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Successful Relationships With Thai Women


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Hi-so, Lo-so? My wife is neither. She is a good hearted, hard working farm girl who doesn't own a dress or any makeup, not even a tube of lipstick.

I'm a crotchety old farm boy whose uniform of the day is shorts, a T shirt and flip flops. She is a good cook and her food preparing is sanitary and tastes better than most restaurants. No way would I dress up to go out to eat and socialize with the supposed Hi-so snobs.

I have tried for the past seven years to convince her to give up working in the fields to no avail. She has been cutting rice for the past week and her and the other co-op girls are now cutting sugar cane.

I am free to do whatever I want while she is working including taking roads trip to wherever I want to go. I seldom go anywhere because I am quite content to stay home.

If I take a road trip she doesn't have to clean house or cook for me but I enjoy my dog, our fish pond and my own company. I go up the mountain to my favorite watering hole to drink beer with a Thai friend and a couple local farangs a couple times a week. I don't watch TV but do spend quite a bit of time on the Internet. Life is good out here in the boonies. I really don't know what I would do without my wife.

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hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex who models herself on the moody, selfish, spoilt women she watches on lakorns.

Can someone explain to me the appeal of such a woman, other than for a farang male to sound superior on thaivisa.com? B)

Try again :), don't understand your post. :huh:

OK: hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex.

Got that?

Now, why would a man be interested in such a woman?

Answers please ;)

Sorry, still don't understand. ;)

More complex post would be appreciated. :)

It's a pity your sense of humour is just not funny.

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The only reason any fully functional male has a 'relationship' with another person is for sex.

Self delusion is a wonderful thing!

Pretty small box you have wrapped things up in there Ludditeman... What if she's a good cook too ?

or makes you laugh or happy or is clever with money how pathetic we like sex but its not more than 10% of reason were together or why im with her. I can find sex anywhere as most males can here and probably after 15 years a bit better sex for both parties elsewhere but as meal still tastes good its still only a meal and not everything in life

I agree. Sex is a small part of a successful long-term relationship. Sex is a "commodity" - easy to get; but a good relationship is not a commodity, and your kids are DEFINITELY not a commodity. All the things that are hard to obtain - would you throw them away for something that is easy to obtain?

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Hi-so, Lo-so? My wife is neither. She is a good hearted, hard working farm girl who doesn't own a dress or any makeup, not even a tube of lipstick.

I'm a crotchety old farm boy whose uniform of the day is shorts, a T shirt and flip flops. She is a good cook and her food preparing is sanitary and tastes better than most restaurants. No way would I dress up to go out to eat and socialize with the supposed Hi-so snobs.

I have tried for the past seven years to convince her to give up working in the fields to no avail. She has been cutting rice for the past week and her and the other co-op girls are now cutting sugar cane.

I am free to do whatever I want while she is working including taking roads trip to wherever I want to go. I seldom go anywhere because I am quite content to stay home.

If I take a road trip she doesn't have to clean house or cook for me but I enjoy my dog, our fish pond and my own company. I go up the mountain to my favorite watering hole to drink beer with a Thai friend and a couple local farangs a couple times a week. I don't watch TV but do spend quite a bit of time on the Internet. Life is good out here in the boonies. I really don't know what I would do without my wife.

I must agree, I love the simple way of life in the village!

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HiSo= good family, rich, well-educated, best school, best university, succesful career, beautiful house(s), expensive cars, wear the right clothes, to shopping in the right shops, class.

2% have. 98% want.

Apparently, another requirement is to have an old Farang husband who is a ThaiVisa member. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Banzai99
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Apparently, another requirement is to have an old Farang husband who is a ThaiVisa member

If you believe half the ThaiVisa members who comment in these threads, there's plenty of young, handsome, intelligent, witty western guys just waiting to be picked up by these white-skinned, half-chinese, trilingual hi-so's. The fact that the very same TV members also seem to have a lot of experience with (or live in) the farang ghettolands of Sukhumvit / Pattaya / etc is, of course, neither here nor there :whistling:

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hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex who models herself on the moody, selfish, spoilt women she watches on lakorns.

