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FROC: How Not To Run A Crisis Operations Centre: Thai Talk


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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

And you're the one trying to tell us what would have happened had the BMA opened the klongs earlier? Perhaps what would have happened is not as linear and predictable as some think it is?

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Apparently you are quite bored.

Never been bored in my life - although occasionally on a Saturday or Sunday when Arsenal are playing I do get bored, unsurprisingly!!!:lol:.

Water bored'd maybe?

Yes my brain is flooded with confusion - I think that Docn should be sent to Guantanamo Bay after what he's done to me, to carry on his work. They will admit to anything after they have read a small handful of his postings and he would quickly rise to be "the chief torturer"!!!:D.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

The water hits Don Mueang, and then continues down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

What does FROC do? Moves from Don Mueang down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.

It doesn't matter who is in power, the end is the same. No thai saw this coming.

No Thai 'with the power to act' saw this coming. Big difference,

I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

The water hits Don Mueang, and then continues down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

What does FROC do? Moves from Don Mueang down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

Nothing like a change of scenery....then another change of scenery...Ehhh!!!!!:unsure:.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

The water hits Don Mueang, and then continues down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

What does FROC do? Moves from Don Mueang down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

It's the only way these idiots can keep abreast of the situation. A bit like the "weather stone" someone posted on one of these threads. When the FROC office is dry = no problem. When the FROC office is wet = the flood had reached <insert current location of FROC office>, leave the supplies and retreat another 5km down stream.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

The water hits Don Mueang, and then continues down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

What does FROC do? Moves from Don Mueang down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

It's the only way these idiots can keep abreast of the situation. A bit like the "weather stone" someone posted on one of these threads. When the FROC office is dry = no problem. When the FROC office is wet = the flood had reached <insert current location of FROC office>, leave the supplies and retreat another 5km down stream.

Ingenious!!!! At last!! a means of keeping the people informed as to the extent of the current reaches of the floods - Thaksin's brainwave surely, as Yingluck doesn't have the requisite intelligence to implement something so "breath takingly" ingenious as this master stroke of logical thinking!!

Simple!!! just stream their movements onto the internet and you not only get to see (live) first hand where the water is headed but it would be quite entertaining watching them pack and unpack those boxes on an almost continuous basis. They could also employ (if they want to get all techno and that) one of those fight position monitors and see the trucks inching along the line every 30 seconds or so to their new destination - something "to keep the spirits up" by entertaining you in your moments of despare and you could even play "guess their next destination" with the kids to while the time away whilst they are swimming around the living room.

You know what this means don't you!! FROC does have a use after all - invaluable tool at that!!:jap:.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

And you're the one trying to tell us what would have happened had the BMA opened the klongs earlier? Perhaps what would have happened is not as linear and predictable as some think it is?

Nope, I am NOT telling you that! And that is exactly the point. I am not an expert- neither are you.

But there are some people who say, there might have been a chance that opening the gates at an earlier stage (and closing them again) might have been a chance.

One that was categorically ruled out.

Don't twist my words.

I am not saying one or the other side is owning the holy grail of flood management.

All I am wondering is, why everything that has govenor written all over it, is hailed like the 10 commandments, whereas the other side is damned and doomed, no matter what.

But on the other hand: with the "news" today, that many klongs are illigally blocked...it becomes more and more clear (at last to me) that the saviour of Bangkok is nothing else but a crock himself...only wearing a democrate shirt. As if we didn't know!

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Apparently you are quite bored.

Never been bored in my life - although occasionally on a Saturday or Sunday when Arsenal are playing I do get bored, unsurprisingly!!!:lol:.

Water bored'd maybe?

Yes my brain is flooded with confusion - I think that Docn should be sent to Guantanamo Bay after what he's done to me, to carry on his work. They will admit to anything after they have read a small handful of his postings and he would quickly rise to be "the chief torturer"!!!:D.

Not my fault, that you have nothing to say that has any substance and flee into lame jokes, ones your own absurd postings are revealed as exactly that.

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.

It doesn't matter who is in power, the end is the same. No thai saw this coming.

No Thai 'with the power to act' saw this coming. Big difference,

I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

Again: please enlighten us of the alternative and how that would have played out.

