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HSBC Survey: Thailand Is The Best Place To Live After Retirement

Lite Beer

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Dam_n. Now that the word is out, more expats will be coming to Thailand. Which can only mean one thing--MORE FREAKIN WHINING. Maybe the whiniest expats can leave and make room for the new whiners?

There are expats who 'whine' as you put it, and agree they should have all stayed put in Bognor/Bournemouth/Baden Baden.

On the other hand, there are those amongst us given an opportunity to 'vent'/attempt to change the status quo. Not about some stupid sod putting everything in their 'girlfriend/new 'wife's' name nor the lack of shops selling Bisto's bloody gravy. But more the lack of accountability of govt/police, which, despite the 'whining', is having a definite beneficial affect via latest 'crackdown'. And who cares which so ever 'party this comes from? I am not so naive as to believe this merely (before all the ingenue's of whatever stamp start up), 'guverment propuganduh' du jour', so long as it serves the populace at large.

Now off you pop, and roll/bend over.

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Dam_n. Now that the word is out, more expats will be coming to Thailand. Which can only mean one thing--MORE FREAKIN WHINING. Maybe the whiniest expats can leave and make room for the new whiners?

Maybe your the purest of all ex pats, that never speaks about the things that could be better for Thais as well as expats. Not all expats are whiners but many do have their say on forum, that's why it's in business, you will get a percentage that are never satisfied, dont forget the normal guys here, there are some.

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Agree with Jingthing. Even the Bangkok post article makes it reasonably apparent that the HSBC survey was of working expats, not retirees. This thread has been sent off on the wrong tangent.

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Well all i can say is the other Country's the retired expats poled live in must be complete #hit holes..as Thailand is far from brilliant; I guess the poled expats here were questioned at the entrance to a Birthday party with 20 baht drinks all night in A-gogo In Pattaya and on their first 3 months of retirement here.

Anyone who believes these Banking PR stunts need to get out more, sorry if this upsets some people but I lost my rose tinted glasses in Thailand a couple of decades ago..i am only here to make money nothing else.

Thailand is not the place to make money but it is a great place to spend it, as most retirees do. Many do not realise how well off they are in Thailand taking everything into account. As a contributor I can assure you that the HSBC survey is genuine but may be influenced by the standard of HSBC customers and the locations where HSBC operate.

True, BUT!

Get into financial difficulties in Thailand and it can turn into a living hell.

It is worth keeping in mind that as retired ex-pats, there is no Government help for us and we have virtually no statutory rights.

Everything is honkey dorey provided we stay in good health, can ride out the economic storms, cope with galloping inflation and do not become victims of scams, crime or involved with the police.

As you rightly say; Thailand is not the place to make money but it is a great place to spend it. The overruling factor regarding our lifestyles in Thailand is money. This survey being carried out by a bank, sounds apt.

Providing we plan well and can comfortably fund ourselves and stay independent throughout the rest of our remaining lives, without the need to beg, borrow and steal in order to survive here, then yes, it`s a grand life.

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Agree with Jingthing. Even the Bangkok post article makes it reasonably apparent that the HSBC survey was of working expats, not retirees. This thread has been sent off on the wrong tangent.

I understand that the survey was conducted with HSBC customers working and retired, a number of questions specifically applied to retirement and I expect that it is that part that is being commented on. The full report will apparently be published in November and I expect will cover a number of different categories. It should also be borne in mind that the HSBC customer base may not be representative of the majority of retirees in Thailand but it does indicate that informed opinion is that Thailand is a pretty good place to work and retire.

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Dam_n. Now that the word is out, more expats will be coming to Thailand. Which can only mean one thing--MORE FREAKIN WHINING. Maybe the whiniest expats can leave and make room for the new whiners?

Maybe your the purest of all ex pats, that never speaks about the things that could be better for Thais as well as expats. Not all expats are whiners but many do have their say on forum, that's why it's in business, you will get a percentage that are never satisfied, dont forget the normal guys here, there are some.

Let's be honest here, most expats can care less "about the things that could be better for the Thais." They only whine about things that can be better for them. That's it and that's all. What annoys me even more than that are the Thai-hating zealots who have nothing but contempt for the Thais, yet choose to live in a country created by the Thais. What the <deleted> is that about?

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Dam_n. Now that the word is out, more expats will be coming to Thailand. Which can only mean one thing--MORE FREAKIN WHINING. Maybe the whiniest expats can leave and make room for the new whiners?

Maybe your the purest of all ex pats, that never speaks about the things that could be better for Thais as well as expats. Not all expats are whiners but many do have their say on forum, that's why it's in business, you will get a percentage that are never satisfied, dont forget the normal guys here, there are some.

