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Kicking Khun Boom From This Forum

the gentleman

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I would like a vote on kicking this idiot out of this forum and blocking his IP from the site.....

I think it should be a poll for khun Boom to stay or go!

That would be the right way to show this "person" how much he is really liked!

I also think a democratic vote on flamers should be mandatory and ousted accordingly - then the admins would not be taking crap for being biased.

Yes I am back - lets see who is thin skinned now!

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There is no doubt that KhunBoom can be somewhat obnoxious in his views, but he does have some interesting ideas and is willing to allow other posters to say what they have to say.

The real danger to this board are the serial filibusterers. The time and energy wasters that don't really have anything to say. They are for, or against, something, and as far as they are concerned, that is all that counts. They throw up a big negative smokescreen over every thread that they hijack and don't give others a chance to participate.

They don't have to think about what they are saying, because they are not really saying much of anything; They can just fill page after page with taunting, insulting garbage. They never answer any pertinent questions about their previous posts because that would quickly show how little they know about whatever they are going on, and on, about.

If anyone needs to be removed from this Forum permanently, it is Butterfly and his ilk who have nothing what-so-ever to offer. :o

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Hmmm, "serial filibusterer" , that will look good on my CV. :D

Butterfly has been here yonks , we like him, wish Tutsi was still around, Taxexile, and a few others are a part of this place. It alarms me when a few new members call for the banning or castigation of members that have been around for a longer time.

It makes me think of Trolls, perhaps previously castigated members that have come back for vengeance, otherwise how could someone like Honolulu Khunboom have a balanced view of these characters , if they have only been a member for 2 weeks? Are they hiding behind a new name?


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chonabot, sorry, but I don't attach a great deal of importance to how long one has been flaming other posters on a certain web-site, and, in case you haven't realized it, this is hardly an exclusive men's club, after all.

You seemed quite cheery about getting rid of KhunBoon above , so why don't we just say that you have your opinion and I have mine. :o

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in case you haven't realized it, this is hardly an exclusive men's club, after all.

You seemed quite cheery about getting rid of KhunBoon above , so why don't we just say that you have your opinion and I have mine. :D

What you mean this isn't the Eden Club's website?.....daaaaammmmn

As for getting rid of Khunboom , not really bothered , but he is a well known troll/flamer on Bangkoktonight , where he was duly treated with disdain , allegedly..


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Gent, brother wait a minute before setting up a poll.

Eventhough most of people here might agree that people like khunboom should not be here, but to set a poll to kick somebody out of the board is not appropiated.

Think about long run, suppose that this case was successful-- all people voted him out -- in the future, when people dont like someone, they would just set up a poll and kick eachother out. The board would be no longer informative center but battle field!! then George will have a hard time saving up money for my dowry lol

Let doctor takes care of him. Believe me this guy wont last long. If he wants to be here longer, he will have to learn how to respect others.

Love& Peace :o

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the gentleman Posted on Tue 2004-01-06…

I also made more money in the last 5 years, then you have ever seen.

Posted in response to Dennis Pennis' message - "Senior members" thread

the gentleman(?) = Bill Gates? Warren Buffet? Bubba Parvenu?

the gentleman Posted on Sat 2004-01-10, 07:34:43

  I would like a vote on kicking this idiot out of this forum and blocking his IP from the site.....

Posted on this thread

the gentleman(?) = Fidel Castro?

An acute case of SCUD (Superiority Complex & Uncouthness Disease)??

EOD (end of discussion)

My motto: “Don't argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

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the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-01-10, 14:34:43

Senior Member

Group: Members

Posts: 197

Member No.: 5,980

Joined: 2003-11-30

I would like a vote on kicking this idiot out of this forum and blocking his IP from the site.....

I think it should be a poll for khun Boom to stay or go!

That would be the right way to show this "person" how much he is really liked!

I also think a democratic vote on flamers should be mandatory and ousted accordingly - then the admins would not be taking crap for being biased.

Yes I am back - lets see who is thin skinned now!

Another example of the upper echelon ousting the poor people..

will there have to be an uprisising against these ppl, will we win???NOPE

the dictatorship is the ruler,the king,the god,

we are just ants to be trod on underfoot by the admins here and we have to accept our lives.


dont let em get u down :o

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Nokna, I have seen you make great posts on other boards, was hpoing you might be able to give me some info on Patong. I saw a great peice on Cable TV about the Thai New Year. Looks like something I have got to do!. Any advice onnot getting beat up and flamed off the board here as a newbie. Seems I've arrived at a very poor time, during a revolution and all I want is info. Can you recomend other members that I may PM so as to stay out of the sights of the Deleters!

Oh, If Arnold hadn't gone off to help California we could hide behind him here.

Thank You Sir,

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nope im sorry but either the heirachy will flame u or the admins will..u got to get a thick skin and say ###### u all...

at the present time most of the older members here and admins prefer to flame than help the newbies, good luck my son in this violent cyber world from father o rielly

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No to begin my post as disagreeable but...I got the url from another board thast came with some interesting info.

I would like to get more info on Thaio New Year in Patong as I will be there and also shooting some pics for a friend at Hog Magazine. Phuket Biker Week presedes Songkran.

I do hot i'll be able to get my info and get out of here before the "torchies" discover another newbie (to this board) whom has a brain. Thankf ro K. Nokna for the insights...So Far Imust Say a review of the activity seem to put Nokna SPOT ON!

Patong New Years hints!

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I would like a vote on kicking this idiot out of this forum and blocking his IP from the site.....

I think it should be a poll for khun Boom to stay or go!

That would be the right way to show this "person" how much he is really liked!

I also think a democratic vote on flamers should be mandatory and ousted accordingly - then the admins would not be taking crap for being biased.

Yes I am back - lets see who is thin skinned now!

Welcome back Gentleman.

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Well its good to see all you guys sitting on the fence - that is your right!

I think its a good idea to vote for members to be ousted as its the only democratic way to achieve it. Every time a mod bans somebody there is uproar that admin shouldnt be able to do it.

There are so many jerks on this site sometimes, I think it is the best interest for the forum, to get rid of them - so what to do?

No one wants to vote for it and people have a winge when mods do it - fence sitting is the easy way out?

Also it is most of the new people who have a go at the "senior members", who will you be having a go at when you become one?

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I really really like the wobbling boobies! I think that they are things of beauty, a wunnerful meeting of human form and the laws of physics. I don't think they are at all demeaning or overtly sexual, unless of course, you are of that school that think women need to be wearing a burka. :o


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