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Shops Running Out Of Products


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It was very busy at 10am in Foodland this morning. People were panicking.

My only panic buy was an extra 5kg bag of rice to keep the wife alive if things turn bad... and about 16 x 6L bottles of drinking water earlier this week.

There is absolutely no problem with rice. How many tonnes do you want??

Re water ---- you have to be joking.

What do you mean "you have to be joking". Have a look around for bottled water today - it's no joke.

There must be some problem with rice. There was none at Big-C Xtra and it was being rationed at Foodland. I would guess it's being bought up to help the flood victims in shelters.

Where have you been?

People actually buy bottled water and rice in supermarkets in Thailand. A truly amazing country.

For your info, I bought 5 litres of water today for 5 baht. I transfer it into smaller bottles myself.

If I need rice, I will go to my local friendly rice seller, who is quite sweet. At any given time, she has about 10 tonnes at her disposal. She can get another 40 tonnes tomorrow, based on a phone call.

Jesus you are d'man, I want to hear more, you seem to have the water and rice under full control can you educate us on all the rest

please share more, i think you could help a lot of people with your wisdom

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There is still plenty of beer available!

The traffic is worse and some products are hard or harder to get but generally speaking there is no problem if you want to come here at all.

I wonder what people would post if there really was some sort of major disaster.

Too many panic merchants around.

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As an up-date, I was able to get a variety of meat products at Tesco corner of Siam Country Club road and Sukhumvit today and they had bread and milk - but as a smoker I find that Marlboro Light cigarettes are now virtually impossible to find anywhere. That may force me to finally give up smoking and not a bad thing. Eggs and vegetables were out of stock and I saw no water but as I have boiled my own drinking water for many years, that was not of concern to me personally. If it all went to people who truly needed it, that's OK with me. There was plenty of soft drink stocked and some fruit juices so, for a while, one can survive OK with some diet changes.

Hope everyone stays calm and works around the inconveniences.

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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

theres water in tops under central

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Wealthy Thais and worried farangs have bought the supermarkets and the seven-elevens out of stock, hoarded it in then sky-high condos and then buggered off to Pattaya. My local market here in Bangkok is full of fresh meat and vegtables, rice, water and all the other essential stuff. The one thing that does remain elusive is a can of tuna. I'm off to a little island where the fish is caught from the sea and hopefully they have a good water supply. Hopefully.

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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

theres water in tops under central

There's water on every soi if you can find spare bottle(s) and have five baht to put into the machines. Treated, safe to drink, water.

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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

theres water in tops under central

here too! at 3.50 pm today


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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

theres water in tops under central

here too! at 3.50 pm today

The little shop in my building finally got water after 3 days without. The 12 packs are the same price, but the bottles have no labels, are loose in a bag, no plastic on the lid, but the lids are sealed. Maybe the factory is skipping steps to get product out fast.

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I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

Should we start to worry now?

theres water in tops under central

here too! at 3.50 pm today

The little shop in my building finally got water after 3 days without. The 12 packs are the same price, but the bottles have no labels, are loose in a bag, no plastic on the lid, but the lids are sealed. Maybe the factory is skipping steps to get product out fast.

More likely Somchai sourced a supply of bottles and caps (but no labels or cap sealer tape) and is filling old bottles from the hose in his garden and selling it on to places like this shop at a nice profit :lol:

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

the staple foods that everyone needs.

The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

Of course there are shortages.

How else would you explain eggs going up 60 percent overnight when/if you can find them?

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

the staple foods that everyone needs.

The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

So, why do people go to supermarkets ?? All that stuff is all over the place, if you know where to go. As I say ask a local.

The idea that Thailand would be short of water or rice, is truly mind-boggling. Milk is in all the corner shops. Eggs are 70 baht for 10 at the market --- too expensive, so they can keep them.

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

the staple foods that everyone needs.

The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

So, why do people go to supermarkets ?? All that stuff is all over the place, if you know where to go. As I say ask a local.

The idea that Thailand would be short of water or rice, is truly mind-boggling. Milk is in all the corner shops. Eggs are 70 baht for 10 at the market --- too expensive, so they can keep them.

People like myself go to the supermarkets in search of the staple products that i mentioned but without success due to NO STOCK!

So buy any other products that they need whilst they're still in stock.

I still don't think that you understand that their are not enough products available for the amount of population in Pattaya right now.

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

the staple foods that everyone needs.

The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

So, why do people go to supermarkets ?? All that stuff is all over the place, if you know where to go. As I say ask a local.

The idea that Thailand would be short of water or rice, is truly mind-boggling. Milk is in all the corner shops. Eggs are 70 baht for 10 at the market --- too expensive, so they can keep them.

People like myself go to the supermarkets in search of the staple products that i mentioned but without success due to NO STOCK!

So buy any other products that they need whilst they're still in stock.

I still don't think that you understand that their are not enough products available for the amount of population in Pattaya right now.

I shop at supermarkets all the time and am yet to find they are out of stock for what I am looking for and that includes rice, eggs and milk. I think my success is due to the fact I am there by about 08:00 before the hoarders and panic buyers wake up. I seriously believe that the shortages seen later in the day are due to the hoarding and panic buying.

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People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

Qoute break

How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

the staple foods that everyone needs.

The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

So, why do people go to supermarkets ?? All that stuff is all over the place, if you know where to go. As I say ask a local.

The idea that Thailand would be short of water or rice, is truly mind-boggling. Milk is in all the corner shops. Eggs are 70 baht for 10 at the market --- too expensive, so they can keep them.

People like myself go to the supermarkets in search of the staple products that i mentioned but without success due to NO STOCK!

So buy any other products that they need whilst they're still in stock.

I still don't think that you understand that their are not enough products available for the amount of population in Pattaya right now.

I shop at supermarkets all the time and am yet to find they are out of stock for what I am looking for and that includes rice, eggs and milk. I think my success is due to the fact I am there by about 08:00 before the hoarders and panic buyers wake up. I seriously believe that the shortages seen later in the day are due to the hoarding and panic buying.

i agree with you Rab

my shopping pattern has not changed since this ''crisis''

i do a big shop once a week , i start early, visit four or five of the major farang supermarkets, get what i want from each (as i can't get everything i want from one) fit in lunch at the Hilton, then get the Waitrose luxury desirables in Central Tops and i am home by 4pm even in the traffic

everything i normally buy every week is still on the shelves for me to buy

including as you say, rice , milk and eggs

i think some farangs spend too much time pontificating about shortages instead of getting out there and getting on with it...........

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My local family mart has everything,..

The supply chain is severely hit, trucks cant get around but as far as basic essentials are concerned, we shouldn't worry too much in Pattaya... The local Thai markets will always have everything..

It's just the trucks with TESCO, Family Mart and BIG C written on them are having trouble making their delivery rounds because of the centralised nature of their operations..

Tesco's logistics are done by Linfox which is an Australian company, I would have thought they have it better arranged.

The missus just got the last 4 cans of beer on the shelf in Tesco's Sukhumvit tonight.

Seems like these Aussie companies can't organise the proverbial then?

looks like a few guys will have to dry out if the floods dont go away soon .what will the misses think of a sober husband . james

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