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I like this board, much less bull <deleted> that other boards. However, there is a trend

that is alarming and may lead to the downfall to a good thing.


The rest of the flaming is dispicable conduct for an Admin. You cannot play admin and not play admin. If you are going to lead you must lead by example, which you are clearly not doing. I really though you were much better that Patrica Pong but it is clear another Admin has disrespected the code they are sworn to enforece.

How do you expect member to respect the rules when the Admins seem to feel the rules don't apply to them!

Go to the corner and site with Pat Pong, facing the wall for 3 days!

Look at Pat Paong taunt by saying " :o my people in the long grass are watching :D "

Look at the Gestapo like arrogance!


Group: Admin

Posts: 3,661

Member No.: 110

Joined: 2002-11-20

As I am the CIA man responsible for Bitter's demise...can I get an idea of the extent of your support for Bitterfly ?

the arrogance of Admin Pat Pong. describes himself as a CIA man and futher demeans the status of the Admin Staff by taunting the member Butterfly by calling him Bitterfly!... I call for the demotion of this demagog and a min of 2 weeks time out "no posting" so he can get a grip and get off the power shit stuff......


Now I will be banished to the " Z coola for thrity days" ala Col Kling of Stalag 17

Am I the only one who thinks the Pat Pong is out of control and no longer capable to excude the duties of a Admin... Taunting, baiting, threats, arrogance...It's all there. Conduct unbecomming an Admin! The boy need a time out!

You want Addie status...then live up to the code!


Hang on , you've only been here a week , who give's a toss what you think ######?

Apart from that you seem like a Diamond geezer, innit?



I think the great thing about this forum is the rules,and way admin run it.

Have you seen some of the crap that goes on other Thai web boards?

There should be rules against flaming and racist comments.

Ok im new to this forum,but i like the way its run :o

Its like anything in life you pick a fight with the wrong person your ganna lose.

In this case its Admin. :D


Does your being a Senior member give your opinion great creedence?

As to calling me an ######....I would lower myself to responed directly.

BTW, a posters tenure cannot be established by their specific join date.

Who know whom is here now or may have been here on the past for any given amount of time. My position is backed up by facts. Calling ones self the "CIA Guy" to describe the position and duties ofd and Admin is not only a self discrace but a discrace to the entier Admin staff. If I were an Admin here I would be outraged at such an insult by an associate. Would you like me to post other places where PP has dislplayed conduct inconsistant with that of an Admin. Rember now IT and others have agreed, outside the specific context of this issue, that such conduct is inapproprioate! Admitted that thye are not proefessionals at this and need to improve. PP's conduct is not a improvement, no part of the solution but part of the problem!

If anybody would like to see more proof go back to IT s posts about a week or so and look throught Pat Pongs posting to people who give him little respect with regards to the credable state of his post (easy to do). I would encourqage people to review some the the materal at issue. Don't worry, if "some how" it gets edited out ( destroying evidence) I have store copies of the supportiing posts. Naturally any altering of the evidence in the matter will only add to the conclusion that most will arrive at: Pat Pong does not have the right stuff to act as an Admin and should be demoted! learly out of control!


You can write , I'll give ye that!

My point was merely that I can swear , therefore I am hard....

As for kissing Pong's hole, I've kissed a few holes from Pong Avenue, but that's a story you will learn from your Mother one day perchance - directed towards (Jo) Guest



You ain't jack <deleted>! see I can cuss also but really you aren't saying much. The usual source for that issue is not haveing much to say, not not being able to consturuct more than very limited thoughts. A good example is you user error msg... Again, show me what oyu type in!


Ahh but will you still be here in 6 months , or 6 days? , nah.....

Why not search my previous posts , as is your want, and sift through them before casting your feminine eye upon my substance , you nonce.... :o

You ain't jack <deleted>! see I can cuss also but really you aren't saying much. The usual source for that issue is not haveing much to say, not not being able to consturuct more than very limited thoughts. A good example is you user error msg... Again, show me what oyu type in!

You could be the long lost relative of Tomy with such eloquence , can we have that again in a less booze-addled state sir?


Leaving out all the insults....which is a wate of time, and pointless, there are two sides to this.

First is that we do not pay anything for the use of this board and the info that we gather from it. It is provided free of charge, and many of us would be a lot worse off without access to that information. It is for George and George alone to say who is Admin and the rules under which they operate.

Secondly:- On the other hand, there would be no Board OR Admin without the members here and the contributions that they make, and it is a fine balance to achieve fair play and a little tolerance is needed on all sides.

Although I have had several disagreements with Dr PP myself, we have managed to keep it on a civilised basis, but I do also realise how frustrating it can be for Admin to have the final say, even if we think they are wrong.

The answer seems to be that this board would be a lot worse off without the considerable expertise of the Admin here, and if you dont like what they post, DON'T resort to personal attacks....just DON'T READ IT!

No probs Ken... this turkey was previously known as Honolulu Jimmy and got into the gun for flaming. He is a slow learner. Cheers.

Makes you wonder why they bother!...........very sad!!!


Just looked at the subtitle "mistreated by an admin"

What a ridiculous statement, do the admins have whips or something, how can you get mistreated on a forum?

You dont like it you don't come back it's so simple.

This guy was having a go at the gentleman in another topic about being sensitive and he comes up with this piece of drivel. :o

Guest IT Manager
Does your being a Senior member give your opinion great creedence?

As to calling me an ######....I would lower myself to responed directly.

BTW, a posters tenure cannot be established by their specific join date.

Who know whom is here now or may have been here on the past for any given amount of time. My position is backed up by facts. Calling ones self the "CIA Guy" to describe the position and duties ofd and Admin is not only a self discrace but a discrace to the entier Admin staff. If I were an Admin here I would be outraged at such an insult by an associate. Would you like me to post other places where PP has dislplayed conduct inconsistant with that of an Admin. Rember now IT and others have agreed, outside the specific context of this issue, that such conduct is inapproprioate! Admitted that thye are not proefessionals at this and need to improve. PP's conduct is not a improvement, no part of the solution but part of the problem!

If anybody would like to see more proof go back to IT s posts about a week or so and look throught Pat Pongs posting to people who give him little respect with regards to the credable state of his post (easy to do). I would encourqage people to review some the the materal at issue. Don't worry, if "some how" it gets edited out ( destroying evidence) I have store copies of the supportiing posts. Naturally any altering of the evidence in the matter will only add to the conclusion that most will arrive at: Pat Pong does not have the right stuff to act as an Admin and should be demoted! learly out of control!

I am quietly looking forward to the next post from Honolulu. Oahu must have a few weird people in it.

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