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Why do so many people Moan so Much about Thailand?

Are you really that unhappy? C'mon lads, remember what is was like when you first came here,............... the sadness when you had to back to your own country,.................... the decisions you made to come and live in Thailand............where did it all go wrong?

I heard some guy talking about how wonderful Thailand is, and that he would never want to be anywhere else, when i asked how long he had been in Thailand, he said '3 months'. He listed some things that where shit in England, and some things that where great in Thailand, and guess what.....................he sounded just like i did back in 1990.............so it still beats the ###### outta most other countries.

Yes maybe Thailand has changed, so has the UK changed...................... If you cant be happy in Thailand, then i cant see you being happy anywhere.

If i was as unhappy as many posters appear to be, i would be on the first available flight out.


Yep, that's because the country (Oz) is such a big overrated disappointment...

At last we know our country is a dump!


Dons flame-proof suit in reparation of whining ex-con lashback , you are so sensitive you Sheilas..etc etc

As for Thailand , me Loves it!



where in the world is good to live??? hmmmm,

i have lived in thailand for 13 yrs and i thought i had the perfect life,

2 days ago i was out with a friend of mine when he asked where would i live if i was rich,,,that sure made me think,but unfortuneatly i will never be rich enough to live the life ppl like me dream of so i will take this one lol...

yeah admin u guessed or should have done by now. www. is back lol.

last post tonite i got 2 sleep


Yep, that's because the country (Oz) is such a big overrated disappointment...

At last we know our country is a dump!


Dons flame-proof suit in reparation of whining ex-con lashback , you are so sensitive you Sheilas..etc etc

As for Thailand , me Loves it!


A quick point the "ex cons" were soapdodgers :D

Guest IT Manager

Personally I think Oz is OK, I just wouldn't want to live there again.

Personally I think Oz is OK, I just wouldn't want to live there again.

Ah, but then you're biased IT. Actually, my sentiments exactly - great place to visit, but really wouldn't want to live there, even in a swank house overlooking the Swan. Too far to go find some culture and sanook. :o

Why do so many people Moan so Much about Thailand?

Are you really that unhappy? C'mon lads, remember what is was like when you first came here,............... the sadness when you had to back to your own country,.................... the decisions you made to come and live in Thailand............where did it all go wrong?

I heard some guy talking about how wonderful Thailand is, and that he would never want to be anywhere else, when i asked how long he had been in Thailand, he said '3 months'. He listed some things that where shit in England, and some things that where great in Thailand, and guess what.....................he sounded just like i did back in 1990.............so it still beats the ###### outta most other countries.

Yes maybe Thailand has changed, so has the UK changed...................... If you cant be happy in Thailand, then i cant see you being happy anywhere.

If i was as unhappy as many posters appear to be, i would be on the first available flight out.

Good upon you Begs...well said. Alas, there's so many whiners and whingers here. It simply is unbelievable and defies belief. Why do the buggers stay on here I wonder ......

Guest IT Manager
Ah, but then you're biased IT. Actually, my sentiments exactly - great place to visit, but really wouldn't want to live there, even in a swank house overlooking the Swan. Too far to go find some culture and sanook. :o

Someone oncetold me lots of sanook was available at HMAS Leeuwin, but thats just what I heard, never actually got there.


Yes, i see what you mean............If you ask English People if they like England and living in England, many will slag the country off, and think about ways they can get out of the place, you will get a very long list of all the things that they dislike,................................................. silly prices for cigarettes,.... beer,... petrol,... Rates,... Water,... Phone bills,... Gas bills,... Electric bills,... Trains,... Women (or lack of),... Men,... Really Miserable people,.... Immigrants,.... Blacks....Indians..., Abanians,.... Arabs,.... Blair,.... The Queen and all her family,.... Road tax,... TV license,.... Walking in to a strange pub and getting Punched in the mouth for saying "Hello" to the wrong person,.....Street crime,.......Burglary...Car theft,.........Vandalism,........... Football violence,...........Pub Violence......... Yob Culture,....... Caronation street,........ Eastenders,....... Beggars,....... Tattooed young Men that Still think Britannia Rules the Waves.......Tattooed young Women that resemble Cape Buffalo, ....British people that go on Holiday to Spain and ruin everybodys elses Holiday because they get Violent and Abusive when Drunk,..... Drugs,...Alcoholics in Seaside Towns....... Dog Shit,....Pissheads,.....And of Course........The worst Bloody Weather on The Planet.............etc, etc , etc.........

