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Taxi Drivers


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maybe it's just the drivers i get but 9/10 times when i have half a trolley of shopping they seem to think i want to sit next to it on the back seat.

today i got a taxi at central bang na. my daughter was asleep so the first thing i did was to get her in the car, after which i returned to the trolley to get the shopping. the taxi driver had kindly taken the majority of it (not much on this occasion), but like an idiot he put it all next to/on top of my daughter. six 2 litre bottles of milk and a few other bits. immediately i thought, whats wrong with the boot?

anyway, i get to my destination and one of the milks in the shopping, which i have put all on the floor by this time has a small leak and approximately a small mouthful of milk is on the floor. i didn't say anything, thinking to myself "tough sh*t". i took the shopping indoors and stamped his security pass.

on returning he was whinging about his floor. so i kindly got a damp cloth to wipe his floor clean myself. he was having none of it, saying i have to pay for a car wash and I should have put the shopping in his boot. i politely reminded him it was him that put the shopping on the BACKSEAT all over my sleeping daughter whereas i moved it on to the floor.

of course what followed was he tried to blame me for his fuc_k up and get me to pay for it. when i refused to pay for his mistake i was threatened with the "problem for you" speech. to which i replied " you're standing two metres away from me, make a problem for me now or <deleted> off"

he got in his car shaking his head.

i think from now on i think i will insist that my shopping always goes in the boot. it wouldn't surprise me if this was another way of sneaking money out of passengers because taxi drivers rarely put shopping of mine in the boot and it is not uncommon for liquids to have faulty/leaky tops.

btw, paying the money for a car wash was not the issue for me here...

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Well be careful when putting your daughter or something of value in the car and you stay outside....

It happened that taxi-driver just drove away with the laptop or something similar in the car.

I had it myself once by accident: The taxi let me out on the airport and drove away with my things.

He came back 10 min later, he simply forgot. But think he drive away with your daughter inside, even if he comes back 10 min later....I guess you look 10 years older....

Or short version: 90 % are 100 % idiots.

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Not surprised at all.

The vast vast vast majority of the taxi drivers are just looking to gain most from doing as little as possible.

Driving with no meter, accidently taking the wrong turn on the high way, arguing about what route to take (with his paying passenger), etc, etc.

Most of them do not know Bangkok from New York, as they came in with the last load from the rural areas, and drive their taxis based upon the traffic signs.

Then occational you get this decent driver.


And then we sometimes read in the news about this amazingly honest driver whom delivered back the money he found in the taxi.

What amazes me about this is the fact this is news worthy, as all decent human beings should deliver back what other people forgot in our domain.

Have been in Bangkok for 10+ years, and always usied the taxis (each and every day), I feel i got some material for this statistic by now.


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been shopping via taxi every week at least once every week for the last 10 years. never an issue. everything in the boot, every time, unless it is a small haul like 1 or 2 bags only

Edited by nocturn
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I have a theory about taxi/riksha/etc drivers in SEA:

In Western countries there are special schools for children with learning disabilities.

Not so in SEA. If someone is beyond learning, they give him a job as a bus driver. If he is (generally) smart enough to make change he can drive a taxi or some other livery vehicle.

This is especially evident in Malaysia and Indonesia.

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Put your wife in the backseat and go back into the store and pray!!

Well be careful when putting your daughter or something of value in the car and you stay outside....

It happened that taxi-driver just drove away with the laptop or something similar in the car.

I had it myself once by accident: The taxi let me out on the airport and drove away with my things.

He came back 10 min later, he simply forgot. But think he drive away with your daughter inside, even if he comes back 10 min later....I guess you look 10 years older....

Or short version: 90 % are 100 % idiots.

Edited by wayned
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Spend enough time in traffic, breathing that mix of auto exhaust and misc. dust and just about anyone will have a taxi driver mindset (barely functioning).


Can never really remember taking a taxi ride without some kind of problem, either money, speeding the smell of alcohol on the drivers breath ...... Fortunately, now have a motorbike and a car. However, as you state, many of them started with no sense and most are now working on only a few brain cells these days and couldn't care about anything or anybody except their money.

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