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Vietnamese Woman Cuts Off Taiwan Husband'S Penis


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Vietnamese woman cuts off Taiwan husband's penis

TAIPEI, October 16, 2011 (AFP) - A woman cut off her husband's penis with a pair of scissors and threw the severed member into a river in revenge for his affair with another woman and his physical abuse, police in Taiwan said Sunday.

The 30-year-old Vietnamese woman, identified only by her surname, Pan, cut off about half her husband's penis at their home in the southern city of Tainan after he took drugs and sleeping pills and fell asleep, police said.

The woman allegedly claimed she had thrown the severed member of her drug-addicted Taiwanese husband into a river before turning herself in.

"She has been taken into custody on charges of assault," a police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The woman allegedly told police she felt no regret about what she had done to her husband, who is 29 years old, jobless and a known user of illegal drugs.

Police said she claimed to have suffered beatings even though she had worked at a local karaoke shop to support the family since the pair married two years ago.

Her husband's affair with another woman, which he did not attempt to hide, prompted her revenge, the suspect said, according to police.

If convicted, she faces a jail term of up to 12 years.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-19-16

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There goes 1.5 inches....... Did not know about Thailand being the penis chopping capital of the world , will have to look that one up. ... The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

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The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

Wow, hard man huh? Your my hero...

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There goes 1.5 inches....... Did not know about Thailand being the penis chopping capital of the world , will have to look that one up. ... The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

Be careful, she can and maybe will cut it off in less than 1 (one) minute.And feed it to the ducks, That is the preferred method of disposal of unwanted goods, otherwise known as rubbish. Apparently the ducks will relish,find it quite a delicacy ,that which you have unwittingly been disposed of.It is NOT a sick joke,quite common actually. She may not --need I say more? With an attitude like yours

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Don't care if it's not Thai related...

the news in itself is a grim reminder that we live in the world's s no. # 1 penis chopper country

Is Thailand really that bad? I have to confess I never see many stories in the news. I must ask the sister-in-law, she is a Nurse at the Government hospital.

So is Thailand the World Hub of Penis Chopping ?

There goes 1.5 inches....... Did not know about Thailand being the penis chopping capital of the world , will have to look that one up. ... The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

Where in the article does it say Thailand? Or could it be that Taipei, Thailand is all the same to you guys :) ?

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Thats not a very long jail term, they probably come up with that figure by adding 1 year for every millimetre. :)

Hard or soft ??

Even if you have been into the Viagra / Cialis, it's pretty difficult to keep it hard when some maniac woman has a knife pressed against it.

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Don't care if it's not Thai related...

the news in itself is a grim reminder that we live in the world's s no. # 1 penis chopper country

Is Thailand really that bad? I have to confess I never see many stories in the news. I must ask the sister-in-law, she is a Nurse at the Government hospital.

So is Thailand the World Hub of Penis Chopping ?

There goes 1.5 inches....... Did not know about Thailand being the penis chopping capital of the world , will have to look that one up. ... The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

Thailand is clearly not the leading country for this type of thing ...


Edited by Nisa
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There goes 1.5 inches....... Did not know about Thailand being the penis chopping capital of the world , will have to look that one up. ... The first time a Thai girl made the penis chopping joke to me, I told her if she did that her time on planet Earth would be measured in less than one minute... She apologized profusely, and never made that sick joke again...

Whats the penis chopping joke? Do you mean threat?

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This woman was obviously disgruntled with her husband's performance.

Perhaps they should get a private Dick on the case, money back guaranteed if not satisfied.

She had her own private dick - but threw it out with the rubbish :lol:

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Thailand is clearly not the leading country for this type of thing ...


The majority of Thai cases don't get reported in English and don't end up in Wikipedia lists. Maybe that is the case for China or some other countries too, but it is WAY more common here than in any western country.

I read an English language interview with a Thai surgeon who specializes in reattaching penises, he'd performed the procedure dozens of times. No American surgeon has that much first hand experience with sewing on dongs

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You might ask why she married a drug-using, wife-beating, unemployed womaniser - but she is VN living in Taiwan so it might be visa-related.

It's poverty related.. Taiwanese men paying agencies for mail order brides - because Taiwanese women now have a much higher degree of self suffiiciency the men now look for complient subservient potential wives from less developed countries

with lighter skinned females mainly Vietnam. It has been reported that a LOT of these mail order Viet brides have been subject to abuse from their new 'husbands' and inlaw family after their arrival.

many of the Viet women end up in abusive relationships with 'lower' class undesirable Taiwanese men such as this.. but most have to endure it, some try to escape..

Now that they know may get their todgers snipped the 'husbands' should be thinking about treating the VN wives with more respect..

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Is Thailand really that bad? I have to confess I never see many stories in the news. I must ask the sister-in-law, she is a Nurse at the Government hospital.

A few years ago I had to have a finger sown back on in Bangkok. The surgeon who did the micro surgery said that I was his first 'finger'. He usually does 12 - 13 penis's a year! However, the number is going down as now the wives/girlfriends know that the rich Thais can have them re-attached, so they are putting the off-cuts into the blender! (Ouch :o)

I have the surgeon's name if any of you need him. I did ask him if he did extensions but he declined to answer.

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