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Watching People Snap In Thailand


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Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

Let's watch an Asian who missed her plane:

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The worst I saw here was in the US Embassy in BKK. There was a gentlemen in his late 60's in tears yelling at the top of his lungs. He was upset that they wouldn't let his teen age wife (, a sterio typicaly Issan looking girl in a skirt that was maybe 4 - 6 inches long, and a hot pink tube top) Get a visa to go to the States with him. "I fought 2 tours in Vietnam for my country and this is how you treat me!??! You want to take everything I have from me? You want to deny me the only person that makes me happy in life!!! I hate you bastards!!" He ranted, turning various shades of pink with tears running down that the PM would have been proud of.

If he really fought for his country, IMO he had a point. :ermm:

I can't agree with that, there are millions upon millions of ex-servicemen. Getting teenage brides into the US was never a implied retirement benefit.

Please note, I said retirement benefit. In my experience working alongside the US military it wasn't that difficult to do if you were a serving member.

Do you guys not get the '72 virgins' offer, then?



No....and it sounds like too much work to me too

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Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

Let's watch an Asian who missed her plane:

That's a cracker .

Edited by onionluke
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I doubt the scots man was using gaelic to order a hamburger meal , crikey they don't even have a word for helicopter or oil rig .

dye waant chips wae that ?

Excuse me.....getting the spelling right..........dae ye waant chips wae that???

What's happened to Scottish education? Shocking :D

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I doubt the scots man was using gaelic to order a hamburger meal , crikey they don't even have a word for helicopter or oil rig .

dye waant chips wae that ?

Excuse me.....getting the spelling right..........dae ye waant chips wae that???

What's happened to Scottish education? Shocking :D

har har
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I doubt the scots man was using gaelic to order a hamburger meal , crikey they don't even have a word for helicopter or oil rig .

dye waant chips wae that ?

Excuse me.....getting the spelling right..........dae ye waant chips wae that???

What's happened to Scottish education? Shocking :D

har har

Nailed it......that Ford Kiernan is a soor faced get though, I was at a gala dinner and at the table next to him. Tam Cowan was even worse.

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The Thai's have specific names for each of the Asian nations,

the rest are lumped together as Farang.

Africans are not Farangs and Jewish are not Farang

So someone who is from the east end of London and happens to be jewish is not a farang ?:blink:

Got a feeling this will be TV debate number 349821 on what "farang" really means....just waiting for Sin Sot and you just dont understand Thai culture to be thrown into the mix

I am African and get called Farang all the time...:whistling:

sounds like discrimination to me, but I would like to know the answer to that one just so I can correct my wifes family everytime they say farang :cheesy:

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The worst I saw here was in the US Embassy in BKK. There was a gentlemen in his late 60's in tears yelling at the top of his lungs. He was upset that they wouldn't let his teen age wife (, a sterio typicaly Issan looking girl in a skirt that was maybe 4 - 6 inches long, and a hot pink tube top) Get a visa to go to the States with him. "I fought 2 tours in Vietnam for my country and this is how you treat me!??! You want to take everything I have from me? You want to deny me the only person that makes me happy in life!!! I hate you bastards!!" He ranted, turning various shades of pink with tears running down that the PM would have been proud of.

If he really fought for his country, IMO he had a point. :ermm:

Actually, I agree, and whether he served or no,t he should have been able to bring the hoe wife with him. Now that doesn't mean she gets a US passport right away but bring to the country, sure. Because simply where to draw the line when you judge relationships? I think most embassy officials are pretty on target and responsible with it, but not all, some surely abuse there power to discriminate against people they just don't like the looks of for whatever personal reason.

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Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

Let's watch an Asian who missed her plane:

For those of you that have not watched this brilliant video I urge you to do so.

Btw, in between the screams this is what she said.

"Shes basically saying " Please stop that flight! I need to be on it now! I have a huge job and I have to meet someone, and If I don't do it I WILL BE FIRED! PLEASE STOP THE PLANE! PLEASE! GOD SHOULDN'T OF PUT YOU GUYS ON THIS EARTH! YOU ARE WORTHLESS IF YOU DONT STOP THE PLANE! WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP THE GOD dam_n PLANE asshol_e! *Pulls out cellphone* Yea I missed the flight! These guys didn't stop the plane! Yea i'll have to catch the next one!"

(lifted the translation from Youtube comments page)

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Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

Let's watch an Asian who missed her plane:

Cool .... in my limited ability in the language "She stopped to eat" which is a perfectly understandable reason in Thailand.

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My Thai girlfriend snapped before I did.

Next doors dog kept getting onto my patio and shitting on it. Said dog is about the size of a rat / cat. We had asked several times for them to control their dog but to no avail. I even wired the bottom of the gate to stop the little sh*t getting in yet it still got through. Maybe when we went out to the shops or to take her to work and we never locked the gate. When we got back the neighbours dog had had a dump on the patio yet again.

