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Plea To Hundreds Of Thai And Foreign Women After HIV Man Jailed


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So there maybe 100's of bargirls infected by this guy, all the more reason to stay well and clear of the thai ladies of the night now.

Just right now, just because of this guy? :D

Don't fool yourself / make a fool of yourself.

Playing with sex workers is always like playing russian roulette with aids. Especialy in uneducated Thailand where people think it is embarrassing to teach their young ones about the importance of safe sex.

ONE swine has been cought. Don't you think there might be many other aware or unaware aids carriers out there, doing the same thing as he did? Yep.

Edited by ricku
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Okay, he is a bad guy. but what about the women? What were they thinking when they new that having unprotected sex is dangerous?

Yes, let's blame the victims. :realangry: :realangry:

You have to blame them both.

Ooops, I was playing with a gun and I shot my face off. Lets blame the gun manufacture because I'm an idiot who plays with loaded guns.

If I run around having unprotected sex with girls and catch HIV, how can I blame the girl who gave it to me? Unless they are raped, everyone has a choice to use protection or not. If they don't, you roll the dice. Sometimes when you gamble, you lose.

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Okay, he is a bad guy. but what about the women? What were they thinking when they new that having unprotected sex is dangerous?

Yes, let's blame the victims. :realangry: :realangry:

You have to blame them both.

Ooops, I was playing with a gun and I shot my face off. Lets blame the gun manufacture because I'm an idiot who plays with loaded guns.

If I run around having unprotected sex with girls and catch HIV, how can I blame the girl who gave it to me? Unless they are raped, everyone has a choice to use protection or not. If they don't, you roll the dice. Sometimes when you gamble, you lose.

She gambled. He didn't.

He knew. She didn't and probably trusted him. I'd only say they equally share the blame if he didn't know in advance that he was HIV positive, but he did.

She is guilty of perhaps being naive. He is a c&*t.

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She gambled. He didn't.

He knew. She didn't and probably trusted him. I'd only say they equally share the blame if he didn't know in advance that he was HIV positive, but he did.

She is guilty of perhaps being naive. He is a c&*t.

So the game was rigged. I've yet to see a game in Thailand that wasn't.

I agree with him being a c&*t, but HIV happens, and it transmits both ways. The girls give it to the guys and the guys give it to the girls, and around they go. And you can bet most if not all of the girls he infected here, are still working in the bars, passing it on, without a care in the world.

Edited by Tokay
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And you can bet most if not all of the girls he infected here, are still working in the bars, passing it on, without a care in the world.

And that is the problem... before I had my fix GF (not a bar girl), I was also having loads of fun with bar girls or beach road girls... and none ever thought about protection / had condoms with them... I always had as I heard enough about HIV statistics in Thailand... and some of the girls even got mad and asked "you not trust? you think I sick?"...

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And you can bet most if not all of the girls he infected here, are still working in the bars, passing it on, without a care in the world.

And that is the problem... before I had my fix GF (not a bar girl), I was also having loads of fun with bar girls or beach road girls... and none ever thought about protection / had condoms with them... I always had as I heard enough about HIV statistics in Thailand... and some of the girls even got mad and asked "you not trust? you think I sick?"...

Oh dear, that's a sad tale. I can imagine it happening though. I've had a scare (had a previous partner who died of AIDS) so I'm a raincoat man, and on my first trip to Thailand I asked most of the working girls if they'd be happy to go bareback. To be fair probably half said, "no way". The other half was split between, "you pay me more", and "ok, if you like me long time". One said, "Ok, but not tuud, that how you get AID". I've spoken to loads of blokes who reckon the same, about half the girls will go without a dinger if you put the pressure on or throw money at it. Like I said, sad.

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She gambled. He didn't.

He knew. She didn't and probably trusted him. I'd only say they equally share the blame if he didn't know in advance that he was HIV positive, but he did.

She is guilty of perhaps being naive. He is a c&*t.

