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Thai People Are Always Right......


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I find Thais to be at their rudest when driving. Absolutely inconsiderate and selfish as it gets.

I also find it rude when a professional refers to me, especially in my presence by a slang term denoting my race. Actually, I find that rude from just about anyone. Yet, if I did the same to them, it would be considered racist. When I bother to tell them I find it rude, immature, uneducated, unprofessional and well, outright bigotry, they giggle in a most childish fashion, another annoyance.

I think next time I'm called "whitey" I intend to respond with an appropriate slang term indicating Asian.

Some one in Thailand has called you whitey?? as for driving, inconsiderate and selfish definitely applies to foreigners here as well, in fact it is a world wide problem, it's the nature of the beast you have to adapt to...

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I get called whitey about 10 times a day. What do you think, " farang " means? It is slang for Caucasian, not foreigner . Thais aren't referring to to Japanese or other Asians as farang.

I believe folks of African heritage have their own term, too.

When one is referred to by their race...well I don't see how it isn't racist.

It is my own opinion formed my own experience that Thai drivers are especially rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.

Edited by TigerWan
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I get called whitey about 10 times a day. What do you think farang means? It is slang for Caucasian, not foreigner . That don't refer to to Japanese or other Asian tourists that.

I have to stick with my own opinion formed my own experience that Thai drivers are especially rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.

Have a read at the wiki definition ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farang

Not really 'slang' for Caucasian. More a generic word for 'Western'. Interestingly Wiki also says "People of African descent from the Western hemisphere have been occasionally referred to as farang dam". But hey I'm getting way off topic.

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I get called whitey about 10 times a day. What do you think, " farang " means? It is slang for Caucasian, not foreigner . Thais aren't referring to to Japanese or other Asians as farang.

I believe folks of African heritage have their own term, too.

When one is referred to by their race...well I don't see how it isn't racist.

It is my own opinion formed my own experience that Thai drivers are especially rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.

I know the word farang and it does not bother me one bit, if you let thing's like this bother you then you must be very stressed at the end of your day!!

whats the saying "sticks and stones" they fly straight over my head it's just not worth getting upset about!!

Edited by kenny999
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Rule 101

expect to be called falang or falang in Phuket whether u like it or not

Exactly, the one time it did annoy me was last yr, my gf and I stopped to have air added to the bike tire, normal price free, he actually said to my gf 10 bht falang have many money, yes I was annoyed at paying 10 bht but I laughed because I am sure he thought he was hurting my pocket... :D

Also we are adults not children let the word farang wash over you it's just a word!!

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kwai keenok...does that mean buffalo shit bird or outside or something like that.?

Rule 102 for new tourists coming to Phuket....learn some super polite Thai instead of the bar talk

Instead of saying ... Ao gin "gaeng kioaw wan gai" Ill eat "green curry chicken"

Try saying ....Pom dtorng gahn rapatahn "gaeng kioaw wan gai" translate to something you would say if you were in the presence of royalty...The laughter you get from these comments is a lot more genuine than the laughs you get from swearing and carrying on like a bar girl

P.S to all the expats here...dont bother correcting my spelling with those ones ^^^ I can write it in Thai if you want the true spelling. It gets a bit lame after a while


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you can always call them kwai keenok

theyd be big hypocrites if they were to get mad.

My Thai gf has looked at your kwai keenok and she does not know what it is!!! is it spelt wrong?

Kwai is a water buffalo, kee is sh*t and nok is bird. There is no correct spelling in the English transliteration. But it essentially means a stupid cheapskate. But best not to go around saying that or trying to piss people off...

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No need to post get personal assumptions about my reactions to bigotry . It is s after a highly subjective opinion. I mention it as evidence of the way " Thais Are always right.." even when rude., IMO

I get called whitey about 10 times a day. What do you think, " farang " means? It is slang for Caucasian, not foreigner . Thais aren't referring to to Japanese or other Asians as farang.

I believe folks of African heritage have their own term, too.

When one is referred to by their race...well I don't see how it isn't racist.

It is my own opinion formed my own experience that Thai drivers are especially rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.

I know the word farang and it does not bother me one bit, if you let thing's like this bother you then you must be very stressed at the end of your day!!

whats the saying "sticks and stones" they fly straight over my head it's just not worth getting upset about!!

