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Lost Photography Equipment In A Taxi


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A friend of mine lost photography equipment in a taxi in Bangkok.He has a short video and in it shows the taxi license,not very clearly,could anybody capture it better?

This is the video:

And this is the capture he has.Bigger photo in the atachment


Any help would be very much appreciated


Edited by sawati
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where did he pick the taxi up from? , and where did he get dropped off? , as someone may have noted the taxi number...

also, have you rang the taxi people? i have always found bangkok taxi drivers to be very honest, as i once left something in a taxi and they drove 25 km to delever back to me

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I'm getting 43126

It s 42326 !!

Or 42126

Yes if you just look at the pic I would also see those variations but in addition to that I also viewed a highly pixellated image (2000%)which told me what the digits were NOT. I'm reasonably confident that is the number.

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Many thanks to all of you

My friend took a taxi from the Montien Bangkok Hotel to the International Airport where he found out the missing items.

He reported to the Tourist Police at Suwanapun,called the hotel but they dont had the taxi license plate and he gave them the photo i put here

My friend is back in his country,i live in Bangkok and allready have called the telephones 1644 (lost and found place for taxis)and 1137 (taxi radio station).They asked for my telephone number and i am waiting some news.

If I had a clear driver license number i could get the police involved,understanding that it is a very ifi bussines.

All of this happened on 29 of September at 21:15 and the taxi was called by the hotel.

The lost articles are worth around 3000 Euros

Thank you very much

Edited by sawati
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Many thanks to all of you

My friend took a taxi from the Montien Bangkok Hotel to the International Airport where he found out the missing items.

He reported to the Tourist Police at Suwanapun,called the hotel but they dont had the taxi license plate and he gave them the photo i put here

My friend is back in his country,i live in Bangkok and allready have called the telephones 1644 (lost and found place for taxis)and 1137 (taxi radio station).They asked for my telephone number and i am waiting some news.

If I had a clear driver license number i could get the police involved,understanding that it is a very ifi bussines.

All of this happened on 29 of September at 21:15 and the taxi was called by the hotel.

The lost articles are worth around 3000 Euros

Thank you very much

that is very bad of the hotel not to note the number, i would sy 95 % of all hotel and serviced apartments all have security whom have job to note the plate of the taxi

BUT, the hotel might have a cctv image of the taxi arriving and leaving, as well as the airport having it registered...

talk to the hotel again, ask to see the cctv footage

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First, sorry to hear that you'd lost a valuable "bulky" item in taxi.

If you can trace the taxi, and even the driver BUT the chance of getting back your equipment is really slim.

The driver will tell you, I No have See, I No No! What can you do?

Or if the real scenerio is that the driver really did not realized your equipment is in the taxi and the next passenger(s) took it.

So very slim chance and good luck. Or you can try this, post it in Thailand taxi forum, reward 30000 baht, it might have a little chance. Good luck

Edited by veryruay
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