The army or the Democrats vaporizing millions of cubic meters of water?

Does anyone REALLY and HONESTLY believe, the outcome would have been much different?

If some of you are stating that this was foreseeable for a loooong time (e.g. more that the 2 months the PTT took office) ...where are the plans that the DEMS had prepaired. Sure they must have had some plans, as they were sure, they would be re- elected!


I am listening, but I am afraid, I will not hear much!

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.

It doesn't matter who is in power, the end is the same. No thai saw this coming.

No Thai 'with the power to act' saw this coming. Big difference,

I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

Having watched them serial fail from their erliest beginins as the dregs of PPP,

there was never any doubt that HANDED POWER, they would continue their proven path.

I am against Thaksin having a hand because he is shown by his history to be totally untrustworthy, but my main reason to be against PTP winning the election was their abysmal showing as a laughable 'Shadow Government' for 2 years. They proved repeatedly, that they had little or no competence, and given a true crisis were bound to make the words 'Epic Fail' seem a Lilliputian understatement. The proof is in the mud-pudding we are witnessing now.

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

And you're the one trying to tell us what would have happened had the BMA opened the klongs earlier? Perhaps what would have happened is not as linear and predictable as some think it is?

Nope, I am NOT telling you that! And that is exactly the point. I am not an expert- neither are you.

But there are some people who say, there might have been a chance that opening the gates at an earlier stage (and closing them again) might have been a chance.

One that was categorically ruled out.

Don't twist my words.

I am not saying one or the other side is owning the holy grail of flood management.

All I am wondering is, why everything that has govenor written all over it, is hailed like the 10 commandments, whereas the other side is damned and doomed, no matter what.

But on the other hand: with the "news" today, that many klongs are illigally blocked...it becomes more and more clear (at last to me) that the saviour of Bangkok is nothing else but a crock himself...only wearing a democrate shirt. As if we didn't know!

If the dams up country had been allowed to drain off, open the gates, and risk the rice pledging scheme crop, much of this crisis would have been averted in the first place. But a cabinet minister said stop the flow... with obvious intent to help his buddies, with no concept of the extra consequences this would entail. The only shining light is that finally the dam people screamed loud enough to drown out the face saver fools, to avoid a dam bursting and killing 10's of thousands in a day or two..

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Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

And you're the one trying to tell us what would have happened had the BMA opened the klongs earlier? Perhaps what would have happened is not as linear and predictable as some think it is?

Nope, I am NOT telling you that! And that is exactly the point. I am not an expert- neither are you.

But there are some people who say, there might have been a chance that opening the gates at an earlier stage (and closing them again) might have been a chance.

One that was categorically ruled out.

Don't twist my words.

I am not saying one or the other side is owning the holy grail of flood management.

All I am wondering is, why everything that has govenor written all over it, is hailed like the 10 commandments, whereas the other side is damned and doomed, no matter what.

But on the other hand: with the "news" today, that many klongs are illigally blocked...it becomes more and more clear (at last to me) that the saviour of Bangkok is nothing else but a crock himself...only wearing a democrate shirt. As if we didn't know!

If the dams up country had been allowed to drain off, open the gates, and risk the rice pledging scheme crop, much of this crisis would have been averted in the first place. But a cabinet minister said stop the flow... with obvious intent to help his buddies, with no concept of the extra consequences this would entail. The only shining light is that finally the dam people screamed loud enough to drown out the face saver fools, to avoid a dam bursting and killing 10's of thousands in a day or two..

No one with a sane mind doubts that!

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So Thailand is being governed by an energy company now!!!!:lol:.

DocN - you are like Mastercard - absolutely priceless!!!:jap:.

Long may you continue to amuse us!!!!

Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Steve spotted a typo! Let's all go cheesy.gif about that and have a partytime2.gif.

But maybe he should just stop burp.gif and find a job or a hobby, which would be most welcomeani.gif because he obviously so wub.gif with himself that he doesn't even notice

that he acts like a drunk.gif with nothing to say!

Glad you are having a laugh, Stevieboy!

"Glad you are having a laugh, Stevieboy"!

You haven't disappointed DocN!!!