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No need to post get personal assumptions about my reactions to bigotry . It is s after a highly subjective opinion. I mention it as evidence of the way " Thais Are always right.." even when rude., IMO

We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I thought would be hurtful !!

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I get called whitey about 10 times a day. What do you think farang means? It is slang for Caucasian, not foreigner . That don't refer to to Japanese or other Asian tourists that.

I have to stick with my own opinion formed my own experience that Thai drivers are especially rude, inconsiderate and dangerous.

Have a read at the wiki definition ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farang

Not really 'slang' for Caucasian. More a generic word for 'Western'. Interestingly Wiki also says "People of African descent from the Western hemisphere have been occasionally referred to as farang dam". But hey I'm getting way off topic.

Not really, the casual and acceptable usage of this racist slang it is proof of how Thais are always right. White westerner aka Caucasian as in Caucasus Mountain Range ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasus_Mountains

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We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I think would be hurtful !!

I don't think most Thais mean it in a derogatory manner, ( but I still find it rude) but I argue it is a derogatory precept, just as nigger was used quite commonly in the US not too long ago.

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We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I think would be hurtful !!

I don't think most Thais mean it in a derogatory manner, ( but I still find it rude) but I argue it is a derogatory precept, just as nigger was used quite commonly in the US not too long ago.

I am sure the majority just use the term because that is what they know, you will always get the minority that will use the word in other ways, it's up to them it certainly does not bother me...

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We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I think would be hurtful !!

I don't think most Thais mean it in a derogatory manner, ( but I still find it rude) but I argue it is a derogatory precept, just as nigger was used quite commonly in the US not too long ago.

I think you are way off base comparing farang with nigger! If you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder, up to you... It's best that you just accept it for what it is rather than what you may think it is... How long have you lived here? Just curious, as it used to kind of bother me at first, but I got over it years ago...

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We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I think would be hurtful !!

I don't think most Thais mean it in a derogatory manner, ( but I still find it rude) but I argue it is a derogatory precept, just as nigger was used quite commonly in the US not too long ago.

I think you are way off base comparing farang with nigger! If you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder, up to you... It's best that you just accept it for what it is rather than what you may think it is... How long have you lived here? Just curious, as it used to kind of bother me at first, but I got over it years ago...

why do people need to apply the 'badge of honour' chest beating shit? "Ive been here for 20 YEARS"...... care factor is well below zero.

If you want to start asking those sort of questions, then ive got a better one...what age did you relize that your own country was a shithole and decide to move to SE asia? my answer is 26.....now does that make me smarter/dumber/more experienced blah bah blah than the next guy?cool.gif

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We all have an opinion, personally I could not care less what any one calls me. it all flys over my head, if some one called me white trash I would laugh, if some one called me honky I would laugh etc etc the politically correct world we live in has a problem with names myself as an adult could not give a fig... but in saying this I would never call any one a name that I think would be hurtful !!

I don't think most Thais mean it in a derogatory manner, ( but I still find it rude) but I argue it is a derogatory precept, just as nigger was used quite commonly in the US not too long ago.

I think you are way off base comparing farang with nigger! If you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder, up to you... It's best that you just accept it for what it is rather than what you may think it is... How long have you lived here? Just curious, as it used to kind of bother me at first, but I got over it years ago...

why do people need to apply the 'badge of honour' chest beating shit? "Ive been here for 20 YEARS"...... care factor is well below zero.

If you want to start asking those sort of questions, then ive got a better one...what age did you relize that your own country was a shithole and decide to move to SE asia? my answer is 26.....now does that make me smarter/dumber/more experienced blah bah blah than the next guy?cool.gif

Oh, wow... Talk about beating your chest! Some things you just get over, like being called a farang, right?

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Or a Rawaii beach bum? show me the beach there buddy....just muppets sitting in Tamarind bar whining about exchange rates. laugh.gif

I see you've been out fishing. No bites....

I havent seen any bait shops here....have you?

Serious question, do you need glasses? there are bait shops all along Rawai beach road that sell prawns,mussels,cockles etc all excellent bait for fish!!!