Can someone explain to me the appeal of such a woman, other than for a farang male to sound superior on thaivisa.com? B)

Try again :), don't understand your post. :huh:

OK: hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex.

Got that?

Now, why would a man be interested in such a woman?

Answers please ;)

After reading this thread I got to thinking just why would a man marry a "hi so" from any culture?

They probably won't work outside the home, won't do the housework or cook. I'm pickin' they're the expensively dressed women shopping in expensive stores and having coffee with other hi so women during work hours.

So why would any man marry a parasite?

Must be some reason. For instance, Ivana Trump got picked up once or twice after Donald, so what is it that women like that can offer, that less high maintenance women can't?

Beats me.

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This thread is about relationships with Thai women, not who won WWII or which nationalities are rude, and it is not the place for personal insults.

Please keep on-topic.

You are right

A successful relationships with Thai women is give and take


Farang Give

Thai Take

Even Thai family understand that is why they are around is to take

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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Education was important for me. Finding a University graduate 23 years younger (I'm 48) and happily married to her for 3 years. I found that the education thing was key in my case as I'm a Uni graduate myself. She's smart as a whip, smarter than me in fact. Kinda funny because if you took English out of her curriculum at school, she would have had a 4.0 gpa. English was a bad course for her. She couldn't speak a word of it when I met her. Great girl, the best. I couldn't be happier.

Oh before I met her I was with a smart but uneducated girl from Issan for a long long time but I never married her and it didn't work out, then I found the right one.

Edited by Nana Cowboy
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HiSo= good family, rich, well-educated, best school, best university, succesful career, beautiful house(s), expensive cars, wear the right clothes, to shopping in the right shops, class.

2% have. 98% want.

Huh.... I always thought owning an iPhone makes you HiSo. B)

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This thread is about relationships with Thai women, not who won WWII or which nationalities are rude, and it is not the place for personal insults.

Please keep on-topic.

You are right

A successful relationships with Thai women is give and take


Farang Give

Thai Take

Even Thai family understand that is why they are around is to take

:D Brutal but in too many cases oh so true

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HiSo= good family, rich, well-educated, best school, best university, succesful career, beautiful house(s), expensive cars, wear the right clothes, to shopping in the right shops, class.

2% have. 98% want.

Huh.... I always thought owning an iPhone makes you HiSo. B)

Your not far wrong with that, too many people think HiSo is related to wealth and displays of it. I think they are better known as the Nouvea Riche in the West, in too many cases they might have the cash but they ain't got the class.

IMHO class is nothing to do with wealth, it's rooted in self respect and dignity, along with respect and dignity given to others. Hence the poor as a field mouse farm girl can easily have more class in one little finger than some of the well connected so called HiSo.

The 98% figure is nonsense too, most people I know are happy to have enough to lead the lifestyle they want to enjoy. They don't seek more money, they retire early in many cases and go fishing or golfing or whatever. Money is not the be all and end of all for more people than you would believe.

On the subject of money, and going back to the OP.........one of the most common and fundamental mistakes made by farangs in this country is to lead relationships with their wallet. That is crazy and people that do that are making a rod for their own back.

To make it even worse 99% of those same guys would never ever even entertain doing that in their own country.

The following scene takes place in a bar in your own country.

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a divorcee, with three kids. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name."

Now lets go to Thailand

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a hooker. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name, oh and you must pay my Mom Sin Sod so you can marry me. You must do all this, it is Thai culture".

Come on, you wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't pay a sin sod in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't buy a house in your girlfriends name in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't set up a direct debit to your girlfriends family in your own country so don't do it here.

