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Netherlands And Switzerland Less Corruption


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Did my best to translate this from a Dutch newspaper.

Many lived here in Thailand have to deal sometime with corruption while doing business or personal issues with local government.

What is your experience and where would you placed Thailand in this ranking and why.

Netherlands and Switzerland countries with the less corruption when companies dealing with government.

(Source “detelegraaf.com, 2 November 2011)

LONDEN - Companies having in The Nederland’s and Switzerland to deal with the less corruption said by anticorruption organisation “ Transparency International “ on Wednesday in the de Bribe Payers Index 2011. For this analysis they interviewed 3000 business people in 28 countries. This where the 28th biggest exporting countries around the world.

From maximum 10 points Switzerland and The Netherlands scored 8.8

3rd was Belgium with 8.7

4th and 5th where Germany and Japan.

Russian was last on the list with 6.1 points China second last with 6.5 points.

India made the biggest progress on the list and got 0.7 point more.

Canada and Great Britain where the biggest losers this year.

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