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James Bond Island


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I have been visiting Phuket every year since 1994, and have made quite a number of trips to James Bond island with various GF's and allways enjoyed

the program with the stop in temple in the cave, and then the trip in the longtail boat to the island, and the lunch at the muslim fishing village on the way back.

But this year things has changed, I have allways been able to get a can of cold Chang on Bond island, but this year everything looked different.

All the girls trying to sell you all sorts of things were all wearing the muslim headdress, and you were no longer able to buy your beer, you were told that you were on muslim soil and were not alloved to drink.

I have never had any problem with the fact that you could not have alcohol with your lunch at the muslim fishing village, but since when did Bond islan turn muslim, are they slowly taken the country?

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I have been visiting Phuket every year since 1994, and have made quite a number of trips to James Bond island with various GF's and allways enjoyed

the program with the stop in temple in the cave, and then the trip in the longtail boat to the island, and the lunch at the muslim fishing village on the way back.

But this year things has changed, I have allways been able to get a can of cold Chang on Bond island, but this year everything looked different.

All the girls trying to sell you all sorts of things were all wearing the muslim headdress, and you were no longer able to buy your beer, you were told that you were on muslim soil and were not alloved to drink.

I have never had any problem with the fact that you could not have alcohol with your lunch at the muslim fishing village, but since when did Bond islan turn muslim, are they slowly taken the country?

Muslim Soil? :D Remind me next trip to JB Island and bring a bacon sandwich w/few tins of lager. :o

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Or was it Thaksins "no alc" times?

Normaly they Thai muslim did not have any problem (or I did not see any) when not muslim drank alcohol.

Would be sad if things are getting fanatic....

I have been visiting Phuket every year since 1994, and have made quite a number of trips to James Bond island with various GF's and allways enjoyed

the program with the stop in temple in the cave, and then the trip in the longtail boat to the island, and the lunch at the muslim fishing village on the way back.

But this year things has changed, I have allways been able to get a can of cold Chang on Bond island, but this year everything looked different.

All the girls trying to sell you all sorts of things were all wearing the muslim headdress, and you were no longer able to buy your beer, you were told that you were on muslim soil and were not alloved to drink.

I have never had any problem with the fact that you could not have alcohol with your lunch at the muslim fishing village, but since when did Bond islan turn muslim, are they slowly taken the country?

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Fanatic would therefore mean asking people visiting their village not to drink Beer in front of their elders and children, or indeed in this case getting village residents not to go and buy Beer to sell to tourists.

If you cant go sightseeing without having to have a beer whilst visiting a muslim village in a foreign country, thats a little worrying. I'm not having a go but it is their village that you are visiting and as such it would seem natural to abide by their beliefs.

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Fanatic would therefore mean asking people visiting their village not to drink Beer in front of their elders and children, or indeed in this case getting village residents not to go and buy Beer to sell to tourists. 

If you cant go sightseeing without having to have a beer whilst visiting a muslim village in a foreign country, thats a little worrying.  I'm not having a go but it is their village that you are visiting and as such it would seem natural to abide by their beliefs.

Gimme a break Ben, read the post before you respond. The OP said, he had no problem not having a beer in the Muslim fishing village. He is complaining about not being able to get a beer on the island at all.

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Ben: Thailand is not a muslim country. At the moment everyone is alowed to drink a beer. Imagine in your your country there is a village, which is forcing you to go with the chadar or some other crazy rules...

Fanatic would therefore mean asking people visiting their village not to drink Beer in front of their elders and children, or indeed in this case getting village residents not to go and buy Beer to sell to tourists. 

If you cant go sightseeing without having to have a beer whilst visiting a muslim village in a foreign country, thats a little worrying.  I'm not having a go but it is their village that you are visiting and as such it would seem natural to abide by their beliefs.

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You are visiting them so really you should abide by their rules, It IS a muslim Island, meaning that most people who live there are muslim, get some beers for the boats if having lunch without a beer terrifies you.

Its obviously important to them or else they would be people selling beer, you guys dont have to live there and deal with the .5% of people who probably cant take their beer and act like <deleted>, mix that with their belief system and the fact their kids, elders witnessing something forbidden to their religion.