So the game was rigged. I've yet to see a game in Thailand that wasn't.

I agree with him being a c&*t, but HIV happens, and it transmits both ways. The girls give it to the guys and the guys give it to the girls, and around they go. And you can bet most if not all of the girls he infected here, are still working in the bars, passing it on, without a care in the world.

Don't forget this didn't happen in Thailand and the lady wasn't a hooker. He was in a relationship with her, he got her pregnant, and still, STILL didn't have the decency to tell her so she could protect herself.

I agree that in the open market everyone has to take care of themselves, but that wasn't the case here.

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What is the difference between this man and someone who knowingly gives others lung cancer with their second hand smoke? I don't see you calling for the death-sentence for all smokers...

HIV+ people don't have lobbyist and millions of dollars to throw around.

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Just do NOT understand why anybody would have unprotected sex anywhere in the world, unless if it is with your partner whom you have to give a certain amount of trust, but have together an HIV test done before abandoning the condoms.

Yes, this man should be punished for what he did knowingly, but his victims are just as responsible for having unprotected sex.

I agree, why does anyone think they are in for a free ride?

I think it doesn't cross the minds of most straight people, they just think of it as a gay issue.

If someone is going to have high risk unsafe sex then taking retroviral medication (Tenofovir) before they’re infected can prevent HIV infection. Its called Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP. More tests are being done but looks like being about 70% effective.

Edited by Chopperboy
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So there maybe 100's of bargirls infected by this guy, all the more reason to stay well and clear of the thai ladies of the night now.

Just right now, just because of this guy? :D

Don't fool yourself / make a fool of yourself.

Playing with sex workers is always like playing russian roulette with aids. Especialy in uneducated Thailand where people think it is embarrassing to teach their young ones about the importance of safe sex.

ONE swine has been cought. Don't you think there might be many other aware or unaware aids carriers out there, doing the same thing as he did? Yep.

I'm not fooling myself, that is the reason I don't go near bargirls.

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not taking this guys side here in any way but there needs to be a reality check here

HIV is no longer lethal, it is termed as a treatable cronic condition and could be considered less dangerous than many other diseases we willingly expose ourselves too during unprotected activities.

30% of people infected with HIV virus don't know they have it - could be a lot higher in Thailand.

people under successful treatment cannot pass on the infection (although protected sex should be manditory for everyone)

personally I always get me and my partner tested before even considering the exclusion of condoms and even then there is still a risk.

people who have unprotected sex with strangers who may or may not have HIV are responsible for themselves

many of the people making comments on this thread about hanging and castration etc need to take a long look at themselves, how many times have you gone out with the intention of drinking until drunk and drive home, in my opinion the potential to harm or kill inocent victims is far higher than anything this guy did

yes in the 80's and early 90's this disease was a killer but that is no longer the case, a lot has changed since then.

another issue is the fact that drug companies producing the drugs are making a fortune, some countries and many people are put at risk and others cannot obtain treatment because the drugs are not available and are extremely expensive.....shame on them and their billions in profit.

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I can assure you there are hundreds maybe even thousands of THAIS doing it here too...

And they seem to be doing it with little remorse or sense of realization (education) Morals versus karma approach

A friend of ours died from HIV last year - after his BF gave it him...

Needless to say the BF soon left and never showed up at the funeral...

This is going on in Thailand on a massive scale - lets not forget its not just the Farang with a grudge...

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not taking this guys side here in any way but there needs to be a reality check here

HIV is no longer lethal, it is termed as a treatable cronic condition and could be considered less dangerous than many other diseases we willingly expose ourselves too during unprotected activities.

people under successful treatment cannot pass on the infection (although protected sex should be manditory for everyone)

The life expectancy of a person with HIV under treatment is 20 years, as opposed to 10 years without. People under treatment can still pass it on.

On average one HIV+ person infects one other person per year.

Edited by Chopperboy
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