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Which Online Datingsite Is Farang Woman Friendly?


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I would have to assume the vast majority of western men in Thailand are here for Thai women exclusively, and as most dating sites are all about pushing Thai " girls", you won't have much luck.

Put an ad in the paper. I did once in Phuket and the response was surprising. There are men who wish to meet western women.

I just got back from Malaysia and what a difference, many, many attractive men there who are very interested in western women. Tall, dark and handsome men gaga for blue- eyed blondes.

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Shoot, I'm not even blonde...wink.gif

TigerWan, an ad is an option, but it's a pity there's no online datingsite in Thailand for Western women. I'd say: website masters, gather and build a datingsite for us!

I found this view of a Western guy about Western women in Thailand.

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Shoot, I'm not even blonde...wink.gif

TigerWan, an ad is an option, but it's a pity there's no online datingsite in Thailand for Western women. I'd say: website masters, gather and build a datingsite for us!

I found this view of a Western guy about Western women in Thailand.


this isn't an internet link, it points to a file on your computer...

maybe post the internet link instead?

and there are indeed some strange blokes who live in Thailand and prefer western women :-)

maybe I'll make a site...

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Shoot, I'm not even blonde...wink.gif

TigerWan, an ad is an option, but it's a pity there's no online datingsite in Thailand for Western women. I'd say: website masters, gather and build a datingsite for us!

I found this view of a Western guy about Western women in Thailand.


this isn't an internet link, it points to a file on your computer...

maybe post the internet link instead?

and there are indeed some strange blokes who live in Thailand and prefer western women :-)

maybe I'll make a site...

Link worked fine for me, it is however a link to another forum which is not permitted, I'm going to have a beer and a bite before I remove it though :)

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Being a western woman in Thailand



I wonder...why do western

men andwomen throw mud to each other...

The guy is basically right.

The dating market is just a market as everywhere. You have to offer something - you will be successful.

Women in the West are supposed to be tough, narcissistic, self-centered and unfeminine - the results of decades of feminist reeducation.

The total opposite here. Women here know that they have to make efforts to get a good boyfriend or husband.

That's why your Western education leads to nowhere here in Asia.

But you can learn something from it. If you want to compete with the local women, you have to move up and show similar standards. Not only about looks, but even more important about attitude.

So instead of becoming bitter and lonely, Asia can lead you to a process of self-improvement.

Up to you. But remember: men do have a choice. And they will not lower their requirements.

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Being a western woman in Thailand



I wonder...why do western

men andwomen throw mud to each other...

The guy is basically right.

The dating market is just a market as everywhere. You have to offer something - you will be successful.

Women in the West are supposed to be tough, narcissistic, self-centered and unfeminine - the results of decades of feminist reeducation.

The total opposite here. Women here know that they have to make efforts to get a good boyfriend or husband.

That's why your Western education leads to nowhere here in Asia.

But you can learn something from it. If you want to compete with the local women, you have to move up and show similar standards. Not only about looks, but even more important about attitude.

So instead of becoming bitter and lonely, Asia can lead you to a process of self-improvement.

Up to you. But remember: men do have a choice. And they will not lower their requirements.

cliched and incorrect generalisations to say the least...

'decades of feminist re-education'. ha!!

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To the OP - I'd suggest that better that 'dating sites' you get out an meet real people.

A few ways to go:

- Groups like the Southerners Sports Club have a range of sporting and social events which are a great way to meet a cross section of expats here. You might even get fit in the process.

- Associations such as the chambers of commerce have regular events and a range of sub-committees which you can get involved in.

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To the OP - I'd suggest that better that 'dating sites' you get out an meet real people.

Isn't there a lady's night at the Witches Tavern in Suk 55. I think it's on Wednesdays.

The OP might be surprised to learn that very many of us would love to meet a nice English lady.

Imagine the joys of talking to a real woman. Having real conversations. Sharing real feelings, thoughts and emotions.

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To the OP - I'd suggest that better that 'dating sites' you get out an meet real people.

Isn't there a lady's night at the Witches Tavern in Suk 55. I think it's on Wednesdays.

The OP might be surprised to learn that very many of us would love to meet a nice English lady.

Imagine the joys of talking to a real woman. Having real conversations. Sharing real feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Dunno there - "Hello mister, ewe buy mi ladi dring? Sa-peek Thai vely goot" is about the limit for some of these punters.

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I would have to disagree with Greensnapper.

I don't agree that western men find western women unattractive or that they have a problem with western womens attitude.

When I go out in the evening, for a drink in respectable Thai places, I usually get hit on 2 or 3 times by Thai ladies less than 1/2 my age. Even the Thai ladies in their 30s admit being faced with strong competition for the available men (by younger Thai ladies).

I certainly don't think western women are unattractive or difficult, I have met many nice ladies in their 40s and 50s and had a great time talking and walking with them. But being aggressively chased by much younger Thai ladies spoils any chances for romance with the western ladies nearer my age.

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I would have to disagree with Greensnapper.

I don't agree that western men find western women unattractive or that they have a problem with western womens attitude.

