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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

Good one. I haven't recevied many of the offers recently but instaed I found out I've one a Football Pool so at least the money will still keep rolling in.

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Ever seen people from brazil in thailand? Not much unless they were here to see temples. Same kind of climate and same kind of cheap prices and prostitution.

Well why the hell would an honest nigerian come here? Cheap country, good tv, good food, lots of cheap ladies and cheap prices. If they need anything else they have the whole diversity of africa at their fingertip where people actually like them.

there is absolutely no way, in a logic world, that more than 1% of the nigerian in this country are here for something else than scamming, drugs or murders.

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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Not all black people in Bangkok or Pattaya are from Nigeria. BTW, how you distinguish a person of African descent from another? Just curious as to what you think.

You are so focused on the trees you can't see the forest.

No...you are so focused on color you can not or refuse to see any differences.

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

"through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans." So now you are implying parts of United States are like Nigeria.... Seems to me this is a racist remark.

Obviously you have never been to inner city Detroit or New Orleans.

I don't have to.... I AM a Black American Living in Thailand!!!!!! I grew up in Hopkins Park, Illinois (look it up on the internet) It was worse than the a ghetto. Speak of what you know not what you think or assume you know.

Be Careful! There are so many racist on this forum you could be mistaken for a African from Nigeria. If that even matters at this point. I am a cracker from St. Louis Mo. The first love in my life was a awesome black sister. We are still friends today after 35 years. Most on this forum should listen to Bob Marley!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ever seen people from brazil in thailand? Not much unless they were here to see temples. Same kind of climate and same kind of cheap prices and prostitution.

Well why the hell would an honest nigerian come here? Cheap country, good tv, good food, lots of cheap ladies and cheap prices. If they need anything else they have the whole diversity of africa at their fingertip where people actually like them.

there is absolutely no way, in a logic world, that more than 1% of the nigerian in this country are here for something else than scamming, drugs or murders.

So all Nigerians are that come here are dishonest.... 100% ....dishonest...... Boy, that is some very critical thinking going on.... I AM SO IMPRESSED!!!!!!! You should join the Teaparty....better yet, start an International Teaparty Movement.

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Interesting topic.

First. As some one mentioned earlier. Most of the Africans you will encounter are not Nigerians, but Ghanian's and Senegalese. These countries supply Asia with the small but growing supply of cocaine from S. America. You'll find most W. Africans to be alike. Not to be trusted and shady characters at best. Which makes them perfect partners with the Thai police that work the lower Suk.

Anyone who thinks there actually selling drugs is a fool. You go to buy, get rung up by the BiB, buy your way out, and the two split your money.

I have worked in Nigeria and it makes Cambodia look like Sweden. I worked up North in Kaduna. If we traveled at night we had to have military escorts to protect us from the police. Once in Lagos I had a friend get robbed before he could get to the baggage claim inside the airport.

I was driving one evening to Abuja to fly out, and the road looked like a zombie apocolypse. Thousands of people shuffling down the road.

We routinely carry atropine injectors with us when we do go out, to counter the effects of our drinks being drugged. Atropine will at least get you to the door hopefully.

I currently work in Iraq and feel much safer here, than in Lagos.

Once when I was applying for a visa at the Nigerian embassy on soi 71 the lady asked for a 10000 bribe to process it. I gave her the money. Later they demanded more money. I told them forget it, and to return my money. The lady gave me my money back in a envelope. I looked inside to count it. Shit you not. 1000 baht notes, photocopied on white paper, and cut with scissors. The lady smiled and said she was playing a joke, and then gave me my real money.

On a positive note. In Chanthaburi we have a large African population who are in the region for the gem trade. They have assimilated quite well. (better than whites actually) They have families, there kids are in school. Heck TL even has a garment stand for African appareal. The Thai's get along well with them because A. They stick to themselves. and B. There commerce-minded. They are not drinking their life away on a perpetual holiday (I'm guilty).

Another interesting story I have heard. I heard that once they have enough to fill up a plane (200+) and if they have served over 8yrs in Thai prison. They are repatriated to Nigeria to serve out the sentence. This includes drug trafficers.

Racism or not. I don't care. Be careful out there.

Edited by mstribling
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As much as I do not like saying this, most Nigerians visiting countries in Asia are not here for the tourism or other bona fide reasons. Crime ranks highly in their list.

Not bashing the Country of Nigeria, but the types that generally come here, are not here for the culture, or the scenery, Family resorts, beach---yes how many do you see "holidaying--relaxing on the beach, living in rural areas, they don't come here for the climate, nor are the percentage here ex-pat-Nigerian=retired.

It's narrowing down to mainly WHAT ???? difficult to guess eh!!!

That leaves the bargirls?

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

Good one. I haven't recevied many of the offers recently but instaed I found out I've one a Football Pool so at least the money will still keep rolling in.

Hope it was as good as my win. Yesterday I inhereted 55 million USD from a relative I never knew I had. Apparented he made his fortune in Hong Kong real estate but unfortunately he was killed in a plane crash 5 yrs ago.

