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FROC: How Not To Run A Crisis Operations Centre: Thai Talk


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And why is the ring master totally quiet? He claims to be the champion of the poor, who are by far the biggest losers out of this situation. Totally quiet*, maybe too busy counting his money from blood diamonds. (*A red shirt thug claimed the paymaster had ordered big pumps from Korea and they were supposedly due for delivery 4 or 5 days back. Nothing happened.)

And the brother in law (ex?) national police chief - where is he? Totally quite also? A national disaster obviously needs lots of resources, the army have mostly very quietly given lots of support, resources etc., and in the main well organized. The police should also be very up front, but where are they? Surely the BIL (ex) would be looking for an opportunity to show he's capable and not just a relative who gained from nepotism? But nothing!

And where's all the red shirts clowns who were appointed as ministerial advisors? Nothing!

The BIL may be holed up looking for newpapers & websites he will have sole say in censoring or even shutting down if that proposed law sneaks thru while all this is going on :bah: Of course based on the quality of work the rest of Yingluck's appointments have produced maybe its best he's on the downlow.

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OK, i'll try to temper my enthusiasm for jesting.

I think you would admit that you are not a big fan of Abhisit or the "Bangkok baboon" as you so affectionately describe him and have a strong tendency to support the "red shirts" and Yingluck - or anybody/anything anathomer to the Democrats. Fair enough, that's your perogative, and rightly so!!

I don't read the bible (or any fiction) if it comes to that because it is made up (and not the real world) so your theology lesson is wasted on me, unfortunately.

I DO defend the Democrats and I happily admit that. They were GOOD for Thailand in their 2 short years tenure and left the economy in fine fettle. They did not win the election through making false and unrealistic promises that could never be fulfilled, did they???? Why??? because they are honourable and responsible people that refuse to step that low as to adopting blatant lies and employing dishonest scare mongering tactics, thats why!! pure and simple.

They are "novice amateurs" or should that be "expert amateurs" that simply are not "up to the job" - just what were the "natives of the North" thinking about when they entrusted Thailand's and their own futures to a bunch of "criminal thug farmers" that were high in the bitterness stakes but oh so low!! in the intelligence variety (as has become apparent in the last 2 months)!!

"Any sane person" SHOULD have realised that casting their vote in the direction of these "greedy, lets make a mint out of the situation" shysters was courting disaster. But they didn't

I'm not going to cry over this now as that changes nothing and we must suffer the consequences of ONE selfish individual who is hell bent on retribution and doesn't care about what it takes to get it, as it is the sole function of parliament (in his rightful mind) to get his passport back and expedite his passage back to Thailand whatever it takes.

It beggars belief that one person can sacrifice his sister and put at stake the wellbeing of his fellow Thai's through such selfish motives equating to looking after his own interests whereby "everything else" is of secondary importance.

I could go on, but I think that you get the gist of my feelings and where my affiliations lie now and maybe you can understand why I turn into a bit of an "attack dog" when people spout their views and support from the other side of the fence - "is it any wonder" as Dave Bowie would sing!!!! I had to get one quip in - I'm sure you'll allow that :jap:.

Wow...now you really surprise me...and as much as I am an atheist: he works in mysterious ways...at least with you.

This is the first halfway sensible post I read from you in days, so I will politely and honestly answer you, sir!

I am not supporting the reds. In fact I think they are a bunch of liars and criminals.

I am not supporting the Democrats. In fact I think they are a bunch of liars and criminals.

But I am against the bashing of one side or the other- in all fairness: we have to stick to the truth.

I admit that there is not "one truth" since (obviously ) my truth differs in many points from your truth.

As I see it there is a whole chain of singular events, that lead us where we are now.

a) 50 years of complete neglect of ecological planning. No matter who promised what and no matter who didn't do it- there was plenty of time to plan for this "worst case scenario".

Deforestation is one point. Building industrial plants on flood land (the word should have rung a LOUD bell)...water doesn't sink into the ground of a TESCO parking lot as well as into a forest.

b ) Dams and reservoirs were built, but there was no real management and no planning.

c) (the impression is) There are several different agencies, who all have their own agenda instead of 1 agency, fit with experts and manpower and a plan and in command.

d) If I am careful, I would say: personal mis- judgments lead to fatal decisions, not releasing water from these damns at an earlier point in time.

e) of COURSE the communication (including listening to REAL experts on the matter and taking their advice) was a disaster. But TIT. Nobody listens to a "little" expert here.

f) the political "game" between a PT government and a DEM govenor

g) wrong, bad or untimely decisions that proved fatal, from all sides



To pin ALL THIS on one person or even one party is just too simple IMHO.

And it doesn't help a bit!

And what even helps less: the constant calling on "him who has to be named constantly" makes little to no sense.

While in the beginning, I couldn't care less for YS, I see her in the meantime as somewhere between a person who TRIES to prove her critics wrong (and I buy from her that she CARES!), a person who made some bad choices and a person who -given a to j etc.- is not doing a job that is worse than anybody else would have done.