When I go out in the evening, for a drink in respectable Thai places, I usually get hit on 2 or 3 times by Thai ladies less than 1/2 my age. Even the Thai ladies in their 30s admit being faced with strong competition for the available men (by younger Thai ladies).

...usually known as 'freelancers'.

Respectable Thai places...hmm. If you were really going to one, the last thing that would be happening is any hitting upon.

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lol I just read that other discussion forum. Some people really are pathetic and insecure aren't they. I'm here in this country because of my job and I have the right to work wherever in the world I want to, even if it means stepping on the toes of poor jaded men who don't want me here.

Fortunately those sorts of people are not in the majority, living in China for many years I had lots of western male friends even with the mad chasing of Chinese girls that went on. But living there the men were there for work just like me. Here they are here on holidays which does make a difference.

On the dating site thing you could try EHarmony. Or even Asian Friend Finder, put the cat amongst the pigeons and see what happens. Considering last time when there was a discussion about dating westerners a couple of guys posted a personal ad you might be surprised.B)

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Dating is like a minefield, sometimes you get hurt, but at the end of the day, you don't want to be sitting home alone.

I am surprised at the amount of antagonism between male and female ex-pats which is unnecessary.

If I was the OP. I would place my ad at the Thai women web site.

As a foreigner here in Thailand, I only seen websites advertising

Thai women looking for men. I haven't seen any with foreign women in Thailand being advertised.

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Actually, the only antagonism I have ever encountered from expat men have been ones on this site who happily sit behind their keyboards being rude and nasty to people they can't see face to face. I can't say I have encountered outright rudeness (and usually its the opposite, very friendly and nice) from expat men in person. except for one grumpy old man in the Tesco Express who reacted to my friendly attitude with total rudeness but I just put that down to being one grumpy old man who has a lot to learn about proper behavior in Thailand :)

Dont' know about dating sites tho. sorry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course I tried TLL, but when 40 year old men seek women 18-23, they just put me off.

I just like someone only a bit older than I am so I can share certain things with him, like music & movies.

Enough men were interested on TLL, but most of them were looking for fun-fun-fun or a doll who is sweet and giggle -all- the time (I suppose, because it never lead to a date)

And it's always the double standard thing: if Western women would behave like Thai women in the West, it wouldn't be accepted. We are supposed to be tough, make our own money, be independent. If we would behave like Thai women, it would be called "emotional manipulation".

And placing an ad as Tigerwan suggested... I am not sure...I think you'll attract many weirdos..

I think I'll try European datingsites, an other reason to visit Europe wink.gif

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The guy is basically right.


Up to you. But remember: men do have a choice. And they will not lower their requirements.

cliched and incorrect generalisations to say the least...

'decades of feminist re-education'. ha!!

:-) It is indeed generalisation after generalisation.. I can't recall someone ever telling me I was selfish, narcistic, dominant etc. But the whole meeting-dating someone differs very much than what I'm used to. And I feel like Western men in Thailand have gone totally mad wink.gif, because girls are easy to get, so why 'court' them? Call me old fashioned, but it's a part of the whole man & woman interaction.

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Of course I tried TLL, but when 40 year old men seek women 18-23, they just put me off.

I just like someone only a bit older than I am so I can share certain things with him, like music & movies.

Enough men were interested on TLL, but most of them were looking for fun-fun-fun or a doll who is sweet and giggle -all- the time (I suppose, because it never lead to a date)

And it's always the double standard thing: if Western women would behave like Thai women in the West, it wouldn't be accepted. We are supposed to be tough, make our own money, be independent. If we would behave like Thai women, it would be called "emotional manipulation".

And placing an ad as Tigerwan suggested... I am not sure...I think you'll attract many weirdos..

I think I'll try European datingsites, an other reason to visit Europe wink.gif

Sure you will find several men in their 40s 50s 60s seeking women below 30.

But, I am sure, you'll also find a number of men lookin' for women their own age.

And by all means, men looking for independent women.

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:-) It is indeed generalisation after generalisation.. I can't recall someone ever telling me I was selfish, narcistic, dominant etc. But the whole meeting-dating someone differs very much than what I'm used to. And I feel like Western men in Thailand have gone totally mad wink.gif, because girls are easy to get, so why 'court' them? Call me old fashioned, but it's a part of the whole man & woman interaction.

You are completely right, no shag on the first date and I would move on and consider the girl a 'time-waster'.

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:-) It is indeed generalisation after generalisation.. I can't recall someone ever telling me I was selfish, narcistic, dominant etc. But the whole meeting-dating someone differs very much than what I'm used to. And I feel like Western men in Thailand have gone totally mad wink.gif, because girls are easy to get, so why 'court' them? Call me old fashioned, but it's a part of the whole man & woman interaction.

You are completely right, no shag on the first date and I would move on and consider the girl a 'time-waster'.

I concur.

Why wait to have sex if it is supposed to give pleasure to both?

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I think that what MangandCo is looking for and what you gentleman are chasing is too different things. She is looking for a relationship built on mutual interests / intellectual stimulation. You are looking for sex on a tap, please correct me if I am wrong, but that is how it sounds. Part of the whole dating thing is getting to know someone before you shag them, the anticipation of what it will be like, this does tend to make it more interesting. Sometimes a little disappointing too, but it has always been part of the game. An old friend of mine once told me "don't bang'em on the first night cos they won't come back for more, it puts you in 'that' category of girl".