Now ask Thai people if they like Thailand. NO, ask them if they LOVE Thailand, see what a difference in views you get.

I know where i would rather be.


Some people willalways moan and carry onabout everything. It just their nature andmaybe that guy whos a psychologist who studied in the US for 8 years could shed some light onthat. But from my experience there is a definite psych problem going on here. Thebest thingto do is to ignore it and dont give these people the time of day. If they have an audience then it feeds their needs.......for attention. Possibly they were abused as children or grew up in an environment where they were offered no discipline,so developed into insecure and unhappy adults.

Now about whinging maoning poms coming to Oz......had to laugh, as there was once a televisiondocumentary about poms in Oz who complained so much an investigation was launched into what the f__k they were onabout. Som eactually packed up and went back to the UK !! You have to laugh at that.

In Thailand i get to hear a lot of complaints from tourists....mostly from the UK.....but some also from Oz, US etc...It would be good to start a thread here about complaints re holidays......here is a few doozies that actually did happen......

;......." I did the fishing tour and the fish we caught were not the same as the ones on the brochure"

" there's not enough drawer space in my hotel room"

" it's too hot...no-one told me it would be hot"

" the staff dont speak english "

" we went swimming and there were fish in the water"

After having told me these shocking situations I have to keep a straight face and apologise to them for the inconvenience and then suffer a barrage of abuse when I tell them there is no refund or compensation coming their way. Great job huh !!

Anyway it is a very curious thing......why do these people step outside their own homes.....they should stay there and watch it all on tv !!


Well, tourists. Just a few days ago I overheard a discussion that was quite positive.

"Surprisingly, it was not soooo hot, as expected." Now this topic, I believe, went one for another 2 hours after I left.

Drving. Depends where you come from, 'they drive on the wrong side, or on the correct side of the street."

Since they drive on the left hand side, was it not an English colony before? :o

"I was very suprised, they have streets, but this morning we went into the Klongs, lots of shops and that is the real Thailand.

Now about whinging maoning poms coming to Oz......had to laugh, as there was once a televisiondocumentary about poms in Oz who complained so much an investigation was launched into what the f__k they were onabout. Som eactually packed up and went back to the UK !!  You have to laugh at that.

What they actually packed up and left? You are full of revelations me old sheep plucker. Any more of these pearls of Antipodean cultural (sic) wisdom ?


Why do so many people Moan so Much about Thailand?

I think that is human nature not limited to Thailand. Wherever you go to live in another country than your own, it is at the beginning phantastic and everything better than home. You need this to re-assure yourself that your step to move there was right.

After a certain time has passed and you are well established in a daily routine, the negative points come up. Suddenly, you don't like the locals, the weather, the taxis, the food. I could go on for end and end.

Perhaps this again is to re-assure yourself, 'I am so tough, I can stand it'.

To really adjust takes years. If it happens and your are employed from your home-country, the counter attack comes. "This guy is so adjusted, he is lost for our purpose."

If you live here for retirement, Thai wife, and ...? maybe you start complaining once in a while, when you actually are homesick.

For everybody suddenly the home country is seen in pink colours. The bad memories fade away. Latest than, visit 'home' and wait until you are homesick for Thailand.


Words of wisdom Axel, time does tend to temper ones views when an expat. Time spent in birth country can reignite the initial enthusiasm MHO


It's a heritage thing....and the icy weather. Your forebears made a H U G E mistake....they sent the crooks to Oz, and stayed in Pomland themselves....a Gin House influence perhaps. B I G error


Thought I might add a few other examples of complaints for the entertainment value (see my post above) .......

This guy calls me to ask if I can help hime out.....what can I do for you sir ? Oh I lost 60,000 baht.......i see so how did yo ulose it sir ? The police tookit from me and I was wondering if youcould claim it back on insurance ?

I asked him why the police took the money....he said they put him in jail/gaol over night and made him pay a bribe to get out.......so I asked what did he do to get put ingaol........oh I was walking out of a nightclub and accidentally bumped someone down some stairs !!

I called my local contact and asked him to contact the police. It turned out the guy (who was a scot) got pissed and cracked onto a looker in a bar.....then he felt her up like crocodil edundee and found she had some extra equipment down below......so he went beserk and proceeded to punch the shit out of him/her and wrecked the bar...hahahahaha....I almost choked onmy coffee as I spat it across the room. This really did occur !! I wonder if he fell inlove with her after that ....like inthe crying game !!

Why do so many people Moan so Much about Thailand?

is not Thai Land that fail, its the system that fail.

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