Let's be honest here, most expats can care less "about the things that could be better for the Thais." They only whine about things that can be better for them. That's it and that's all. What annoys me even more than that are the Thai-hating zealots who have nothing but contempt for the Thais, yet choose to live in a country created by the Thais. What the <deleted> is that about?

Perhaps the zealots running our own countries are worse?

Edit: That sounds a bit snide, so let me put it this way - in my own experience I thought this country was perfect when I arrived but the past 7 years it has lost it's lustre. I personally think the past decade has not been Thailand's finest hour and cannot see how it will get better.

I Love this country and her people, but hate anyone who has money or 'power' here. It was worse where I came from so I live here,

sans rose-tinted glasses.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Thailand is not the place to make money but it is a great place to spend it, as most retirees do. Many do not realise how well off they are in Thailand taking everything into account. As a contributor I can assure you that the HSBC survey is genuine but may be influenced by the standard of HSBC customers and the locations where HSBC operate.

Yes, it is a bit of a low-order bank and allows all sorts of fuzzy wuzzies and nignogs to bank with them. They turned their nose up at my millions.... their loss. Having said that, the expat diaspora is radically different from when I was a lad in the oil patch. There's all sorts of south Asians and mid-easterners and Africans now who are working overseas and away from their homes. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of the nationalities responding to their poll.

Edited by NanLaew
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Thailand is not the place to make money but it is a great place to spend it, as most retirees do. Many do not realise how well off they are in Thailand taking everything into account. As a contributor I can assure you that the HSBC survey is genuine but may be influenced by the standard of HSBC customers and the locations where HSBC operate.

Yes, it is a bit of a low-order bank and allows all sorts of fuzzy wuzzies and nignogs to bank with them. They turned their nose up at my millions.... their loss. Having said that, the expat diaspora is radically different from when I was a lad in the oil patch. There's all sorts of south Asians and mid-easterners and Africans now who are working overseas and away from their homes. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of the nationalities responding to their poll.

I guess that they are better off without you.

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It is worth keeping in mind that as retired ex-pats, there is no Government help for us and we have virtually no statutory rights.

Do you actually think you should be entitled to goverment help.....your not a citizen, the goverment barely helps its own citizens...:huh:

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It is worth keeping in mind that as retired ex-pats, there is no Government help for us and we have virtually no statutory rights.

Do you actually think you should be entitled to goverment help.....your not a citizen, the goverment barely helps its own citizens...:huh:

I certainly don't feel entitled to help here. However, I do feel that the Thai laws are barbaric towards incidental immigration violations compared to some other countries, like Argentina. It is also worth noting there are some countries that foreign expats can retire to and buy into the government health care programs at a low cost. I also think long term expats deserve more rights, such as land ownership for homes, and a residency path for retirees.

Edited by Jingthing
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It is worth keeping in mind that as retired ex-pats, there is no Government help for us and we have virtually no statutory rights.

Do you actually think you should be entitled to goverment help.....your not a citizen, the goverment barely helps its own citizens...:huh:

I think you are misunderstanding my point.

Answer is no, I don`t think I`m entitled to anything, I don`t expect anything or want anything.

My point is that ex-pats should be aware that once here we stand alone and to be prepared. Providing we can be independent and take care of ourselves/families, then is a grand life in Thailand.. Get into problems, then it can all turn pearshaped.

No more or no less, how else do you want me to explain it?

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Thailand is not the place to make money but it is a great place to spend it, as most retirees do. Many do not realise how well off they are in Thailand taking everything into account. As a contributor I can assure you that the HSBC survey is genuine but may be influenced by the standard of HSBC customers and the locations where HSBC operate.

Yes, it is a bit of a low-order bank and allows all sorts of fuzzy wuzzies and nignogs to bank with them. They turned their nose up at my millions.... their loss. Having said that, the expat diaspora is radically different from when I was a lad in the oil patch. There's all sorts of south Asians and mid-easterners and Africans now who are working overseas and away from their homes. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of the nationalities responding to their poll.

I guess that they are better off without you.

No, no, no... I am better off without THEM.

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Thailand didn't make that AARP top ten list of best retirement places this year.

To quote AARP ..... "Thailand has been popular, with an expat community in beautiful Chiang Mai. But political instability (which resulted in riots in May) and difficulties in owning a home led us to omit it"

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Qualtrough, I like your style and comment about the TBB.

It never fails, any positive news about Thailand and the Thai Bashers Brigadetm (TBB) are out here in force swearing it ain't so. Not a surprise though. Thailand could be responsible for finding a cure for all cancers and discovering a source for true perpetual motion and the TBB would still found something to whinge about.

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