The girlfriend swept up the offending dogshit and dumped it over the wall onto their nice clean patio. I could not understand what was said but the dog has been kept under control ever since and that was about six weeks ago.

The neighbours have not spoken to me since :ph34r:

Well done, girl :D

Maybe that darn rat sized dog will have a dump on my patio again now I have written about it :(

Suggest dog repellant (please note out of the thousands of google images the name of the equipment)


Edited by travelmann
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As a landlord I am occasionally on the end of such rants I have found the worse to be Americans so far but Im not prejudiced, we have one customer who will complain about how a security guard once spoke to him by the pool and expected us to do something about it?????????? We own one unit at said development out of about 600. MAybe we should have had him taken out at dawn and shot??? ( the American hahaha)

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I lost it at a fat old scottish farang at mcd's on silom one morning two months ago. The guy was yelling at the staff about his order and then started calling the poor girl a stupid XYZ expletive.

Then he turned to me and said "Why don't these ____ people learn English - it's an American Restaurant, been here for 20 years and sick of it".

To which I replied in a not so calm manner, "if you have been 20 years why don't you learn how to speak some Thai - I can barely understand your scottish accent, it's no wonder the girl rolled her eyes at you mumbling away".

Hope the guy is a member of TV by the way_ dick-head.

lol yeah I hate seeing shit like that. I mean your in Thailand for christ sake.

Yeah I am half Scottish and know what some of us are like. A lot of us are total tools, but not me ofcourse.

I'm Scottish but always make an attempt to speak slowly and clearly whilst abroad, especially in Thailand! It's only polite to do so..

When I get hame (home) It's back to speaking 100 miles an hour with all the slang thrown in laugh.gif

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I lost it at a fat old scottish farang at mcd's on silom one morning two months ago. The guy was yelling at the staff about his order and then started calling the poor girl a stupid XYZ expletive.

Then he turned to me and said "Why don't these ____ people learn English - it's an American Restaurant, been here for 20 years and sick of it".

To which I replied in a not so calm manner, "if you have been 20 years why don't you learn how to speak some Thai - I can barely understand your scottish accent, it's no wonder the girl rolled her eyes at you mumbling away".

Hope the guy is a member of TV by the way_ dick-head.

lol yeah I hate seeing shit like that. I mean your in Thailand for christ sake.

Yeah I am half Scottish and know what some of us are like. A lot of us are total tools, but not me ofcourse.

I'm Scottish but always make an attempt to speak slowly and clearly whilst abroad, especially in Thailand! It's only polite to do so..

When I get hame (home) It's back to speaking 100 miles an hour with all the slang thrown in laugh.gif

Just returned from a trip to Inverness & points west and my wife (an excellent English speaker anyway) noted that it was easier to understand most Scots than many Londoners. :D was tempted to drop her off in Glasgow to test her theory.....

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I lost it at a fat old scottish farang at mcd's on silom one morning two months ago. The guy was yelling at the staff about his order and then started calling the poor girl a stupid XYZ expletive.

Then he turned to me and said "Why don't these ____ people learn English - it's an American Restaurant, been here for 20 years and sick of it".

To which I replied in a not so calm manner, "if you have been 20 years why don't you learn how to speak some Thai - I can barely understand your scottish accent, it's no wonder the girl rolled her eyes at you mumbling away".

Hope the guy is a member of TV by the way_ dick-head.

lol yeah I hate seeing shit like that. I mean your in Thailand for christ sake.

Yeah I am half Scottish and know what some of us are like. A lot of us are total tools, but not me ofcourse.

I'm Scottish but always make an attempt to speak slowly and clearly whilst abroad, especially in Thailand! It's only polite to do so..

When I get hame (home) It's back to speaking 100 miles an hour with all the slang thrown in laugh.gif

Just returned from a trip to Inverness & points west and my wife (an excellent English speaker anyway) noted that it was easier to understand most Scots than many Londoners. :D was tempted to drop her off in Glasgow to test her theory.....

Even I find it difficult to understand the weegie twang laugh.gif

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What's amusing are the instances of folks blowing up at waitstaff and sometimes yelling out to the cook in the back kitchen BEFORE their food is served. Have seen way to many disgusting things happen in the kitchen in restaurants to ever be abusive towards these folks.

When we were at uni my friend got a part time job at Pizza Hut in Norwich, England. All I can say is if there was the slightest chance you ate there circa 1986 I certainly hope if you complained you were polite about it. :D

Working in hospitality in Bangkok on occasion I had the chance to witness a few breakdowns. Once in the restaurant two westerners were being offered the menus and as the waiter presented the wine menu this boorish oaf (fat, sweaty bald bastard wearing, of all things, a cravat) boomed out "DID I ASK FOR THE WINE MENU BOY? DID I? DID ? DID I?" until the whole restaurant was looking at him.

Another time at the front desk a bloke was checking in with his Thai wife and, on being asked to present a credit card as a guarantee, went off at the deep end. I went over to assist as he could be heard across the entire lobby. He shouted " I've stayed in every 5 star hotel in the world and nobody has ever asked for my credit card!" As I commenced to politely explain our policy he grabbed his bags from the bellboy and stormed out with his wife trailing along behind.

