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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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It's sad that the Nigerian ambassador won't do anything about the stated problem. Maybe it is not a problem - maybe the Nigerians are in prison because they are criminals!! Then, they should be in jail. And, Thai prisons are known to be very nasty places. That is a big reason for people not to commit a crime, yeah?

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Why would anyone question the protests of the Red Shirts when viewing this type of lack of legal representation in this "Democratic" society? People languishing in prisons without due process of law, legal review of their pleas, lack of Habeus Corpus, and all other denials of basic human rights in a "Democratic" legal system.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

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Is that all? The police need to step it up.

not sure if you're trying to be funny... but you're not

It is also nice to hear maybe the other side of the story-like is the claim true the number is 700?

Are Nigerians involved in criminal activities in Thailand in large numbers?

Here is a story from 2009-Quote "It was when it became clear that Nigerian consular is hustling like any other person in the street that many Nigerian in Bangkok started their illicit activities in alarming rate. This is the scenario of how Nigerian drug mafia originated in Thailand.

Some of these notable illicit drug king pins that operate under Shadow are OBI, DAM, DAN , FRAYO, THEO, SIM, and host of others who are as elusive as to find . Some of the above mentioned names are merely to conceal their true identity and as such may not reflect their real names. The activities of Nigerian Bangkok Mafia are so Alarming to the effect that good Nigerians who do Legitimate business are beginning to feel the impact. It is now a game of if you can not win them, you join them. It is petinent to note here that is during the tenure of Mr. Henry Offor’s regime as Nigerian consular in Bangkok that Nigerian drug peddlers sky rocketed to unimaginable alarming rate.

Unquote. maybe one can see a little bit of the whole picture.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

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Only 700?

I used to run a bar in Bkk and they were difficult to keep out.

They were selling cocaine... terrible quality with that :(

They were probably about 30 of them just in that ring about my place...

so 700 in jail seems so little nation-wide.

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It's amazing how no one gives a sh.t about the way they're kept in prison here simply because they're from Nigeria. If they were white there would be an outpour of sympathy for them. You are all such hypocrites. The point is this: The system in Thailand sucks and the condition prisoners are kept in suck and the extrajudicial killings suck as well!!! Everyone has the right to a fair trial no matter where they're from and this should be true in Thailand as well!!!

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OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

Edited by Gers1873
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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

What facts ??? maybe many people do not have the facts--You for instance, we read the thread and comment it's not about Nigeria---it's about the amount that are locked up compared with other races,-- I would not speak out to protect them if they were all English, but it's the numbers we are talking about not the nationality in general. To say that there is nothing wrong here would be silly, in some cases some hard truths -hurt- not all are derogatory. Why defend some thing that is glaring you in the face?? but there may well be a small percentage that are wrongly in the clink, and need assistance.

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But highly unlikely that he will be either ashamed or held to book. One of the joys of TV is the number of well and fully accredited judges, jurymen and eventually executioners. I wonder if the Newbie is in fact an old hand trying to maintain a hold on his membership if he steps over the "bounds" such as they are.

Unfortunately the Nigerians seem to attract negative publicity because of their "churches" which in general would be far better off being knocked on the head as soon as they raise their eyes heavenward, looking for a dollar for their religious trash. The scams seem to be an end product of the churches based on the emails I get starting "my dear" and having somewhere a "light of God the father" shining on me for supporting them.

Why would you restrict this comment to Nigerian churches? The world is full of churches peddling bronze age and earlier myths, and deluding gullible people to part with their earnings. Note that I use the term "churches" loosely to describe almost any form of religious gathering.

How much different is a Nigerian begging letter to Jim Bakker, the concept of tithing (10% before tax), or obligatory donations to Muslim "charities"? Why isn't the childhood inducted belief in eternal damnation considered to be extortion?

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

We could say some really bad things about all the ethnicity you mentioned above and some of the rotten things they do...so don't go there. And back in 2004, when

I first came to Thailand, I too enjoyed the area, but never encountered any problems but that's not really the topic here. Its about 700 people locked up for what reason.

Forget about the fact they are Nigerians for a minute and look at the injustice. Wherever you are from?? what if this were happening to the Asian in your country (assuming

you are a westerner). As for your love of Suk. 3-5 its still there and yes it has changed so what deal with it-no one is pointing a gun at you, I go with my friends occasionally to eat Arab food

and have NO problems. Many of those people you think are Nigerians might just be from a different country and be Muslim. Think before to write..

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"The real wonder is, why do ANY Nigerians get permission to enter the kingdom? Sorry but they're all crooks. Don't mean to generalize, but EVERY DAMM ONE OF THEM is a crook, and that goes for the Nigerian ambassador."

