will be like the actual job I've applied for if not I'm still confident I can get the right results from the kids.

Yes I'm the funny farang I do everything but play the clown with the kids, although sometimes its tempting after watching some of the Thai TV shows.

Thank you again


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Hi OP,

I teach P1 English and sometimes walk in on the back end of the math class taught in Thai. The math is quite 'dry', so sprucing it up some would be to your advantage. I have no idea how much you know of their math level, but our P1 are doing basic adding and subtracting, so maybe some form of team game based on these concepts? By simply using English you are fusing together the two subjects... maybe start off with target vocab such as how to ask a math question, what the names of the symbols etc... then they use the vocab correctly in the math section? Sorry if this is telling your grandma how to suck eggs!!

In my experience, Thai overlords are looking for charisma and a natural affinity with the kids which you say you have, which is great... however, I have been the joint assessor in same cases and it so happened that a foreign teacher who was too confident passed the demonstration OK but fluffed the interview part as they came off as 'too domineering' (if that makes sense) Over confidence can be a problem, Thais like people who are relatively humble, again just my 2 satang, but maybe something you might not have been aware of.

Good luck, and all the best.


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