Maybe in Thailand you might feel that this does not apply, but when you think about it, how do you really view these women? I have seen far too many western men treating Asian girls in a highly disrespectful manner to think that there is much more on their minds than a quick shag when they want it. Of course afford mentioned men then treat me with utmost respect, which just makes me view them with more contempt.

However there are plenty of great guys out there who are interested in women of all kinds, who are not just looking for a quick shag.


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I think that what MangandCo is looking for and what you gentleman are chasing is too different things. She is looking for a relationship built on mutual interests / intellectual stimulation. You are looking for sex on a tap, please correct me if I am wrong, but that is how it sounds. Part of the whole dating thing is getting to know someone before you shag them, the anticipation of what it will be like, this does tend to make it more interesting. Sometimes a little disappointing too, but it has always been part of the game. An old friend of mine once told me "don't bang'em on the first night cos they won't come back for more, it puts you in 'that' category of girl".

Here, a relationship starts with sex, if you both enjoy the sex it might develop into a relationship.

The western ideal of romance just doesn't work in this situation.

I can understand western women getting frustrated, but out here a guy doesn't have to wait, and if he does wait then expect him to be doing someone else while he is waiting.

I have always looked for lasting relationships, but they have to include sex.

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What you need to understand is that most women need more than 1 date -- sometimes more than several -- to know whether or not they might want to have sex with a man. Unless of course he is an obvious turn-off in which case 1 date (or even 1 exchange of emails/online posts) may do the trick!

Reminds me of a recent exchange with my 20-something niece, we were watching a TV show together in which I thought one of the male characters was very attractive & wanted her to see. About 10 minutes into the episode I asked her if she also thought he was really hot, and my niece (who by the way is Asian) replied: "I don't know yet". Made complete sense to me, I had watched the show for several episodes before deciding this guy was really attractive. But it occurred to me how different this was from the way the vast majority of men respond.

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I think that what MangandCo is looking for and what you gentleman are chasing is too different things. She is looking for a relationship built on mutual interests / intellectual stimulation. You are looking for sex on a tap, please correct me if I am wrong, but that is how it sounds. Part of the whole dating thing is getting to know someone before you shag them, the anticipation of what it will be like, this does tend to make it more interesting. Sometimes a little disappointing too, but it has always been part of the game. An old friend of mine once told me "don't bang'em on the first night cos they won't come back for more, it puts you in 'that' category of girl".

Here, a relationship starts with sex, if you both enjoy the sex it might develop into a relationship.

The western ideal of romance just doesn't work in this situation.

I can understand western women getting frustrated, but out here a guy doesn't have to wait, and if he does wait then expect him to be doing someone else while he is waiting.

I have always looked for lasting relationships, but they have to include sex.

Totally agree with the above.

Sex on the first date can be a bit too quick, but I can't help than wonder if women who want to date for a long time before having sex really do enjoy sex or if they have a bit of an aversion for touching a man's body and therefore need a long time to get accustomed to him.

I wonder if that is a consequence of western "cocoon"/religious education or if it is the same for women who grew up in and environment where they were less "shielded" and in a society where they are accustomed to take pleasure when available as opposed to the judeo-christian masochist way of delaying things and abstaining today to better enjoy tomorrow...

To make a long story short, if it doesn't work after the second or third date, I will assume the girl doesn't want sex with me and is a timewaster.

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I think that what MangandCo is looking for and what you gentleman are chasing is too different things. She is looking for a relationship built on mutual interests / intellectual stimulation. You are looking for sex on a tap, please correct me if I am wrong, but that is how it sounds. Part of the whole dating thing is getting to know someone before you shag them, the anticipation of what it will be like, this does tend to make it more interesting. Sometimes a little disappointing too, but it has always been part of the game. An old friend of mine once told me "don't bang'em on the first night cos they won't come back for more, it puts you in 'that' category of girl".

Here, a relationship starts with sex, if you both enjoy the sex it might develop into a relationship.

The western ideal of romance just doesn't work in this situation.

I can understand western women getting frustrated, but out here a guy doesn't have to wait, and if he does wait then expect him to be doing someone else while he is waiting.

I have always looked for lasting relationships, but they have to include sex.

Totally agree with the above.

Sex on the first date can be a bit too quick, but I can't help than wonder if women who want to date for a long time before having sex really do enjoy sex or if they have a bit of an aversion for touching a man's body and therefore need a long time to get accustomed to him.

I wonder if that is a consequence of western "cocoon"/religious education or if it is the same for women who grew up in and environment where they were less "shielded" and in a society where they are accustomed to take pleasure when available as opposed to the judeo-christian masochist way of delaying things and abstaining today to better enjoy tomorrow...

To make a long story short, if it doesn't work after the second or third date, I will assume the girl doesn't want sex with me and is a timewaster.

Interesting, as most of the Thai women I know would not have sex on the first date nor even the second or third. But perhaps it still boils down to the kinds of women who would actively pursue a western man.

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