Funny you should mention that (about finding a new hobby) because I think I just have - retorting your hilarious offerings B).

Helps keep my brain active - first I have to decipher the code that you write them in - you do, don't you?? Then I have to stop shaking with laughter as my finger keeps wandering all over the keyboard and finally I destroy your arguments!!!

Step 1 takes the longest, step 2 is not far behind and the last step is as quick as I can type (after a few milli-seconds thought on what to reply with)!!!:jap:.

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If the dams up country had been allowed to drain off, open the gates, and risk the rice pledging scheme crop, much of this crisis would have been averted in the first place. But a cabinet minister said stop the flow... with obvious intent to help his buddies, with no concept of the extra consequences this would entail. The only shining light is that finally the dam people screamed loud enough to drown out the face saver fools, to avoid a dam bursting and killing 10's of thousands in a day or two..

No one with a sane mind doubts that!

So why the obsessive support then for this bunch of jokers????

One minute you are protecting them (well, attempting to anyway - which is nigh impossible to do) given their abysmal handling of the floods disaster and resoundingly bad track-record!!

Then someone crucifies a cabinet minister, laying the blame at his feet, and how do you respond?

"No one with a sane mind doubts that"!!:jap:.

Please allow me a private snigger!!!!:o:D.

I think your brain needs rewiring my friend - it shouldn't take long!!

Listen Stevie...I try to make it slow and simple so that even YOU can understand it...well...at least try, please will ya'?

Point 1) I am not defending anyone!

Point 2) OF COURSE the whole disaster started with the dams up north and their poor water- management. This is the point -unless you wanna go back to Genesis (NOT the band ,so spare me that joke, please. I am talking about the bible...Bible? big old book? God? ah...forget that) and the part where God made the heavens and the earth. A lot of water inside + more rain coming+ release some water= everything ok!

A lot of water inside+more rain coming+do no open the gates+ more rain coming+ dam almost overflowing + still more rain AND open the gates now= disaster!

Point 3) there are so many jokers in this game, but they are not all red! This has been an amazing display of disastrous management for years and decades...years and decades? ...ahm....looooong time! Like in "me love you looooong time!

Do you get that now?

I am not contradicting myself, because from day 1 on this Forum, I have been saying exactly that: this is too big, to blame just one person, one party....Forum? No, I am not gonna explain that, sorry!

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.

It doesn't matter who is in power, the end is the same. No thai saw this coming.

No Thai 'with the power to act' saw this coming. Big difference,

I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

And why is the ring master totally quiet? He claims to be the champion of the poor, who are by far the biggest losers out of this situation. Totally quiet*, maybe too busy counting his money from blood diamonds. (*A red shirt thug claimed the paymaster had ordered big pumps from Korea and they were supposedly due for delivery 4 or 5 days back. Nothing happened.)

And the brother in law (ex?) national police chief - where is he? Totally quite also? A national disaster obviously needs lots of resources, the army have mostly very quietly given lots of support, resources etc., and in the main well organized. The police should also be very up front, but where are they? Surely the BIL (ex) would be looking for an opportunity to show he's capable and not just a relative who gained from nepotism? But nothing!

And where's all the red shirts clowns who were appointed as ministerial advisors? Nothing!

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.

It doesn't matter who is in power, the end is the same. No thai saw this coming.

No Thai 'with the power to act' saw this coming. Big difference,

I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

Can you really speculate with certainty and say if ANYONE other than Yingluck was in power there would be a different outcome? If you say yes, then I am fascinated by your optimism.

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And why is the ring master totally quiet? He claims to be the champion of the poor, who are by far the biggest losers out of this situation. Totally quiet*, maybe too busy counting his money from blood diamonds.

Well they are busy working out the "kill" from the insurance, for the new "flood protection scheme" which will be huge sum of money, no not huge, gigantic!

Like the "parked" airplanes on flooded Don Muang!

Like...the rice scheme, the ah' name it, Themasek was only the tip of the iceberg, well the puppetmaster and his cabinet at it's finest!

