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My Ups Went Crazy


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I just unplugged my ups and computer for 4 days. I plugged it back in(leonics) and it just beeps non stop and shows a 0 on the display screen. Nothing else. I cant find any support in english. What happened?

The electricity goes through and my appliance work when used with it, but the constant loud beep makes it so i cant use it.

Edited by thaiIand
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Yup, sounds like the battery is dead.

Before replacing it, try disconnecting the battery with the unit unplugged for a few minutes, I've had a Leonics UPS that got confused and needed a total reset.

WARNING The innards of a UPS are potentially lethal even when the power is off, don't touch anything other than the battery terminals.

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when its opened and the battery is hanging out it works.. then i put it back together and it does the 0 again

Sounds like maybe the battery terminals are not making a good connection or are shorting out.

Clean the terminals, remove any corrosion, make sure the terminal connections are tight and secure, and then insulate the terminal connections using black electrical tape.

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took it out again and it stopped working.. after the comment on how i could die playing inside of this i think ill just go buy a new one

If you unplug the UPS from the wall, and disconnect the battery, there is little to kill you (watch out for any large capacitors, but they should drain out relatively quickly).

Sounds like you have an "open" in one of the battery wires. If you have a volt / ohm meter, you can check the continuity of each battery wire to the mother board. Fix as necessary.

After reassembly, with the volt meter, you can check for voltage at the battery.

One note, my GF got a new UPS, it had to charge with no load attached before it would work properly. It would pass AC power, but not charge the battery or work as a UPS until the battery was charge without load. Once charged, it works perfectly. Go figure.

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took it out again and it stopped working.. after the comment on how i could die playing inside of this i think ill just go buy a new one

Certainly sounds like a fairly simple fault. Why not drop it round to your local electronics repair place, should be significantly cheaper than a new unit.

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Slightly off topic.

I read somewhere that these batteries are slightly different from normal ones (like bike batteries) and because they are static, not shaken around like car or bike batteries, "stuff" settles on the bottom inside the battery.

You can tell I really took note of that article :rolleyes:

Anyway the thing I remember is that it's a good idea to shake these batteries about occasionally so the "stuff" doesn't settle on the bottom.

Well that's my contribution, if anyone has the real info on this I'd be interested to get the straight dope.


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I know I should have paid more attention :whistling:

As far as I can recall this is to do with standby/emergency batteries

The plates inside are thicker or thinner and something to do with deep charge/discharge cycles.

I think the "shaking" thing must refer to the acid type and as you point out there would seem no point in shaking the Gel ones.

Couple of reference sites I found about the batteries I'm talking about but a quick look didn't mention anything about "shaking"



Maybe it was all just a dream. :blink:

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