That's what a man down pub told me the other day. Of course, I assure the moderators that I disavow this sentiment completely as it is shurely ludicrous in the extreme. :jap:

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Thai draconian laws? <deleted>! Probably very true but after reading the majority of the posters on this topic all that can be said is thank God none of you have any authority in any judicial system because what i am seeing is a bunch of draconian underlying racist spewing a bunch of sh*t with nothing to prove what you are vomiting of your pie holes. You people are a disgrace to your particular race (Non Black ) posters who quite obviously, think they are better than people of color and the underlying generalization of Nigerians is baffling. Have any of you ever visited Nigeria? I have, and yes there is corruption abound and a lot of factors there created a criminal base. Nigerians coming to Thailand does not mean that they are all bad people. Nigerian letter scams sounds like most of you fell for it. Drugs I suppose none of you have ever taken drugs in your whole life? Try believing that for the most part we are the minorities of the world. Past judgement on your underlying racist mind set, AGFY

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I understand your overly PC approach to editing when 'we' make defamatory comments about out host nation/als

But do you need to hug trees over these obviously dubious individuals from outside Thailand.

A spade is a spade.

I got 3 emails this month. I'm gonna be RICH!!!! LOL.

they ARE scammers.

Some posts deleted. Lets stay on topic, not consider every Nigerian a drugs dealer, etc, etc, etc.

You are lucky you only get 3 e-mails a month, I get heaps more, so I also hope they rot in hell.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

We could say some really bad things about all the ethnicity you mentioned above and some of the rotten things they do...so don't go there. And back in 2004, when

I first came to Thailand, I too enjoyed the area, but never encountered any problems but that's not really the topic here. Its about 700 people locked up for what reason.

Forget about the fact they are Nigerians for a minute and look at the injustice. Wherever you are from?? what if this were happening to the Asian in your country (assuming

you are a westerner). As for your love of Suk. 3-5 its still there and yes it has changed so what deal with it-no one is pointing a gun at you, I go with my friends occasionally to eat Arab food

and have NO problems. Many of those people you think are Nigerians might just be from a different country and be Muslim. Think before to write..

Deal with it? No one is pointing a gun at me? So if I don't like the fact that Soi 3-5 has become a drug infested ghetto, I should just stay away? Ok, let's apply your logic to the Nigerians. Nobody is pointing a gun at them and forcing them to come to Thailand, so they should just "Deal with it" Don't come here anymore.

I am glad you agree with me.

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

"through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans." So now you are implying parts of United States are like Nigeria.... Seems to me this is a racist remark.

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

"through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans." So now you are implying parts of United States are like Nigeria.... Seems to me this is a racist remark.

Obviously you have never been to inner city Detroit or New Orleans.

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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Not all black people in Bangkok or Pattaya are from Nigeria. BTW, how you distinguish a person of African descent from another? Just curious as to what you think.

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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Not all black people in Bangkok or Pattaya are from Nigeria. BTW, how you distinguish a person of African descent from another? Just curious as to what you think.

You are so focused on the trees you can't see the forest.

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

"through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans." So now you are implying parts of United States are like Nigeria.... Seems to me this is a racist remark.

Obviously you have never been to inner city Detroit or New Orleans.

I don't have to.... I AM a Black American Living in Thailand!!!!!! I grew up in Hopkins Park, Illinois (look it up on the internet) It was worse than the a ghetto. Speak of what you know not what you think or assume you know.

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OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

Because if we try to 'dump' on other nations we get the old "Not Thai related. CLOSED" response.:rolleyes:

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I have an idea? Why don't all the Nigerians pack their bags and go back to Nigeria? They come in like locusts, scamming, selling drugs, pimping and intimidating people. They have completely ruined the Soi 3 and Soi 5 section of Sukhumvit. I stayed there back in 2004 and it was actually a nice place to be. The last time I was there in Summer 2011 it was like walking through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans.

Pushy drug dealers, aggressive hookers. Large groups of young Black men blocking the sidewalk intimidating tourists.

I congratulate the Thai authorities for taking action and encourage them to continue the good work of removing this cancer from my favorite holiday destination!

"through an American ghetto, Detroit or New Orleans." So now you are implying parts of United States are like Nigeria.... Seems to me this is a racist remark.

Obviously you have never been to inner city Detroit or New Orleans.

I don't have to.... I AM a Black American Living in Thailand!!!!!! I grew up in Hopkins Park, Illinois (look it up on the internet) It was worse than the a ghetto. Speak of what you know not what you think or assume you know.

Well then you should know what I am talking about then. Rampant drug dealing, prostitution, pimps and intimidation are commonplace in the inner cities. The residents of both inner city Detroit, New Orleans, Chicago, etc are primarily Black. The majority of the Drug Dealing, pimping and intimidation on Suk 3-5 are primarily Black, specifically Nigerian. Pointing out the similarity is not a racist remark. It is a statement of fact.

I assume you are an upstanding, law abiding person, so I understand that it might upset you when you feel like you are being lumped in with other Black criminal elements. It was not my intention to do that, but the fact is, that area of the Suk has gone to sh.t and the reason is because of the influx of Nigerian criminals. I would say the same thing if it was Russian Mob, Columbians or even Thai criminals who have turned a once nice area into an open air drug and street prostitution market.

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