Edited by Samuian
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If the dams up country had been allowed to drain off, open the gates, and risk the rice pledging scheme crop, much of this crisis would have been averted in the first place. But a cabinet minister said stop the flow... with obvious intent to help his buddies, with no concept of the extra consequences this would entail. The only shining light is that finally the dam people screamed loud enough to drown out the face saver fools, to avoid a dam bursting and killing 10's of thousands in a day or two..

No one with a sane mind doubts that!

So why the obsessive support then for this bunch of jokers????

One minute you are protecting them (well, attempting to anyway - which is nigh impossible to do) given their abysmal handling of the floods disaster and resoundingly bad track-record!!

Then someone crucifies a cabinet minister, laying the blame at his feet, and how do you respond?

"No one with a sane mind doubts that"!!:jap:.

Please allow me a private snigger!!!!:o:D.

I think your brain needs rewiring my friend - it shouldn't take long!!

Listen Stevie...I try to make it slow and simple so that even YOU can understand it...well...at least try, please will ya'?

Point 1) I am not defending anyone!

Point 2) OF COURSE the whole disaster started with the dams up north and their poor water- management. This is the point -unless you wanna go back to Genesis (NOT the band ,so spare me that joke, please. I am talking about the bible...Bible? big old book? God? ah...forget that) and the part where God made the heavens and the earth. A lot of water inside + more rain coming+ release some water= everything ok!

A lot of water inside+more rain coming+do no open the gates+ more rain coming+ dam almost overflowing + still more rain AND open the gates now= disaster!

Point 3) there are so many jokers in this game, but they are not all red! This has been an amazing display of disastrous management for years and decades...years and decades? ...ahm....looooong time! Like in "me love you looooong time!

Do you get that now?

I am not contradicting myself, because from day 1 on this Forum, I have been saying exactly that: this is too big, to blame just one person, one party....Forum? No, I am not gonna explain that, sorry!

OK, i'll try to temper my enthusiasm for jesting.

I think you would admit that you are not a big fan of Abhisit or the "Bangkok baboon" as you so affectionately describe him and have a strong tendency to support the "red shirts" and Yingluck - or anybody/anything anathomer to the Democrats. Fair enough, that's your perogative, and rightly so!!

I don't read the bible (or any fiction) if it comes to that because it is made up (and not the real world) so your theology lesson is wasted on me, unfortunately.

I DO defend the Democrats and I happily admit that. They were GOOD for Thailand in their 2 short years tenure and left the economy in fine fettle. They did not win the election through making false and unrealistic promises that could never be fulfilled, did they???? Why??? because they are honourable and responsible people that refuse to step that low as to adopting blatant lies and employing dishonest scare mongering tactics, thats why!! pure and simple.

They are "novice amateurs" or should that be "expert amateurs" that simply are not "up to the job" - just what were the "natives of the North" thinking about when they entrusted Thailand's and their own futures to a bunch of "criminal thug farmers" that were high in the bitterness stakes but oh so low!! in the intelligence variety (as has become apparent in the last 2 months)!!

"Any sane person" SHOULD have realised that casting their vote in the direction of these "greedy, lets make a mint out of the situation" shysters was courting disaster. But they didn't

I'm not going to cry over this now as that changes nothing and we must suffer the consequences of ONE selfish individual who is hell bent on retribution and doesn't care about what it takes to get it, as it is the sole function of parliament (in his rightful mind) to get his passport back and expedite his passage back to Thailand whatever it takes.

It beggars belief that one person can sacrifice his sister and put at stake the wellbeing of his fellow Thai's through such selfish motives equating to looking after his own interests whereby "everything else" is of secondary importance.

I could go on, but I think that you get the gist of my feelings and where my affiliations lie now and maybe you can understand why I turn into a bit of an "attack dog" when people spout their views and support from the other side of the fence - "is it any wonder" as Dave Bowie would sing!!!! I had to get one quip in - I'm sure you'll allow that :jap:.

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I would say that it is a little bit more involved than that. They did act, "rather irrationally" the way I see it just about 2 months ago when they voted a party (essentially lacking any political experience) into power, and BOY, is EVERYBODY paying for their stupidity now with the unnecessary losses of property, jobs and lives with serious repercussions to come in the future!!!:unsure:.