Saying Thailand is not a muslim country means nothing, you are visiting an island (with nearly 100% muslim inhabitants) to see the sights not get pissed. Why not just save the beer for the bars, I dont see the problem, I like a beer as much as the next guy but if I visit a community where its agianst their religion, I'm not going to begrudge them not selling it.

Also I dont get the OP's comments about the girls wearing muslim head dress, why even mention that? Alongside his comments about them taking over the country, smacks of racism to me.

I hate Political correctness as much as the next guy but still why make a song and dance because you cant buy a beer from muslim people.

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You are visiting them so really you should abide by their rules, It IS a muslim Island, meaning that most people who live there are muslim, get some beers for the boats if having lunch without a beer terrifies you.

Its obviously important to them or else they would be people selling beer, you guys dont have to live there and deal with the .5% of people who probably cant take their beer and act like <deleted>, mix that with their belief system and the fact their kids, elders witnessing something forbidden to their religion.

Saying Thailand is not a muslim country means nothing, you are visiting an island (with nearly 100% muslim inhabitants) to see the sights not get pissed.  Why not just save the beer for the bars, I dont see the problem, I like a beer as much as the next guy but if I visit a community where its agianst their religion, I'm not going to begrudge them not selling it.

Also I dont get the OP's comments about the girls wearing muslim head dress, why even mention that? Alongside his comments about them taking over the country, smacks of racism to me.

I hate Political correctness as much as the next guy but still why make a song and dance because you cant buy a beer from muslim people.

Nice rant/troll Ben

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You are visiting them so really you should abide by their rules, It IS a muslim Island, meaning that most people who live there are muslim, get some beers for the boats if having lunch without a beer terrifies you.

Its obviously important to them or else they would be people selling beer, you guys dont have to live there and deal with the .5% of people who probably cant take their beer and act like <deleted>, mix that with their belief system and the fact their kids, elders witnessing something forbidden to their religion.

Saying Thailand is not a muslim country means nothing, you are visiting an island (with nearly 100% muslim inhabitants) to see the sights not get pissed.  Why not just save the beer for the bars, I dont see the problem, I like a beer as much as the next guy but if I visit a community where its agianst their religion, I'm not going to begrudge them not selling it.

Also I dont get the OP's comments about the girls wearing muslim head dress, why even mention that? Alongside his comments about them taking over the country, smacks of racism to me.

I hate Political correctness as much as the next guy but still why make a song and dance because you cant buy a beer from muslim people.

I think the OP had a problem with not getting beer on James Bond island. To the best of my knowledge nobody lives on this island.

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You are visiting them so really you should abide by their rules, It IS a muslim Island, meaning that most people who live there are muslim, get some beers for the boats if having lunch without a beer terrifies you.

Its obviously important to them or else they would be people selling beer, you guys dont have to live there and deal with the .5% of people who probably cant take their beer and act like <deleted>, mix that with their belief system and the fact their kids, elders witnessing something forbidden to their religion.

Saying Thailand is not a muslim country means nothing, you are visiting an island (with nearly 100% muslim inhabitants) to see the sights not get pissed.  Why not just save the beer for the bars, I dont see the problem, I like a beer as much as the next guy but if I visit a community where its agianst their religion, I'm not going to begrudge them not selling it.

Also I dont get the OP's comments about the girls wearing muslim head dress, why even mention that? Alongside his comments about them taking over the country, smacks of racism to me.

I hate Political correctness as much as the next guy but still why make a song and dance because you cant buy a beer from muslim people.

I completely agree with you Ben. Its all about respect. You're visiting their village so you respect their rules.

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You are visiting them so really you should abide by their rules, It IS a muslim Island, meaning that most people who live there are muslim, get some beers for the boats if having lunch without a beer terrifies you.

Its obviously important to them or else they would be people selling beer, you guys dont have to live there and deal with the .5% of people who probably cant take their beer and act like <deleted>, mix that with their belief system and the fact their kids, elders witnessing something forbidden to their religion.

Saying Thailand is not a muslim country means nothing, you are visiting an island (with nearly 100% muslim inhabitants) to see the sights not get pissed.  Why not just save the beer for the bars, I dont see the problem, I like a beer as much as the next guy but if I visit a community where its agianst their religion, I'm not going to begrudge them not selling it.

Also I dont get the OP's comments about the girls wearing muslim head dress, why even mention that? Alongside his comments about them taking over the country, smacks of racism to me.

