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Fungus Problem-Big Dog

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My good buddy's Cane Corso has the worst fungus infection ever. Poor guy has what looks like athletes foot on his paws, it has spread all over his body and he just looks overall miserable.

Not the same happy-go-lucky dog, you can tell he just feels bad. And he's hot, like he's running a temperature.

This wet weather is hell for the guy, I think his breed is used to drier climes. My pal is going to take him to the vet, but anybody here run into this with their bigger breed of dog?

Any vets here with advice?

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Why didn't he take him to the vet when he first noticed it ?

Has, to a couple different ones, with no luck. Sorry to have been vague there.

For a fungus infection you could try Virgin Coconut Oil.....treat the paw and rub it in and also use some in his feed. Dogs seem to like it.Its anti fungal, and.antiseptic. It clears up atheletes foot in humans.

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chnges in food; washes in mild polidine mixed with water and vinegar (saw the reccipe on the net for fungus in dog ears, am about to try it in lilee's ears (lhasa with cheesy smelly ears and all the usual washes /drops dont help)....

ive actually used a vaginal wash on lilee's coat cause she also gets 'crud' between her toes and on stomach...

mgiht need antibiotics for underlaying infection or sores that have become infected;

several homeopathic (for dogs) solutions like herbal washes ; calendula etc... what ever u do, it takes months to get rid of most of the stuff (should be checked what it is exactly... there are hotspots, ringworm (a fungus that goes in circles) and other candida like crud: which needs antibiotic and other ointments applied for very long perdiods of time...

a good worming, a good flea solution, drying dog off every time it gets wet, even blowdrying the areas (same as woman going 'combat' to keep vaginal areas dry to prevent candida etc);

vet recommended that i give lilee a few spoons of bio yoguurt every day (the ones with the active yogurt microbes )...

however, once its there, it never really goes away all together unfortunately...


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chnges in food; washes in mild polidine mixed with water and vinegar (saw the reccipe on the net for fungus in dog ears, am about to try it in lilee's ears (lhasa with cheesy smelly ears and all the usual washes /drops dont help)....

ive actually used a vaginal wash on lilee's coat cause she also gets 'crud' between her toes and on stomach...


Thanks bina, was hoping you would pipe in here.

Had email with dog owner/my friend, he says it is indeed yeast infection, mentioned candida. The vet article he sent mentioned a lot about diet, I think the dog gets a lot of fish and rice, are there other dietary things to help combat this?

Thanks again, GOM

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YEAH i was going ot suggest nienke for the food part; frankly, dog foods here are rediculously expensive and the good quality ones for small mouthed dogs are exhorbitant, and we cant go by way of BARF diets; only lilee seems to have the candida; foofoo is perfectly dry and clean all over, for a creamy coloured dog he is always very clean, he is allergic to fleas however.

i am trying the bio yogurt food additive and starting the vinegar washes with apple vinegar and water solution from the internet..

and boric acid powder puffed in to ears. not sure i would use it on body... ///

candida is very hard to get rid of , it seems to be a systematic problem, immune system involved etc...

like i said, ive heard good things about homeopathics for dogs actually, for helping candida.

good luck


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good article actually; took a while to figure out where the article on yeast actualy is;

i see i am on the right track: yougurt, apple cider vinegar, and calendula etc..

btw, when i saw the part about hormones, i rememberd that iw as thinking that lilee has a hormone problem as the past two months she has had something similar to false pregnancy, with out the actual fattening up like pregnancy, however teats growing as if in lactation etc... which fits in with the increase in ear fungus. and she's has between her toes for the pst two years, also on her stomach between her teats, after she had her abdomen opened for a partial cesarean (we hd to squeeze dead puppies out of her uterus, but didnt open up the uterus, just massaged them out, last year... sinc ethen has had to 'heats' that were ok, but no pregnancy and now this, so thinking she has some hormone problme. will spay for sure, afraid of pymetra, but sure also that the yeasty beasties are involved.

will try some of the other stuff written there also, slowly.

i grow alo vera so will put on her outer ear flaps...


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"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has."

-- Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Unfortunately, allopathic medicine has totally forgotten about that.

As for homeopathy: if one reads somewhere that this or that (homeopathic) remedy is for this or that disease, then you are NOT talking homeopathy in its true sense. And even more so when it is a product containing two or more remedies.

It can be called whatever, but not homeopathy, as it is NOT. Homeopathy treats the whole person, animal, and even plants; or in other words, it will record all the patient's symptoms, that is the totality of the symptoms, and based on the cardinal ones one remedy will be prescribed. It does NOT treat a disease.

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