I have to admire front line staff in hotels. The <deleted> they have to put up with sometimes for a pretty basic salary.

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I lost it at a fat old scottish farang at mcd's on silom one morning two months ago. The guy was yelling at the staff about his order and then started calling the poor girl a stupid XYZ expletive.

Then he turned to me and said "Why don't these ____ people learn English - it's an American Restaurant, been here for 20 years and sick of it".

To which I replied in a not so calm manner, "if you have been 20 years why don't you learn how to speak some Thai - I can barely understand your scottish accent, it's no wonder the girl rolled her eyes at you mumbling away".

Hope the guy is a member of TV by the way_ dick-head.

He is now working at a pizza shop. Here he is.:D

best laugh I've had all week laugh.gif

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The Thai's have specific names for each of the Asian nations,

the rest are lumped together as Farang.

That's rather a gross simplification. How often do Japanese Americans get called f-rang? It's racial. Face it.

Not only that, its not correct. Africans are certainly not referred to as "farang," and last time I checked, Africa is not in Asia ;)

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The worst I saw here was in the US Embassy in BKK. There was a gentlemen in his late 60's in tears yelling at the top of his lungs. He was upset that they wouldn't let his teen age wife (, a sterio typicaly Issan looking girl in a skirt that was maybe 4 - 6 inches long, and a hot pink tube top) Get a visa to go to the States with him. "I fought 2 tours in Vietnam for my country and this is how you treat me!??! You want to take everything I have from me? You want to deny me the only person that makes me happy in life!!! I hate you bastards!!" He ranted, turning various shades of pink with tears running down that the PM would have been proud of.

If he really fought for his country, IMO he had a point. :ermm:

I can't agree with that, there are millions upon millions of ex-servicemen. Getting teenage brides into the US was never a implied retirement benefit.

Please note, I said retirement benefit. In my experience working alongside the US military it wasn't that difficult to do if you were a serving member.

Do you guys not get the '72 virgins' offer, then?


All this talk about virgins and Scots, reminds me of one of my favourite sketches


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The Thai's have specific names for each of the Asian nations,

the rest are lumped together as Farang.

That's rather a gross simplification. How often do Japanese Americans get called f-rang? It's racial. Face it.

Not only that, its not correct. Africans are certainly not referred to as "farang," and last time I checked, Africa is not in Asia ;)

I am African and I am called "farang" all the time...;) ....so guess that throws your theroy out the door....

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I lost it on the phone to IT the other day (International Company)...

After dealing with a particularly sanctimonious person exasperation got the better of me…..

A few hours later while talking with my boss on the phone he told me that he’d just received a serve from the IT manager for use of bad language.

I admitted my mistake and told my boss that I’d lost my cool on the phone and told the IT guy to ‘F$%K OFF’ before hanging up…

His response… “Oh, I wonder which one of us he was complaining about because I did exactly the same” !!!!

It’s nice to know when I’m not the only one who gets wound up so easily sometimes….

This is why TV is sometimes an excellent read…

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I lost it at a fat old scottish farang at mcd's on silom one morning two months ago. The guy was yelling at the staff about his order and then started calling the poor girl a stupid XYZ expletive.

Then he turned to me and said "Why don't these ____ people learn English - it's an American Restaurant, been here for 20 years and sick of it".

To which I replied in a not so calm manner, "if you have been 20 years why don't you learn how to speak some Thai - I can barely understand your scottish accent, it's no wonder the girl rolled her eyes at you mumbling away".

Hope the guy is a member of TV by the way_ dick-head.

He is now working at a pizza shop. Here he is.:D

best laugh I've had all week laugh.gif

Scott mills is a funny guy. His other wind ups are as funny as hell too.

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I doubt the scots man was using gaelic to order a hamburger meal , crikey they don't even have a word for helicopter or oil rig .

dye waant chips wae that ?

Excuse me.....getting the spelling right..........dae ye waant chips wae that???

What's happened to Scottish education? Shocking :D

I can't believe you get so upset about a missing apostrophe.

You must be loosing the plot. There's a loony on the lose! Or should that be loney?

D'ye ken, like?

I've been known to lose my temper with taxi drivers who hit the expressway going out of town whenever I fall asleep, knowing there's no U-turn for another fifty baht or more each way.


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The Thai's have specific names for each of the Asian nations,

the rest are lumped together as Farang.

That's rather a gross simplification. How often do Japanese Americans get called f-rang? It's racial. Face it.

Not only that, its not correct. Africans are certainly not referred to as "farang," and last time I checked, Africa is not in Asia ;)

I am African and I am called "farang" all the time...;) ....so guess that throws your theroy out the door....

Possibly to people who know you were raised in the west; however to people who look at you and never hear you talk you are not a "falang." You are "dam," or "khon dam."

Edited by Kilgore Trout
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