And why is the ring master totally quiet? He claims to be the champion of the poor, who are by far the biggest losers out of this situation. Totally quiet*, maybe too busy counting his money from blood diamonds. (*A red shirt thug claimed the paymaster had ordered big pumps from Korea and they were supposedly due for delivery 4 or 5 days back. Nothing happened.)

And the brother in law (ex?) national police chief - where is he? Totally quite also? A national disaster obviously needs lots of resources, the army have mostly very quietly given lots of support, resources etc., and in the main well organized. The police should also be very up front, but where are they? Surely the BIL (ex) would be looking for an opportunity to show he's capable and not just a relative who gained from nepotism? But nothing!

And where's all the red shirts clowns who were appointed as ministerial advisors? Nothing!

Quite so!!!!!

Very succinctly put!!!:jap:.

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F.R.O.C. it seems have taken on board the person in the image below as their latest consultant.


The previous consultant has sadly passed away.


Edited by siampolee
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Can you really speculate with certainty and say if ANYONE other than Yingluck was in power there would be a different outcome? If you say yes, then I am fascinated by your optimism.

YES I can and do!!!! - I prefer to call this realism rather than optimism!!!

I tell you what, I could have done better, you could have done better and my next door neighbour could have done better.

Change the question around and ask me "could anyone have done worse" - let me think!!!............................................................................................................Errrr NO I don't think so!!!!:jap:.

Another thing!!! since when has Yingluck been in power - nobody told me that, so it has come as a total surprise to me!!!!!!B).

I must ask you one thing - just how do you "speculate with certainy" as thats like saying "can you guess precisely".

Someone who worked at my dad's Engineering company was given his next job, and just like clock work he used to look at the lump of metal and say "no, that's impossible, it can't be done. He returned 2 hours later and said "finished"!!! with a big, smug, gleaming smile on his face and waited for his next "mission impossible" - well, his rather comical self-belief in his engineering skills amused me!!!:blink:.

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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Indeed. I wonder how much rental the government is paying to use PTT's space?

The Army offered them a turn-key command post for free.

Just to be forced to relocate froc and many evacuation centers to evacuate to new locations in order to evacuate these AGAIN after a few days, shows the experteese of these 'experts'. Yingluck is the head of it all. IT WAS, IS AND WILL BE HER FALT!!!!! It is as simple as that. She is trying to be clever to get Aphisit involved now......to blame him later. Thai style....isnt it!?

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OK, i'll try to temper my enthusiasm for jesting.

I think you would admit that you are not a big fan of Abhisit or the "Bangkok baboon" as you so affectionately describe him and have a strong tendency to support the "red shirts" and Yingluck - or anybody/anything anathomer to the Democrats. Fair enough, that's your perogative, and rightly so!!

I don't read the bible (or any fiction) if it comes to that because it is made up (and not the real world) so your theology lesson is wasted on me, unfortunately.

I DO defend the Democrats and I happily admit that. They were GOOD for Thailand in their 2 short years tenure and left the economy in fine fettle. They did not win the election through making false and unrealistic promises that could never be fulfilled, did they???? Why??? because they are honourable and responsible people that refuse to step that low as to adopting blatant lies and employing dishonest scare mongering tactics, thats why!! pure and simple.

They are "novice amateurs" or should that be "expert amateurs" that simply are not "up to the job" - just what were the "natives of the North" thinking about when they entrusted Thailand's and their own futures to a bunch of "criminal thug farmers" that were high in the bitterness stakes but oh so low!! in the intelligence variety (as has become apparent in the last 2 months)!!

"Any sane person" SHOULD have realised that casting their vote in the direction of these "greedy, lets make a mint out of the situation" shysters was courting disaster. But they didn't

I'm not going to cry over this now as that changes nothing and we must suffer the consequences of ONE selfish individual who is hell bent on retribution and doesn't care about what it takes to get it, as it is the sole function of parliament (in his rightful mind) to get his passport back and expedite his passage back to Thailand whatever it takes.

It beggars belief that one person can sacrifice his sister and put at stake the wellbeing of his fellow Thai's through such selfish motives equating to looking after his own interests whereby "everything else" is of secondary importance.

