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Notebook Repair In Thailand,Have Sony Also The Same Bad Service Then In Europe?


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this february,i bought a sony vaio notbook before i fly to thailand,after 4 month,the power of the battery was very bad,sony says i have worldwide warrenty one year,but i use the warrenty in my country,

call around 10 time the hotline to replace the battery,but the never pick up,after calling a local service agent,the pick up,and then a mail comes back,with replacement of the battery pack,and replace of touchpad that was gone 3 day before half year warrenty on battery was over,the send me a bill of 350€,after sending 5 mails to the support,and talking 2 our on the sony vaio hotline the replace it for free,and change the mainboard,after the touchpad fault and got a new battery,in the meantime,my viao,is 100€ because of japan tsunami raised in the price!

is it the same bad service in thailand also on sony vaio?

next notebook will be a dell notebook,i fly back to thailand in 2 days,i see not many 17.3" notebooks in asia most have only 15.3 also in the bigest it store in kula lumpur malaysia,the modell choice is not so big then here in the Eu!

price of notebooks very simular but diffrent modells,when i buy a dell notebook,did i also have worldwide warrenty?

the say,the found a little bit water inside,but not book was only use inside the house,can it be posible,that the aircondition in thauland will be destroy the notebook?

i hear about some special type of notebooks usaly made for the bisness class called subnotebook,with special materials used,where no air from inside,like salt air from the sea,can come to the electronic,

is this true?

shoudl every notebook,have the same vacum inside,that no air comes in or out?

does dell have in thailand also home repair service man?

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I had a dell, brought it in the US, when I moved to Thailand, had to transfer the warrenty over here. they have excellent in home service here, no complaints on service from Dell.

computers have to take air in from the outside to cool the system, they have fans, It would not be the AC putting water in the computer, never had that problem. I have never been a fan of Sony computers...

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