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Or a Rawaii beach bum? show me the beach there buddy....just muppets sitting in Tamarind bar whining about exchange rates. laugh.gif

I see you've been out fishing. No bites....

I havent seen any bait shops here....have you?

Serious question, do you need glasses? there are bait shops all along Rawai beach road that sell prawns,mussels,cockles etc all excellent bait for fish!!!

I thought they were restaurants....silly me

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Serious question... so the only place to buy fishing bait is from a fishing tackle shop?

Serious answer.....No I generally go to the market or a fishing shop, not a restaurant.

Am I alone here? Is it normal to go into a restaurant to buy bait or pet food for that matter? I cant imagine how offended the restaurant owners would be if they had been out selecting nice cuts of meat and fresh seafood only to see some Falang attempt to catch fish with it or feed it to their dog.....you wouldnt do it in your own country rolleyes.gif

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Serious question... so the only place to buy fishing bait is from a fishing tackle shop?

Serious answer.....No I generally go to the market or a fishing shop, not a restaurant.

Am I alone here? Is it normal to go into a restaurant to buy bait or pet food for that matter? I cant imagine how offended the restaurant owners would be if they had been out selecting nice cuts of meat and fresh seafood only to see some Falang attempt to catch fish with it or feed it to their dog.....you wouldnt do it in your own country rolleyes.gif

Yes you are alone!! what do you think the owners of the restaurants along Rawai beach road use for fishing bait? we are not talking about posh restaurants are we, I generally go to Supercheap or Tescos for fishing bait, I am not in my home country I am in Thailand, no restaurant owner along Rawai beach road would be offended instead they would ask you to bring what you catch so they could buy, and yes I have been into one of these restaurants to buy fishing bait and was asked if they could buy what I caught!!

Edited by kenny999
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Serious question... so the only place to buy fishing bait is from a fishing tackle shop?

Serious answer.....No I generally go to the market or a fishing shop, not a restaurant.

Am I alone here? Is it normal to go into a restaurant to buy bait or pet food for that matter? I cant imagine how offended the restaurant owners would be if they had been out selecting nice cuts of meat and fresh seafood only to see some Falang attempt to catch fish with it or feed it to their dog.....you wouldnt do it in your own country rolleyes.gif

Yes you are alone!! what do you think the owners of the restaurants along Rawai beach road use for fishing bait? we are not talking about posh restaurants are we, I generally go to Supercheap or Tescos for fishing bait, I am not in my home country I am in Thailand, no restaurant owner along Rawai beach road would be offended instead they would ask you to bring what you catch so they could buy, and yes I have been into one of these restaurants to buy fishing bait and was asked if they could buy what I caught!!

So did you bring them back a cold?

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Ive fished off Rawaii pier and there is nothing there but snags....and I bought my bait at the market right at the start of the pier owned by the sea gypsies...no reason to go to any of the restaurants.

Mate not having to go to restaurants is not the point, the point is all the restaurants along Rawai beach road use and sell food that is excellent for fishing, Totally agree about no fish being caught from the pier you need to go a long way out, but the restaurant owner will ask you just in case you are very lucky to catch something big, I have been shore diving at Kamala beach and there is nothing down there except rotting coral!!

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Serious question... so the only place to buy fishing bait is from a fishing tackle shop?

Serious answer.....No I generally go to the market or a fishing shop, not a restaurant.

Am I alone here? Is it normal to go into a restaurant to buy bait or pet food for that matter? I cant imagine how offended the restaurant owners would be if they had been out selecting nice cuts of meat and fresh seafood only to see some Falang attempt to catch fish with it or feed it to their dog.....you wouldnt do it in your own country rolleyes.gif

Yes you are alone!! what do you think the owners of the restaurants along Rawai beach road use for fishing bait? we are not talking about posh restaurants are we, I generally go to Supercheap or Tescos for fishing bait, I am not in my home country I am in Thailand, no restaurant owner along Rawai beach road would be offended instead they would ask you to bring what you catch so they could buy, and yes I have been into one of these restaurants to buy fishing bait and was asked if they could buy what I caught!!

So did you bring them back a cold?

Brought back sunburn lol there is nothing to catch just off shore, but these people want to be able to buy should you be lucky enough to catch some thing worth while..

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