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It's now a week since the Nation web site (or at least parts of it) have been updated.

Latest 'Breaking News' 29-09-11; same for the letters under 'Opinion'.

Anyone know what is going on there? :ph34r:


It appears they are offering a free trial period view but the site in now subscriber only after a preview period? At least that is what I got as a splash screen at


And yes it has been updated to current time.

Thanks for the update Lopburi.

I always go directly to the 'Breaking News' URL (where it is not updated) because True 'Landing' overrides my attempt to go to the home page.

Note to self: Another site where I have to use my favourite 'anonymizer'.


khunken you can turnoff True's landing page in the router setting and go to the home page of your choice not True's

Would you mind telling me how.

I've checked numerous threads on this topic & concluded that the only way to do it is to replace the True-supplied router, which I haven't done.

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