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TOT Awaits New Board To Develop 3G Services And Internet-Based TV


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TOT Awaits New Board to Develop 3G Services

TOT is waiting for a new board to push ahead with the development of its 3G services and introducing and internet-based TV service.

Senior Executive Vice President for TOT's Metropolitan Sales and Customer Service, Thaweep Petchsuwan said the company currently has 300,000 subscribers on its 3G network nationwide.

Of that number, some 80,000 people registered with TOT, while the remainder registered with mobile virtual network operators or MVNOs.

An MVNO is basically a company that provides mobile phone services, but does not have its own licensed frequency allocation on the official radio spectrum.

Thaweep said that the company is waiting for the Finance Ministry, which holds the majority stake of the company, to select a new board of directors.

New development plans for its 3G services will then be laid out.

The TOT executive noted that as internet users are on the rise, the company has launched an internet-based TV service to attract its existing broadband customers as well as new customers.

Also, the company has collaborated with VRM Voiz Plus, a leading company in telecom business, to improve TOT's internet capacity to enable its customers to watch live TV via the Internet.

He expects the collaboration will help increase the number of customers by 10 percent, from the current 2 million port numbers.

The company is aiming for 3 million port numbers next year.


-- Tan Network 2011-10-07


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Same old story every day.

Agree, same old story

Really not dishing out much useful information.

I live in what is called by TOT a TT&T area.

This TT&T area landline internet service is closed, the equipment being loaded to capacity, consequently there is no way to be connected to landline Internet.

Till begin 2006 I received internet via TT&T main cable, which we users each paid 20,000 Baht for because TT&T as independent contractor had no money for down-payment to order several kilometers main cable. This main cable in time became a total pain in the ass by Thugs a few times a week during the night cutting out several feet of main cable to sell the copper, to get money to support their vice(s).

As luck would have it Loxley was offering ipStar satellite Internet, that way I no longer was dependent on the TT&T main cable.

For the past four-five years this satellite Internet has been okay, but starting with this year 2011 it has become a problem. Not with the ipStar part which zips the logon at lightning speed to the Server were it comes to an abrupt halt because the Server is OVERLOADED, a word the now named Csloxinfo company totally ignores, like a mute/deaf person, when brought up in conversation, verbal and/or written.

When ipStar arrives at the Server with the logon information all I then get in the lower left-hand corner of the Monitor is: WAIT…. This wait can be anywhere from a couple minutes, to as many as ten minutes (if I'm foolhardy enough to wait that long).

Csloxinfo is like the guy with the ½ ton pickup who keeps pilling up the boxes finally having a 2-ton load on a ½ ton pickup and then has the audacity to get on the motorway Speed limit 120KPH were in his overloaded pickup he's lucky if it can get up to 40KPH and so get in the way of all the 120KPH traffic. LOL in LOS.

Presently desperately looking for a better setup than the present Csloxinfo Internet setup connected to now with its NEVER ending WAIT …

Now with the 3G rigmarole I hear rumors, and the other day there were some people – independent contractor - according to the rumors, doing a survey about running a fiber optic cable, just for Internet.

Of course this being LOS supposedly each customer is to pay 150,000 Baht connection fee in addition to a monthly fee of 6,000 Baht. Doesn't seem very original, its same scam as 15-years ago TT&T pulled on the people in this area, who are now sitting with a 20,000 Baht telephone which now on single line twisted copper wire people in the area get connected to for 2,500 Baht.

Edited by swerver
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I use Ipstar marketed by TOT. The system is agonizingly slow during the day but reasonable at night. However it doesn't seem as bad as your experience. Have you tried Ipstar via TOT? The cost is 2,782 BT per month flat fee.

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