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Social Security Services For U.S. Retirees In Thailand


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I don't want to make to much of this. It is not a rant, I just want to state my personal experience with the U.S. Social Security as a retiree living in here Bangkok, Thailand.

Here is what happened to me.

I retired in October 2010 after a carreer as a private contracter employee for the U.S. government.

My experience was in communications/computer fields, so I am "computer literate".

When I retired in Oct 2010 I was staying with my brother, so I used his mailing address as my mailing address.

I was assured then by the Social Security rep that I could change that address "anytime" by logging into the SSA website and just "filling out a change of address form"

When I tried that after moving to Bangkok I found out that you can not file a change of address unless you e are living in the U.S. at the time you request a change of address and it will only be accepted if your new address is also in the U.S. So fileing a change of address on-line can't be done from Bangkok.

No problem, I thought, I'll just go to the U.S. embessy. American Citizen's Services, I thought.

They informed me they can't do that, I must file a change of address through the SSA office in the Phillipines.

I made two telephone calls and sent three emails to the SSA in the Phillipines. Each time they assured me they would take care of it "immeadiately".

In June 2011 my brother was still recieving mail from the SSA addressed to me.

In July 2011 I had to return to the U.S. for other reasons and while I was there I visted my "local" SSA pffice and signed a change of address form there. It was accepted by the SSA.

Round one to the SSA.

Round two was when I tried to get a user name and password so I could contact the SSA on-line. End result- you can not get a password to contact the SSA on-line if you do not have a U.S. address.

Round two to the SSA.

Round three is my current battle with the SSA on medicaid Part B.

I recieved a letter from the SSA advising me that as of 1 October 2011 they would begin deducting $115.65 from my monthly pension to pay for my Medicaid Part B premium. They state that is the minimum monthly premium I must pay.

I never signed for medicare/medicaid...in fact, I specificaly declined it at my retirement interview.

I have another source of medical insurance from my previous employment, and it does at least partially cover medical expenses here in Thailand. It is still valid and I pay premiums monthly for that coverage.

That round is still ongoing...but I think I'm down on points for that round also.

Additionally, from where I live, the SSA website has been basically blocked for almost 6 months now. In order to get in touch with them on-line I have to use a proxy server which I have to pay a monthly fee for. (The one I use is based on the west coast of the U.S.)

So when you add everything up, can you see where I might just be a little frustrated with the SSA and what I have experienced with it's services for Americans retired outside the U.S.?


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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You can change your address at the Bangkok ACS or send it to Social Security Administration

P.O. Box 17769

Baltimore, Maryland 21235-7769


I mailed my change of address to the above address and got a reply back to my Thai address about a month later.

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The folks in Manila are great to work with. They took care of both the unwanted deduction for Medicaid and my change of address when I moved over here. There really aren't problems if you deal with Manila. Yes it is crazy that they don't allow simple overseas address changes but other than that just call them. They will even call you back if requested on their dime.Call Ms. Gomes 63-2-301-2000 ext.2669

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