I could go on, but I think that you get the gist of my feelings and where my affiliations lie now and maybe you can understand why I turn into a bit of an "attack dog" when people spout their views and support from the other side of the fence - "is it any wonder" as Dave Bowie would sing!!!! I had to get one quip in - I'm sure you'll allow that :jap:.

Wow...now you really surprise me...and as much as I am an atheist: he works in mysterious ways...at least with you.

This is the first halfway sensible post I read from you in days, so I will politely and honestly answer you, sir!

I am not supporting the reds. In fact I think they are a bunch of liars and criminals.

I am not supporting the Democrats. In fact I think they are a bunch of liars and criminals.

But I am against the bashing of one side or the other- in all fairness: we have to stick to the truth.

I admit that there is not "one truth" since (obviously ) my truth differs in many points from your truth.

As I see it there is a whole chain of singular events, that lead us where we are now.

a) 50 years of complete neglect of ecological planning. No matter who promised what and no matter who didn't do it- there was plenty of time to plan for this "worst case scenario".

Deforestation is one point. Building industrial plants on flood land (the word should have rung a LOUD bell)...water doesn't sink into the ground of a TESCO parking lot as well as into a forest.

b ) Dams and reservoirs were built, but there was no real management and no planning.

c) (the impression is) There are several different agencies, who all have their own agenda instead of 1 agency, fit with experts and manpower and a plan and in command.

d) If I am careful, I would say: personal mis- judgments lead to fatal decisions, not releasing water from these damns at an earlier point in time.

e) of COURSE the communication (including listening to REAL experts on the matter and taking their advice) was a disaster. But TIT. Nobody listens to a "little" expert here.

f) the political "game" between a PT government and a DEM govenor

g) wrong, bad or untimely decisions that proved fatal, from all sides



To pin ALL THIS on one person or even one party is just too simple IMHO.

And it doesn't help a bit!

And what even helps less: the constant calling on "him who has to be named constantly" makes little to no sense.

While in the beginning, I couldn't care less for YS, I see her in the meantime as somewhere between a person who TRIES to prove her critics wrong (and I buy from her that she CARES!), a person who made some bad choices and a person who -given a to j etc.- is not doing a job that is worse than anybody else would have done.

Seeing the bad calls , mishaps and inadequacies of the govenor and all the mistakes he makes, I also beg to differ, that with you favorite AV or a SOE, we would be anywhere else than we are now.

But that is hypothetical anyways, because we will never know.

I am not saying it might not be- in my opinion it is just unlikely to deal with a disaster of this capacity and not make mistakes and not be exactly where we are now.

And it also is disgusting, that THEY and WE are playing our blame- game, in the face of 400 deads (officially...I guess, it is much more) and 100.000s having lost their homes and (right now) lookin at the fall of the capitol- and it will be a biblical disaster, compared to which, the 2004 Tsunami looks like a picnic on the beach.

So: I hope you see where I am coming from.

I respect your cheering for the democrats (after all : this is a democracy...yeah...right) but I will never accept ranting, bickering and fingerpointing, by intelligent people, who dam_n should know better, that there is no ultimate truth in this.

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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Indeed. I wonder how much rental the government is paying to use PTT's space?

The Army offered them a turn-key command post for free.

Just to be forced to relocate froc and many evacuation centers to evacuate to new locations in order to evacuate these AGAIN after a few days, shows the experteese of these 'experts'. Yingluck is the head of it all. IT WAS, IS AND WILL BE HER FALT!!!!! It is as simple as that. She is trying to be clever to get Aphisit involved now......to blame him later. Thai style....isnt it!?

The buch stop at the top....

until and underling falls on his sword for the liege lord, in the age old feudal Thai tradition,

For now we must accept the stream of mis-information coming from the:

Thailand Water Advancement Technicians at that soggy Gov Flood Office Grouping, aka T.W.A.T's from that Sod'n Cluster FROC.

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PM admits to difficulties in coordination between agencies, particularly with both basic and technical info

That says it all. It confirms that which we were all well aware off that none of those involved in the mis management of the flooding situation had anything other than their own personal empire building plans in their minds.

Deputy prime ministers nowhere to be seen or heard, conflicting inane comments from all ministers that were involved indeed a ship of fools.


Edited by siampolee
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