I hate Political correctness as much as the next guy but still why make a song and dance because you cant buy a beer from muslim people.

I completely agree with you Ben. Its all about respect. You're visiting their village so you respect their rules.

If you had taken the time to read my initial posting you have noted that I have no problem with having lunch in the muslim fishing village without any alcohol, it has allwas been that way.

Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned that all the sale girls on Bond island was wearing the muslim headscarf, but that was the first thing I noticed was different from all my previous visits, but no problem it was just an observation.

For your information nobody lives on the island, it's just a tourist attraction, and I did miss a can of Chang, and so did several others of our group.

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I was there in 2003, the vendors appeared a mix (and were the most aggressive I'd ever seen, no meant nothing to them),

I don't actual recall even seeing a stand where you could get anything to eat or drink, mostly just the typical souvenir stalls.

The Muslim fishing village(s) isn't far away so I wouldn't be surprised. :o

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whenevr I´ve been to visit my sister living in Dubai, a rather muslim part of the world, I´ve never had a problem in getting a beer. Not Everywhere, but in many a place, they don´t mind catering to out of towners.

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I was there in 2003, the vendors appeared a mix (and were the most aggressive I'd ever seen, no meant nothing to them),

I don't actual recall even seeing a stand where you could get anything to eat or drink, mostly just the typical souvenir stalls.

The Muslim fishing village(s) isn't far away so I wouldn't be surprised.  :o

Hi Cobra, the stand is there, see pic


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So are we making this (another) Muslim issue or is it simply a fact that someone has some sort of dependancy on alchohol that he/she hasn't been able to satisfy because they haven't been able to buy it on this Island....? :o Would this be an issue if you couldn't buy cigarettes? or a Snickers bar or whatever? It's no big deal is it? If you need a beer take it with you next time...

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So are we making this (another) Muslim issue or is it simply a fact that someone has some sort of dependancy on alchohol that he/she hasn't been able to satisfy because they haven't been able to buy it on this Island....? :o  Would this be an issue if you couldn't buy cigarettes? or a Snickers bar or whatever?  It's no big deal is it?  If you need a beer take it with you next time...

This posting wasn't meant as a Muslim issue, and for your information, just because someone feels like having a cold beer, doesn't mean I have a dependancy on alcohol, but it would have been nice after a 5 hour trip to the island.

I think you are the one who is trying to make it an issue of it, it was meant as a simple observation, sorry if it upset you.

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This posting wasn't meant as a Muslim issue, and for your information, just because someone feels like having a cold beer, doesn't mean I have a dependancy on alcohol, but it would have been nice after a 5 hour trip to the island.

I think you are the one who is trying to make it an issue of it, it was meant as a simple observation, sorry if it upset you.

Hey Sonthaya, don't worry about it. It's just the fun people have on TV. You said nothing wrong at all, your post was very appropriate. You said you understood and respected no drinking in the village, you only wanted to buy a beer on the island somewhere as you had done in the past. The other posters are just trying to make issues with your phraseology, trying to create some other misinterpretation i.e. racism, accusing you of being a pisshead that can't even go to a mulsim village without a beer, you really need to get help etc. Obviously they missed the mark and are only trying to 'stir it up'. It's really just the typical troll type posting that you commonly see. Just ignore it and pay attention to the informative stuff that TV provides. Cheers.

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This posting wasn't meant as a Muslim issue, and for your information, just because someone feels like having a cold beer, doesn't mean I have a dependancy on alcohol, but it would have been nice after a 5 hour trip to the island.

I think you are the one who is trying to make it an issue of it, it was meant as a simple observation, sorry if it upset you.

Hey Sonthaya, don't worry about it. It's just the fun people have on TV. You said nothing wrong at all, your post was very appropriate. You said you understood and respected no drinking in the village, you only wanted to buy a beer on the island somewhere as you had done in the past. The other posters are just trying to make issues with your phraseology, trying to create some other misinterpretation i.e. racism, accusing you of being a pisshead that can't even go to a mulsim village without a beer, you really need to get help etc. Obviously they missed the mark and are only trying to 'stir it up'. It's really just the typical troll type posting that you commonly see. Just ignore it and pay attention to the informative stuff that TV provides. Cheers.

Hi Nepal, thank you vey much, I'm happy to see that someone got the idea of the posting, I'll follow your advise and ignore them.

Greetings Sonthaya

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