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One Killed, 950.000 Meth Tablet Seized In Mekong Drug Bust


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Actual studies prove finally that dependency on hard drugs in most cases started with dependency on so called soft drugs.

Indeed, apart from the fact that studies don't prove such assertion.

Or did you mean it started with alcohol and tobacco?

No problem my dear. Would you give your kid the same answer?

I would give him the proper insight into how bad a lot of drugs are, including alcohol and prescription medication. I wouldn't lie to him and say one goes insane after one joint - that is the kinda nonsense that made my generation realize that the government has no qualms with pushing pure propaganda into schools from an early age.

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There could be more to this, as Chinese media reports 11 dead and two missing. I guess it's the war on drugs - and independent media. I'm not saying police did it, i mean why would they. the boats could have been hijacked by the Wa and what not. The Chinese forgot to mention the drugs though.

BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- China's Foreign Ministry confirmed Sunday that 11 Chinese were killed and two remain missing after their boats were attacked in the Mekong River four days ago.

Two cargo ships, the Hua Ping and Yu Xing 8, were attacked in the golden triangle area of the Mekong River on Oct. 5, the ministry said in a statement on its website.

Among the six Chinese on the Hua Ping, five were found dead and one was missing. Among the seven Chinese on the Yu Xing 8, six were killed and one was missing, according to the statement.

The ministry said it has asked Chinese embassy in Thailand and consulate general in Chiang Mai to investigate the incident immediately and spare no efforts to search for the missing.

It has also asked "relevant countries" to take effective measures to improve the protection of Chinese ships and sailors in the Mekong River, according to the statement.

The ministry said leaders of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council are paying close attention to the matter.

The ministry urged the "relevant countries" to immediately to look into the incident, determine the truth and bring the criminals to justice as soon as possible.

Chinese diplomats in Chiang Mai have arrived at the site to investigate. The Chinese embassy in Thailand is having close contact with the Thai side to get further information, according to the statement.



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How foolish and selfish people react. Drugs, to start with cannabis must never get in a legal circuit. It must be fougt.

Some countries, especially in Europe, are since decades tolerant towards wat they call soft drugs. All results from soft left political influence. 25 years ago someone had to go look and find himself if he wanted ex. cannabis. Nowadays he does not have to look for it. He knows dealers on almost every corner of the street. Another point if we keep on talking about cannabis, the actual sold product nowadays contains a five-ten fold of THC (the active stuff) what makes the dependency lots higher. Actual studies prove finally that dependency on hard drugs in most cases started with dependency on so called soft drugs. Your kids going out, your kids at school, everywhere they get confronted with it and they are forced many times to choose between cannabis and ... their friends. Inform them wisely and hope they will choose wisely.

Only one way zero tolerance. Kill the drugs before they kill our children.

Just one question, Jeanelie: Where do good parenting and parental responsibility fit into your approach?

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probably the dead bodies of the crews alarmed border police, that there was hijaking. So there was not tip off (the commander tried to benefit himself with the big bust), but deduction.

why is it, that thai press did not write about the murder of the chinese crews, but just about drugs?

and what happen to the rest of the traffickers, looks, like they were not arrested but escaped

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And the "war" that can never be won continues. How sad.....

I agree with you jam.... legalization / regulation / treatment / taxing are the only the logical, sensible routes.

You always seem to have wise and knowledgeable responses. Thank you.

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How foolish and selfish people react. Drugs, to start with cannabis must never get in a legal circuit. It must be fougt.

Some countries, especially in Europe, are since decades tolerant towards wat they call soft drugs. All results from soft left political influence. 25 years ago someone had to go look and find himself if he wanted ex. cannabis. Nowadays he does not have to look for it. He knows dealers on almost every corner of the street. Another point if we keep on talking about cannabis, the actual sold product nowadays contains a five-ten fold of THC (the active stuff) what makes the dependency lots higher. Actual studies prove finally that dependency on hard drugs in most cases started with dependency on so called soft drugs. Your kids going out, your kids at school, everywhere they get confronted with it and they are forced many times to choose between cannabis and ... their friends. Inform them wisely and hope they will choose wisely.

Only one way zero tolerance. Kill the drugs before they kill our children.

If drugs were legalized, REGULATED and taxed then the criminal aspect and its associated profits which results in more deaths than the actual usage would lose its appeal overnight. Zero tolerance or otherwise, kids will always get drugs if they want them in much the same way they get fags and booze, two of the biggest killers in this country - both which, as we all know, are perfectly legal.

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