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I used to regularly stay at the Amari Blvd Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 5 back in 2004-2005. I would stay there for a few days when I entered Thailand and a couple of days when leaving. Around 2010 I stayed there one time and there was constant drug dealing going on right outside the hotel by the Foodland. I had a group of about 6 Nigerian men block the sidewalk and not let me pass where they aggressively offered me drugs and tried to introduce me to a couple of African prostitutes. When I respectfully declined they became agitated and accused me of being racist.

I walked through that area again in 2011 and saw that it had only gotten worse. I no longer stay at the Amari Blvd, and will not again until I see the area has been cleaned up. I have talked to other people who have said the same thing.

Some people on this forum think it is racist of me to even share this experience.

Apparently, if one prefers to vacation in an area where he is not regularly aggressively offered drugs and prostitutes, and intimidated and insulted when he refuses, then he is a racist.

Kind of like how back in the USA, if you oppose Obama's policies, you are racist.

Or the authorities finally trying to get a handle on the problem and locking up the offenders, they are racist.

The race card is the last ditch effort to swing the argument by people defeated by the reality of the situation.

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

"Owali said following insecurity, unprovoked harassment, sustained assault, arrest and extortion of money from Nigerians by Thai security officials, several Nigerians had decided to go underground".

I'm sure that there must be something wrong in the apparent detention of some of these Nigerians but there's no getting away from it - they ARE the undoubted kings of telephone/internet scams with some of them being THE SCUM OF THE EARTH and had it coming to them :unsure:.

You sound so bitter, were you a victim?... I look at the victims as being greedy themselves...because when it is too good to be real..it is not real..

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I have no doubt that most of these Nigerians are involved in one type of scam or another, however, it comes down to the fact that everyone deserves a fair trial. Something that they have not received. Second, there are far larger groups of criminals in the world who have yet to see the inside of a jail, nor are they likely to.

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I used to regularly stay at the Amari Blvd Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 5 back in 2004-2005. I would stay there for a few days when I entered Thailand and a couple of days when leaving. Around 2010 I stayed there one time and there was constant drug dealing going on right outside the hotel by the Foodland. I had a group of about 6 Nigerian men block the sidewalk and not let me pass where they aggressively offered me drugs and tried to introduce me to a couple of African prostitutes. When I respectfully declined they became agitated and accused me of being racist.

I walked through that area again in 2011 and saw that it had only gotten worse. I no longer stay at the Amari Blvd, and will not again until I see the area has been cleaned up. I have talked to other people who have said the same thing.

Some people on this forum think it is racist of me to even share this experience.

Apparently, if one prefers to vacation in an area where he is not regularly aggressively offered drugs and prostitutes, and intimidated and insulted when he refuses, then he is a racist.

Kind of like how back in the USA, if you oppose Obama's policies, you are racist.

Or the authorities finally trying to get a handle on the problem and locking up the offenders, they are racist.

The race card is the last ditch effort to swing the argument by people defeated by the reality of the situation.

If it is true then it can't be racist but the race card will still come out in an attempt to divert attention.

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I have had as many scam emails from Nigeria as the next person but lets not judge all Nigerians on the basis of a few.

A bit of human empathy would not go amiss.

Get a clue, Ebenezer. Fess up, homeboy. How many straight-up, honest and trustworthy Nigerian "tourists" have you met in Thailand???

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

What facts ??? maybe many people do not have the facts--You for instance, we read the thread and comment it's not about Nigeria---it's about the amount that are locked up compared with other races,-- I would not speak out to protect them if they were all English, but it's the numbers we are talking about not the nationality in general. To say that there is nothing wrong here would be silly, in some cases some hard truths -hurt- not all are derogatory. Why defend some thing that is glaring you in the face?? but there may well be a small percentage that are wrongly in the clink, and need assistance.

You clearly dont understand my view point. Do you know the numbers for the other races to compare to the Nigerians locked up? I don't think you do. Yes, 700, its a lot, and a few comments made on here were directed at their nationality and what they (some on the forum) believe to be the norm for people from Nigeria. And truth....ha ha..you silly person. What truth do you have. Please give me some of your fact finding numbers, statics, BBC report etc...I think you mean your prejudices and generalizations. That's more in your face.

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

Hi i agree, but please show me a nigerian thats not involved with drugs or some sort of scam, my son got kidnapped by nigerians, beaten up kept locked up for days whe got him out went to the police station to lay a charge.The police told us they wont go in to arrest them because its to dangerous for them, oh if you havnt guessed Im from South Africa

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

Soi 3 and Soi 5 intersections should remain strictly for Thai locusts - scamming, selling porn dvds, pimping and intimidating tourists. Surrounded by second rate prostitutes from the rural areas(soi4/7 etc), transgenders, and sexpats from around the world(but not Nigeria) just to keep this area a nice holiday destination.

I'm amazed at this thread - so many self-righteous posts.

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The only good Nigerian "tourist", is one in a Thai prison

That's what they use to say about American Indians, American Blacks, and American Hispanics...wow..you've come along with with that comment.

