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"we Can Help This Woman" Thread


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I deleted this thread for several reasons.

1. In fairness and equality as we did the same to many post-tsunami appeals.

2. The OP asked people to donate directly to his bank account.

3. It's a direct violation of a forum rule that we keep there to protect members.

If someone can find a legit, well known charity, or other organisation who is handling funds specificly for this woman then we'll consider helping out here.

Thaipauly this is not in the least way meant to say we don't trust you, and I commend your actions, but if we allow one we have trouble picking and choosing what is and isn't legit, and this is the only fair way of doing things.


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If you read the posts in the thread before deleting it you would have realized that I have already stated that I have contacted the Pavena Foundation with a query regarding how people can donate to the Pavena Fund to help this woman.

As I said in that post, I shall post the details here when (and if) the Pavena Foundation get back to me.

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If you read the posts in the thread before deleting it you would have realized that I have already stated that I have contacted the Pavena Foundation with a query regarding how people can donate to the Pavena Fund to help this woman.

As I said in that post, I shall post the details here when (and if) the Pavena Foundation get back to me.

I read it, and when you hear back from them let us know.



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I can relate to this.

I have had so many pm's from people wanting to send money that I would have trouble co-ordinating it, and Yes I understand that peple should not pay money to me directly. My apologies if I did anything wrong.

We will await Guesthouse's imformation about the foundation that we can contribute the money to and then go from there.

I would like to thank all of you who have pledged money, but you had better hang onto it for now until we know exactly where to send it.

Kindest Regards and thank you to all of you had the faith in me to deliver the goods, but we will just have to bide our time until we have the full details.

At least I know for sure that I have pledges to start with of about 5,000 baht, not a lifechanging amount for this unfortunate woman but a good start. I am confident that this amount will go up tremendously when we know where to send the cash.



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It was a nice post with the best of intentions but suffered somewhat from 'Princess Diana's dead!, knee jerk! throw money around to relieve guilt' syndrome.

I salute TP and GH for their intentions, however charity should be given with consideration, not raw emotion.

This is why charity workers all have £250K houses and drive 4X4's.......

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It was a nice post with the best of intentions but suffered somewhat from 'Princess Diana's dead!, knee jerk! throw money around to relieve guilt'  syndrome.

I salute TP and GH for their intentions, however charity should be given with consideration, not raw emotion.

This is why charity workers all have £250K houses and drive 4X4's.......


unfortunately this is true.

as for the woman in question i will gladly give, and have more trust in the people on this forum to ensure she recieves the procceeds than i would trust certain charities. after all the person or persons who take on the resposibility of getting the money to the woman will be held resposible and accountable .

where as charities do not seem to be accountable. all you have to do is look at the distribution of funds during the tsunami and the amount of money the charities wasted trying to get into the lime light, it should have been a coordinated effort between the charities

and not 'we are the best so give to us' attitude.

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WEll I went out and read the "he77 has no fury " post and it really didn't talk much about her situation except for her physical condition...and even that is not very well documented......does anyone actually know what her situation is? Does she have a pile of money in the bank? is her boyfriend/husband taking care of her? is her family taking care of her?

Does anyone actually know what her situation is?

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I find it very disturbing that 'normal' people have to set up some kind of donation for a victim of whatever. What happened with the millions of Euro's, dollars that were donated after the tsunami for example.

So much money is spoiled on all kind off useless things by governements, corruption, profits made because of higher oil price.

There is enough money to have all of us live a good life.



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Just give the money to George, or a trustworthy mod. at the TV Xmas piss-up.

Then they can go round to the woman's house and give it to her.

WEll I went out and read the "he77 has no fury " post and it really didn't talk much about her situation except for her physical condition...and even that is not very well documented......does anyone actually know what her situation is? Does she have a pile of money in the bank? is her boyfriend/husband taking care of her? is her family taking care of her?

Does anyone actually know what her situation is?

Good point Chaona.

Maybe she doesn't need the cash. I saw her on tv once and she was in a small room with only a fan on the floor and a tv.

What about going round to visit her and doing her laundry, or cooking her a meal?

There are lots of guys here with plenty of time.

Edited by Neeranam
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I find it very disturbing that 'normal' people have to set up some kind of donation for a victim of whatever. What happened with the millions of Euro's, dollars that were donated after the tsunami for example.

So much money is spoiled on all kind off useless things by governements, corruption, profits made because of higher oil price.

There is enough money to have all of us live a good life.



That's the whole point of this thread. There is nobody collecting right now. Read more closely.


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