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Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Is Flooded,Anybody Know Of An Alternative Office ?


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I have been calling their office for three days without reply,I have phoned the 1111 number as well and that just rings then goes dead.

I need to get the Minsistry of foreign affairs to stamp or ok my translated affirmation to marry paperwork form the UK embassy.

Some of my family are here by chance so I was intending on trying to marry on Monday, while they were still in Thailand.

Is there another office or option I have as the Thai offices are no help at all ?

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Get your GF to phone 1111 (government helpline). There is another MFA office downtown, I have seen it when traveling on the bus, but not sure it can do the certification.

Locations and Maps of Offices

Sri Ayudhya Building

Saranrom Palace

Chaengwattana Building

Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA)

Passport Services Unit

Sri Ayudhya Road

Address : Sri Ayudhya Rd., Bangkok 10400. Tel. (662) 643-5000

Departments :

1. Office of the Secretary to the Minister

2. Office of the Permanent Secretary

3. Department of Protocol

4. Department of European Affairs

5. Department of Economic Affairs

6. Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs

7. Department of Information

8. Department of International Organizations

9. Department of American and South Pacific Affairs

10. Department of ASEAN Affairs

11. Department of East Asian Affairs

12. Department of South Asian Middle East and African Affairs

13. Department of Consular Affairs

Saranrom Palace

Address :1 Sanarmchai Road, Bangkok 10200. Tel. (662) 622-2638

Chaengwattana Building

Address :123 Chaengwattana Rd., Tungsonghong Laksi Bangkok 10210. Tel. (662) 981-7171

Departments :

1. Consular Affairs Department : Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad Division, Visa and Travel Documents Division, Legalization Division, Passport Division and The Overseas Election Coordination Centre

2. Office of the Permanent Secretary : Information and Communications Technology Centre

Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA)

Address :962 Krung Kasem Rd., Bangkok 10100. Tel. (662) 0-2280-0980 Fax. 0-2280-1248

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Not sure it is flooded, i know the road is but not sure about the office.

The big government office centre, including immigraiton, is open. But you have to go there by big army truck, same might go for the MFA. But I can't say for sure they are closed. Their websites doesn't give any information either way.

Otherwise keep trying 1111, they are currently hard to get. But members report getting trough and being called back with an answer.

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Courts, offices closed for week

The Courts of Justice yesterday declared tomorrowNovember 7 through FridayNovember 11 as special holidays due to the floods.

The holidays will be in effect for the Ratchadapisek Court, the Government Complex on Chaeng Wattana Road, the Taling Chan Provincial Court, the Office of the Chief Judge Of Region 1, the Pathum Thani Court and the Office of the Courts of Justice.


Looks like marriage plans getting postponed - unless anyone finds another way.

Highlights the problems of a centralised state.

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My wife and I were just at the MFA in Lak Si on Friday last week. The main road is definetely flooded, but they Army is bringing in people by large trucks across the water. Once you get across the water a motorcycle taxi will take you into the complex for about 15 baht. We submitted 3 documents for legalization. They did tell us we could pick them up at the office on Si Ayuttaya Road. I guess you might be able to submit your documents there and skip Lak Si all together.

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Ive already submitted my documents (1) It was at a Gov' building 5 mins from Victoria monument,I paid them

400baht,they have told me to come back this wed's, but if some of these stories are true about them having the week off

I am now screwed,they have all my translated originals,im surprised they dont grant everyone a week off when

ever the heat gets a bit strong over here !

I dont mind if they decide this **** for health and safety reason's ,just wish they would give some notice,its not like

the floods have sneaked up on them!

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