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Water Receding In 11 Bangkok Districts


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I am in the Maha Sawat, Suan Pak area and the water here has risen about 15 cms in the last 48 hours. I just don't understand how the water is receding elsewhere close by and it is rising here. Are you guys pumping it into our Moo Baan?

Maybe they are robbing Peter to pay Paul?


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If everything is getting better then why have all traffic cams in eastern Bangkok disappeared from http://hermes.traffy.in.th/?

Particularly from the Mall Bangkapi-Lardprao-Ramkham to Ramindra Road following the N-S line of Nawamin and Seree Thai?

Previously bookmarked cameras in those areas all do not work.

The URLs don't work, not the cameras.

Those have all also disappeared from the index list of cameras. http://hermes.traffy.in.th/i/index.php

Seem strange to anyone?

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It sounds a bit heartless but its important to get life back to normal ASAP. By staging sporting events is one way to try to boost moral I guess

Maybe a car race would seem like life was getting back to normal...oh wait...better stick with boats...

Sorry this is NOT the way to normalcy.....

Ask anyone flooded down stream if they are ready to tolerate more water heading their way for a BOAT RACE.... If the RID needed to drain more because it has too much incoming again, that is reasonable...

to increase the flooding for some big wig's sponsored boat race...

bloody stupid thoughtless thing to do!

Now then,now then, with just a stretch of imagination can't you think of any "big wigs sponsored boat race" that would have the kind of sway to enable dams to be opened or closed on a whim?

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" the water level between the two bigbag sides was 30cm, and would continue decreasing."

If the wall is working, shouldn't the difference be increasing?

Really??? You seriously don't think a water level going down would be a "decreasing" level?


Yes, water going down on one side would be decreasing, and the DIFFERENCE would be increasing.

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" the water level between the two bigbag sides was 30cm, and would continue decreasing."

If the wall is working, shouldn't the difference be increasing?

Really??? You seriously don't think a water level going down would be a "decreasing" level?


Yes, water going down on one side would be decreasing, and the DIFFERENCE would be increasing.

Actually, with the appalling English, this statement could mean either. If the water level inside the BB is stable, and outside is falling, so that the difference is decreasing, then that is evidence that water levels are declining. Alternatively, if the water level outside is stable, and inside is increasing, it is evidence the BBs are not working. As usual, the Nation reporting leaves us none the wiser

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

I doubt it as it would endanger Bangkok. I hope they will do it but many here will say your not important and bkk should be saved at all cost.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

Why should someone remove the big bags? Residents of Don Muang should have understood by now that they are just unimportant second people and it does not matter to sacrifice them if it reduces the risk that one hi-so girl get wet high heels.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

Good luck to them. I'll just be glad to be able to get back to flooded house in Dechatungha !

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

Why should someone remove the big bags? Residents of Don Muang should have understood by now that they are just unimportant second people and it does not matter to sacrifice them if it reduces the risk that one hi-so girl get wet high heels.

Whybother will explain it to you that you are not important and Bangkok cannot be risked.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

Just to get something clear, im with you guys. Just when i started telling people stuff like this before i got a lot of flack. So now i posted some sarcastic remarks. As more people get hit slowly the opinion starts to shift.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

If the bag is removed and it means that some areas that are dry will flood to say 12 inches, or even 18 inches, that is livable though inconvenient. One can still get around, but with three feet of water almost everything stops, I have not really been able to get out of the house for three weeks and the situation is continuing. Even if I were to get out all the shops around here are closed, due to lack of supplies. Why should I endure this for longer than I have to? Stinking foul water in the house and the soi the chance of disease etc. Fie upon the government and their myopic outlook!

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

Why should someone remove the big bags? Residents of Don Muang should have understood by now that they are just unimportant second people and it does not matter to sacrifice them if it reduces the risk that one hi-so girl get wet high heels.

Whybother will explain it to you that you are not important and Bangkok cannot be risked.

I know I know, because Bangkok makes 60 % of the GDP in some magical way, as there are neither factories nor rice field.

Factories and rice fields don't make any money and can be flooded.

My guess is that there are some headquarters in Downtown BKK, so in the books it seems there the money is made, but in fact it is made in the industrial estates, in the outer areas of Bangkok on the rice fields and a little in Soi Nana....

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

If the bag is removed and it means that some areas that are dry will flood to say 12 inches, or even 18 inches, that is livable though inconvenient. One can still get around, but with three feet of water almost everything stops, I have not really been able to get out of the house for three weeks and the situation is continuing. Even if I were to get out all the shops around here are closed, due to lack of supplies. Why should I endure this for longer than I have to? Stinking foul water in the house and the soi the chance of disease etc. Fie upon the government and their myopic outlook!

We have also been under water in our part of Don Muang for about the same length of time. It does seem there is some light and we will be able to at least clean up our house in the next 5-6 days and move things back downstairs - even if it will be many weeks before we can cook or eat down there.

No matter what, the car will need to stay on blocks for longer. But, apart from some "cabin fever" we are all okay. And, we found some dry land we could "raft" the dog to each day.

Saying that, I don't know what we would have done without power, water and the internet. But this has also had its frustrations, due to the grossly inadequate and ignorant bulletins and reports from all the authorities involved (both in Thai & English). We have had to rely on Surayuth (CH3), Dr. Seri (TPBS), "street tallk" (or more correctly - "canal talk"555) and others who are more useful than those "supposed" to be telling us what is going on.