At least you tough enough to say it to their faces....but bet you aren't......lol

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Cry me a river. Justice is served. Nigerians, far more than most other nationalities, commit a disproportionate number of drug and fraud crimes relative to other nationalities. I have travelled and worked heavily in various SE Asian locales over the last 9 or so years and local police have informed me that Nigerians confirm this. I can't think of a better "vacation destination" for a drug dealing, scam perpetrating Nigerian, than a Thai prison.

I am helpfull to remember you that Moroccans are working very hard to get at the same crimelevel as the Nigerians reached. A Thai jail is indeed a perfect "vacation destination" for those new generation criminals. Get them out of the streets. Free our children and eldern of this painfull and deadly plague.

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The government is doing a splendid job and in fact should go further and arrest "all" Nigerians at the airport and lock them away for later execution, the world will always be a better place without them and this will prevent them from breaking the law after they enter the country. Pity these prisoners are not worth anything, otherwise they could be sold on to boost the economy. Perhaps some research hospitals could use them for experiments or something, or the army could find some sort of use for them?

Hey I'm not racist, some of my best friends are not pure British!


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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

Soi 3 and Soi 5 intersections should remain strictly for Thai locusts - scamming, selling porn dvds, pimping and intimidating tourists. Surrounded by second rate prostitutes from the rural areas(soi4/7 etc), transgenders, and sexpats from around the world(but not Nigeria) just to keep this area a nice holiday destination.

I'm amazed at this thread - so many self-righteous posts.

Aside from the occasional LB I have never been aggressively solicited for prostitution by a Thai. The only times I have been offered drugs by one is when they say "Marijuana?" under their breath as you walk by. Sorry, nice attempt but it doesn't wash.

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When the white money leaves-the problems begin.

The Thais are open about their racism and nationalism.

The Thais know what races cause most of the problems.

Paradoxically, they are doing very little to eradicate the Muslim problem in the south.

It’s not a muslim problem, it’s seperatists. One is not necessarily the other.

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I used to regularly stay at the Amari Blvd Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 5 back in 2004-2005. I would stay there for a few days when I entered Thailand and a couple of days when leaving. Around 2010 I stayed there one time and there was constant drug dealing going on right outside the hotel by the Foodland. I had a group of about 6 Nigerian men block the sidewalk and not let me pass where they aggressively offered me drugs and tried to introduce me to a couple of African prostitutes. When I respectfully declined they became agitated and accused me of being racist.

I walked through that area again in 2011 and saw that it had only gotten worse. I no longer stay at the Amari Blvd, and will not again until I see the area has been cleaned up. I have talked to other people who have said the same thing.

Some people on this forum think it is racist of me to even share this experience.

Apparently, if one prefers to vacation in an area where he is not regularly aggressively offered drugs and prostitutes, and intimidated and insulted when he refuses, then he is a racist.

Kind of like how back in the USA, if you oppose Obama's policies, you are racist.

Or the authorities finally trying to get a handle on the problem and locking up the offenders, they are racist.

The race card is the last ditch effort to swing the argument by people defeated by the reality of the situation.

This refers to your post #61 earlier today:

Spoken just like the rich, Not- in-my- neighborhood, middle and upperclass people of America and Europe. Bridgeport is an inner suburb of Chicago. Full of white people, same as Fairlawn, Michigan is an inner suburb of Detroit....again full of white people. Drug dealing, intimidation (Mafia), Prostitution (Cicero, Ill. another inner suburb of Chicago, all white) happens and is still happening in these places. This is the statement of fact.

So Your theory that Black people caused all the destruction of major and minor population areas is cracked like the stuff you smoke.

Don't try to patronize or pat me on the head like some little kid by saying, " I understand that it might upset you...." Smart , intelligent, critical-thinkers look at every angle of an issue BEFORE reaching a hypotheisis, much less a theorm. You, Sir have gone beyond that to have concluded with an answer. Answer that could only stem from the Dark Ages decades before the Age of Enlightenment. In essence, you have returned from whence you came.

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At one time, till the early 90s or so, the British Embassy used to look after Nigerian interests in Thailand, as the Nigerians only maintain a consulate in Hong Kong. They had to give up as they were overwhelmed by the need to deal with the growing Nigerian prison population in Thailand.

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

Hi i agree, but please show me a nigerian thats not involved with drugs or some sort of scam, my son got kidnapped by nigerians, beaten up kept locked up for days whe got him out went to the police station to lay a charge.The police told us they wont go in to arrest them because its to dangerous for them, oh if you havnt guessed Im from South Africa

Look person from SA. I don't know your story and I am sorry that happened to you. Glad to hear you got him back. But you see, you can't base one incident on an entire nation or ethnicity. You want me to show you good Nigerian, start by going to church/Mosque you can find them, if you take time to talk to someone from Nigeria (perhaps just be pen pals) before giving the entire race a condemnation. I just think people should really look inside themselves before they judge others and understand what they say can spread HATE. Do you really want to carry around this HATE all your life... and pass it on to your children? Bad things happen all around the world to all kinds of people...good and bad people.

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