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Thai Lawmakers Submit Motion On Moving The Thai Capital

Lite Beer

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It's a smart idea and I've been suggesting it for years - mostly in published letters to the 2 Eng.lang newspapers out of Bkk.

Whether the capital moves or not, Bangkok still needs to be protected.

Why move if you still need to protect Bangkok.

Reason for move, is that they don't need to spend money to protect.

Reason for the idiotic proposal is purely political.

Not idiotic at all. The idiotic thing is to keep dumping tens of billions of baht on a sinking flood-prone city. Sure speculators will make some money by gobbling up properties in Nakhon Nayod or wherever. granted, there are plenty of drawbacks and expenses to moving away from Bkk, but it's got to be done, unless Thailand wants its capital city to be under one to two meters of standing water year 'round.

I predict the moving idea won't happen. Main reasons: too many important royal and religious sites in Bkk, plus expenses and loss of investments, and inconvenience of so many people relocating. However, the costs of not relocating are higher, and the city will just as surely get inundated either way.

The reason it is not going to happen is it is an idiotic thing to do on soooooooooo many levels.

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That's because those Yankees have their heads buried in the sand when it comes to climate change and rising sea levels. Fools get left behind.

They can call anywhere the capital but it's not going to make Bangkok disappear. Bangkok will have the same problems whether it is the capital or not. I can't see what moving the capital is going to achieve. People don't live in Bangkok because it's the capital; they live there because it's Bangkok. The people of NYC aren't leaving in droves because Washington is the capital.

It appears as though the foolishness is not limited to 'Yankees'. Aren't some fools in the UK Getting Left Behind as well? Then, there is this foolish Norwegian Nobel Prize-winning Physicist. Here's a foolish Swede who foolishly believes the ocean level rise claims are a big lie with this foolish Open Letter to the President of the Maldives and his foolish book.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Clearly an inspired idea and an opportunity to turn Bangkok into an Asian Venice and tourist attraction.

And in the fullness of time Bangkok could be transformed into the new Atlantis - and the mafia could run trips in mini yellow submarines.

The political capital of RSA is Pretoria (shares with Cape Town still I think), business where the money is made is Jo'burg.

No doubt that people to provide an infrastructure would spring up at the new capital, many moving out of BKK. If it is brought about please, please get people who know what they are doing involved. Wide streets, real pavements, public conveniences, bicycle pathways and put power lines and fibre optic cables underground where they belong, are some of the things I would like to see. But won't.

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