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River Rimping


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Just a possible warning... I popped into the Rimping by the river yesterday. Should have received 291 baht in change, but when I looked at the money she'd given me there was only 190 baht. I said something in Thai about being short and the cashier immediately gave me the 1 baht. I said 'no, there's still 100 missing' and she thrust a 100 baht note at me. There was something in the way the girl looked at me and gave me the 100 so quickly and wordlessly that made me think it had been deliberate. This was the first time in 11 years that it's happened, although I've heard many stories about similar events.

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I was under the impression when the check out clerk totals the bill for the amount owed, then you hand her an amount tendered, then the clerk records this on the register and then the register shows the amount of change due.

It is a no brainer for the clerk and customer, and if the clerk is trying to short change you, they would only be able to do this is they record an incorrect amount for the amount tendered.

You should ask the manager to watch the cashier to see if this happens again.

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I was under the impression when the check out clerk totals the bill for the amount owed, then you hand her an amount tendered, then the clerk records this on the register and then the register shows the amount of change due.

It is a no brainer for the clerk and customer, and if the clerk is trying to short change you, they would only be able to do this is they record an incorrect amount for the amount tendered.

You should ask the manager to watch the cashier to see if this happens again.

Tthe point is that 291 baht was shown as the change that should be given to me, but I was only given 190. I think the 1 baht was possibly meant to be a distraction from the 100 baht that was missing from the notes. That 100 baht could have easily been slipped into the girl's bag later, and the cash register would still be correct as 290 or 291 baht would still have gone from it. From her reaction, I feel that it really was a case of 'she knew that I knew' what she was trying to do. As for speaking to the manager, I thought it best to simply warn other people what could be going on. If the same thing happens again to anyone else, that's the time to speak to the manager.

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That doesnt make sense. If you return less than the amount shown to return then the cashier can pocket the difference at the end of her shift, and have a 'correct' cash balance in the drawer.

Agree on talking to the manager instead of the asylum here.

I was under the impression when the check out clerk totals the bill for the amount owed, then you hand her an amount tendered, then the clerk records this on the register and then the register shows the amount of change due.

It is a no brainer for the clerk and customer, and if the clerk is trying to short change you, they would only be able to do this is they record an incorrect amount for the amount tendered.

You should ask the manager to watch the cashier to see if this happens again.

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You'll never know....

Just curious what your 'tell' was that she gave you a strange look. If I had done the same thing, unintentionally, gave you the wrong change, I'd feel embarrassed that I looked guilty, even though I wasn't, and thus maybe look guilty. (I'm not saying she is or isn't guilty.) However, people do think they make 'great reads' on people, when the reality is, they're no different from guessing at random.

Glad you counted your change, most people probably can't do '500 take away 201'.

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It happened to me once at the Rimping near airport plaza. I was short changed 100 baht (after giving her 1000). I came back and before I could say a word she handed over 100 baht. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I still shop at Rimping and it has never happened to me again since but I check my change each time now too.

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It happened to me once at the Rimping near airport plaza. I was short changed 100 baht (after giving her 1000). I came back and before I could say a word she handed over 100 baht. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I still shop at Rimping and it has never happened to me again since but I check my change each time now too.

Could have been a honest mistake I made a mistake once and a month later when the boss asked me I saw it immediately.

I did three days of work based on that one miscalculation.

Doesn't hurt to check the change.

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Get over it , it happens every where. There are dishonest people worldwide who will help to seperate yoo from your cash. Coffee shop at home( i am a regular) new girl on regisister gave her a 20 she gave me change for a 10. Counted my change, hello I gave you a 20 no a 10 I could not have as I only had a 20. Oo, and I am a regular It would be stupid of me to try and cheat you, OOOO ok gave me the 10 short. She was gone in a week Always count your change honest mistakes happen, rip offs happen, scams happen, sin sod happens, and farangs in Thailand pay double price for everything. I going to throw up.

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For the most part, I find Thai's to be quite honest. I think Thai's are more suspicious of Thai's then farang are.

And sure, these things happen everywhere, but again, it's a matter of frequencies. If one country had 1 murder in a population of 20,000,000, and another country with the same population had 1,000,000 murders, would you say those two countries are the same cause the each had murders?

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I was under the impression when the check out clerk totals the bill for the amount owed, then you hand her an amount tendered, then the clerk records this on the register and then the register shows the amount of change due.

It is a no brainer for the clerk and customer, and if the clerk is trying to short change you, they would only be able to do this is they record an incorrect amount for the amount tendered.

You should ask the manager to watch the cashier to see if this happens again.

Tthe point is that 291 baht was shown as the change that should be given to me, but I was only given 190. I think the 1 baht was possibly meant to be a distraction from the 100 baht that was missing from the notes. That 100 baht could have easily been slipped into the girl's bag later, and the cash register would still be correct as 290 or 291 baht would still have gone from it. From her reaction, I feel that it really was a case of 'she knew that I knew' what she was trying to do. As for speaking to the manager, I thought it best to simply warn other people what could be going on. If the same thing happens again to anyone else, that's the time to speak to the manager.

Very wrong approach. You must inform the manager at the time of it happening. What good does it do to come here to post your tale of being short changed. You think the manager will read it here and then take action? Are you sure your right in your assumption she was short charging you intentionally? If so you should have reported it then and there. If your not 100% sure, then your wasting everyones time here reading this dribble !

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Could have been a honest mistake I made a mistake once and a month later when the boss asked me I saw it immediately.

I did three days of work based on that one miscalculation.

Doesn't hurt to check the change.

It is very easy to make a mistake when one is counting money all day long. I always count my change and have had very few mistakes over the years and some of those were in my favor. IMO, most Thais are quite honest about such things.

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I would not automatically assume that the girl was out to con me.

There could be several reasons for her error.

It was the wrong time of the month, she was dreaming about her love life, had a problem on her mind, something upset her at work, had been working a long shift and was tired?

Perhaps she was just confused. Easy done.

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Can't recall how many threads there has been about short change, but it's too many. It happens, and not just in Thailand and we just have to get over it and get on with living. If people are really grieved about it they should complain right there and then to whatever management they can find. In other words put up, or shut up !

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Can't recall how many threads there has been about short change, but it's too many. It happens, and not just in Thailand and we just have to get over it and get on with living. If people are really grieved about it they should complain right there and then to whatever management they can find. In other words put up, or shut up !

agree with your there,seems to be alot of people in cnx getting short changed,or is it a band wagon thing.

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agree with your there,seems to be alot of people in cnx getting short changed,or is it a band wagon thing.

Aah, but us wary farang's always notice that 'funny look the girl gives us' and check our change, so we never get caught. wink.gif

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Are females being short changed or is it only males?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Dante99,

Males are short-changed at birth, and it continues throughout their life cycle.


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