That is why, as much as it looks like the Big Bags could be slowing down the waters in Don Muang - we don't know.

More, it doesn't help that Karun (the local MP) seems to prefer to go headline grabbing, (smashing down walls and destroying dykes etc.,)rather than informing his constituents, as to what is going on.

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Reporting live down here at the river I can say it's nearly as high right now as it was during the last high tides we had a week or so ago.

Here in Nonthaburi we are now flooded again while two days ago we thought the water had gone and started cleaning up. What a waste of time!

Yes but it is important to have boat races up country, so more water is on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

"Bhumibhol Dam is now releasing 26 million cubic metres of water, much lower than during the peak of the flood in Central provinces. The drainage has been ordered to make possible a boat race in Tak and Kamphaeng Phet provinces."

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

Yes, it is absolutely sickening to see the BMA strut around and pat themselves on the back for the great job they've done. None of these people, FROC or the BMA, even noticed this disaster until it was swamping Pathum Thani. And they didn't even start to clean out the Bangkok khlongs and dredge them until the last week or so of October! Their inability to plan and see ahead is unfathomable. I've seen things running around the barnyard bleeding with their heads cut off that can think better than these idiots.

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The residents here in Don Muang are having a meeting at 9am about the big bag, I hope that it can be partially removed or completely removed, the water is going down here excruciatingly slowly and after three weeks of flooding we would be in for another three weeks. No extra compensation, let the water flow!

At this point, I agree with you, Marquess. In some of the areas above you where the water is trapped in from the BBB, the water is turning black. There is no excuse for people to have to endure this at all. The BKK governor can crow all he likes about his gift to Bangkok to have all areas dry by the New Year, while he and the this current government continually neglect those above. The water must flow down at some point, unless they're purposely wanting to keep it there for a very long time. I'm not wishing flooding upon anyone, but they need to realize the longer they wait the more harsh it will be when residents have had enough and allow that black, disease laden water released into Bangkok. Then the real problems will start.

I was talking to people up country and they say the damage is predictable as the water though deep is clean. I am now dry and there is a two inch dry baked earth covering all horizntal surfaces but it is desease free. A few sheets of rotten chip board is ok. Black stinking water carries horrendous problems. Let it flow.

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I have just heard that the government has acceded to the demands of the residents and allowed parts of the BBB to be removed and a lot more will be removed by 18.00 tomorrow. The removal of the bags may have an adverse affect or a beneficial effect for the residents of Don Muang. The water will now enter Klong Prem Pachakon which is already quite high, so the water may go up or down here who knows?

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Here in the Maha Sawat Suan Pak 32 the water has risen another 5 cms over night. If this keeps up much longer, like another 5 days we will have to abandon the house to the water. It's just too much for the two of us to handle trying to keep the place dry. As the water level rises so does the pressure and water seeps in up through the floor in all sorts of places. sad.gif The stress placed on us is pretty traumatic, lack of sleep, the difficulty in getting supplies etc.

I don't consider surrender an option but my better half is at breaking point and I can't do it alone for long if she moves to her parents home.

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I have just heard that the government has acceded to the demands of the residents and allowed parts of the BBB to be removed and a lot more will be removed by 18.00 tomorrow. The removal of the bags may have an adverse affect or a beneficial effect for the residents of Don Muang. The water will now enter Klong Prem Pachakon which is already quite high, so the water may go up or down here who knows?

I hope everybody sees the water levels going down. So far the Thai have shown remarkable tolerance and fortitude, to see the water levels start to improve would provide encouragement in many areas

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Here in the Maha Sawat Suan Pak 32 the water has risen another 5 cms over night. If this keeps up much longer, like another 5 days we will have to abandon the house to the water. It's just too much for the two of us to handle trying to keep the place dry. As the water level rises so does the pressure and water seeps in up through the floor in all sorts of places. sad.gif The stress placed on us is pretty traumatic, lack of sleep, the difficulty in getting supplies etc.

I don't consider surrender an option but my better half is at breaking point and I can't do it alone for long if she moves to her parents home.

My sympathies, I know what it is like not to be able to sleep because of fear of the rising water and the difficulty of getting supplies too.

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Here in the Maha Sawat Suan Pak 32 the water has risen another 5 cms over night. If this keeps up much longer, like another 5 days we will have to abandon the house to the water. It's just too much for the two of us to handle trying to keep the place dry. As the water level rises so does the pressure and water seeps in up through the floor in all sorts of places. sad.gif The stress placed on us is pretty traumatic, lack of sleep, the difficulty in getting supplies etc.

I don't consider surrender an option but my better half is at breaking point and I can't do it alone for long if she moves to her parents home.

My sympathies, I know what it is like not to be able to sleep because of fear of the rising water and the difficulty of getting supplies too.

Yes and in the end you mostly loose out against the water. But being flooded is not that bad as long as it does not go over certain levels. Here we hadd at most 70cm in the streets and 20cm in house. Now after 3 weeks we are dry again. Once your flooded and water stops rising most of the stress stops.. then when it slowly goes down you get hope.. But it goes down so slow that you know its going to take weeks to be completely dry.

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