Seeing the bad calls , mishaps and inadequacies of the govenor and all the mistakes he makes, I also beg to differ, that with you favorite AV or a SOE, we would be anywhere else than we are now.

But that is hypothetical anyways, because we will never know.

I am not saying it might not be- in my opinion it is just unlikely to deal with a disaster of this capacity and not make mistakes and not be exactly where we are now.

And it also is disgusting, that THEY and WE are playing our blame- game, in the face of 400 deads (officially...I guess, it is much more) and 100.000s having lost their homes and (right now) lookin at the fall of the capitol- and it will be a biblical disaster, compared to which, the 2004 Tsunami looks like a picnic on the beach.

So: I hope you see where I am coming from.

I respect your cheering for the democrats (after all : this is a democracy...yeah...right) but I will never accept ranting, bickering and fingerpointing, by intelligent people, who dam_n should know better, that there is no ultimate truth in this.

I will try to keep my reply brief and concise as I'm getting RSI!!!

1). This PT government is full of incompetent individuals intent on milking the system and meting out retribution on the "hated" Democrats.

2). They got into power on the premis of lies, bribes and scare-mongering about what the Democrats were going to do if they were re-elected.

3). I'm afraid that it is not possible (not) to mention "the fugitive" as it was he that installed his sister Yingluck as PT's number 1 on the voting list.

4). The sole reason that Yingluck is experiencing her personal hell is to aid Thaksin's return - yes I do mean the SOLE reason by the way.

5). Yingluck has "sod all" experience in politics and should not be there.

6). Her failures in dealing with this disaster have been breathtakingly abysmal.

7). She let Thaksin appoint her cabinet and government officers - placing them in positions with the remit to assist his return to Thailand.

8). Yingluck WAS lieing when she repeatedly stated that "Thaksin was not a priority for her government" - he WAS and there is NO disputing the fact!!!!!

8). She let Khun Thaksin manipulate things behind the scenes and control the workings of government from the organisation of the government to directing the policies and agenda, to meet his ends.

9). Yingluck has betrayed her people by letting a "fugitive" take control of the country when he is a failed politician that was not voted into the job.

10) Her government - don't forget, she is responsible for what the government does, has handled the flood disaster foolishly by letting her "bungling MP's" attempt to dictate terms as to the response and actions dependant on what will aid their own constituents primarily and NOT for the benefit of all the people of Thailand.

11). FROC are called FROC because "ohhhh FROC is all they were heard to mutter every time smal snippets of information about the most recent areas to flood reached them!!

12). The provision of information has been totally lacking and has been responsible for the "utterly confused state of mind" of those affected people.

13). As a public relations exercise it has been one cock up after another - their organisational abiities are simply bereft, with everyone contradicting each other on the best course of action to take.

14). The relief effort is appalling to the extreme.

15). No!!! I don't feel sorry for Yingluck, but, I am sorry that she is there (supposedly) at the head of the Government of Thailand!!!:jap:.

16). Their decisiveness has been decidedly indecisive.

Enough said??????......................................and the band played on!!!!

Edited by thaiphoon
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thank ya kindly

after that long airoplane ride it's good to be back down on the ground.

who messed around with your sun? It's nighttime here already!

You talking to me??? If you are then its not my sun but everyone's to share!!

When it's night time in Thailand the sun is known to disappear for approximately 12 hours, so get some sleep and wait for it to rise in the morning!!!! Sweet dreams B). Sorry, you won't need the sunglasses at this moment of time - you have already pointed out that its dark!!! Silly me!!

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FROC was, if you'll excuse the pun, a man-made disaster waiting to happen. First of all, why wasn't the Ministry of Interior in charge of this center? I imagine the MOI haven't access to vast amounts of resources and data that could potentially lead to the correct decision making. Instead, we have a Justice Minister in charge, (imagine if during Hurricane Katrina we asked the Justice Department to get involved, would that make sense?) and a Science and Technology Minister whose claim to fame was selling exotic meat at the Chiang Mai night zoo (slogan: "See the animals, then eat them!"). You then hire a professional comedian as one of the spokesperson but then everyone wants to share the limelight so soon the media gets quotes from everyone and no one knows what is really going on.

And to top it off, you have the PM-in-training who even manages to botch her lines despite reading from a script. Amazing Thailand indeed!

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The water hits Don Mueang, and then continues down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

What does FROC do? Moves from Don Mueang down Vipavhadi-Rangsit.

Perhaps eventually they will catch up with Supanee's five relocations...

Flood Operations Center Ordered to Be Relocated

The government has ordered the flood operations center to be relocated to PTT’s Energy Complex as the location is much safer from flooding.

Hopefully, they won't be forced to move as much as Supanee has been to...

New Floods Force Displaced Thais to Move Again

Supanee Pansuwan says she has already moved four times since fast-rising flood waters began swallowing her home in central Thailand a month ago.

Now, as the murky waters threaten the shelter on the outskirts of Bangkok where she has lived for the past two weeks, she's being told to flee again.

Supanee's fears and confusion are shared by many, with the Thai capital of 9 million on edge for the past two weeks since floods began inundating areas north of the city.



Associated Press - October 24, 2011

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