...........and if your intended says you must do this as it is Thai culture, your reply is........I'm sorry, I am farang, I do not do Thai relationship culture. If you want to be my girlfriend you must learn farang culture.

Get the rules set early and you'll have a chance, possibly a good chance of a lasting relationship. There is one thing to remember which is a good rule of thumb, if your a decent guy and you treat your Thai girl decently, she won't want to lose you.

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The following scene takes place in a bar in your own country.

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a divorcee, with three kids. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name."

Now lets go to Thailand

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a hooker. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name, oh and you must pay my Mom Sin Sod so you can marry me. You must do all this, it is Thai culture".

Come on, you wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't pay a sin sod in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't buy a house in your girlfriends name in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't set up a direct debit to your girlfriends family in your own country so don't do it here.

There are several fallacies in your arguements

1) Hookers in the western world aren't looking to marry guys at any price, they want to earn $200 a go, 10x a day, get em in, get em off, get em out. Your chances of marrying a western hooker half your age are ZERO. They don't want you.

2) Hookers in Thailand are often looking for a husband, I've not encountered any girls who didn't prefer to stay the whole night.

3) Every man in the western world ends up buying a house in his gfs name, the judge awards it to her.

4) SinSot, most western weddings cost far more than the sinsot anyone pays in Thailand, just think 'wedding costs' instead of 'sinsot' if it upsets you too much.

5) Gfs family, you are right most western people completely financially write off their parents and their gfs parents, no matter how much the parents spent bringing them up, not sure if it's right or not but it's totally disloyal.

Edited by ludditeman
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The following scene takes place in a bar in your own country.

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a divorcee, with three kids. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name."

Now lets go to Thailand

"Hi my name is Mandy, I'm a hooker. If you want to be my boyfriend you must buy me a house, look after all my family and buy me a house in my name, oh and you must pay my Mom Sin Sod so you can marry me. You must do all this, it is Thai culture".

Come on, you wouldn't marry a hooker in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't pay a sin sod in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't buy a house in your girlfriends name in your own country so don't do it here.

You wouldn't set up a direct debit to your girlfriends family in your own country so don't do it here.

There are several fallacies in your arguements

1) Hookers in the western world aren't looking to marry guys at any price, they want to earn $200 a go, 10x a day, get em in, get em off, get em out. Your chances of marrying a western hooker half your age are ZERO. They don't want you.

2) Hookers in Thailand are often looking for a husband, I've not encountered any girls who didn't prefer to stay the whole night.

3) Every man in the western world ends up buying a house in his gfs name, the judge awards it to her.

4) SinSot, most western weddings cost far more than the sinsot anyone pays in Thailand, just think 'wedding costs' instead of 'sinsot' if it upsets you too much.

5) Gfs family, you are right most western people completely financially write off their parents and their gfs parents, no matter how much the parents spent bringing them up, not sure if it's right or not but it's totally disloyal.

1.) Wrong

2. ) Correct

3. ) Cynical, normally it's awarded after a marriage and divorce.

4. ) Garbage, comparing wedding costs to Sin Sot is a nonsense and you know it.

5. ) That may have applied in your family but most families I know are close.

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There are several fallacies in your arguements

1) Hookers in the western world aren't looking to marry guys at any price, they want to earn $200 a go, 10x a day, get em in, get em off, get em out. Your chances of marrying a western hooker half your age are ZERO. They don't want you.

2) Hookers in Thailand are often looking for a husband, I've not encountered any girls who didn't prefer to stay the whole night.

3) Every man in the western world ends up buying a house in his gfs name, the judge awards it to her.

4) SinSot, most western weddings cost far more than the sinsot anyone pays in Thailand, just think 'wedding costs' instead of 'sinsot' if it upsets you too much.

5) Gfs family, you are right most western people completely financially write off their parents and their gfs parents, no matter how much the parents spent bringing them up, not sure if it's right or not but it's totally disloyal.

1.) Wrong

2. ) Correct

3. ) Cynical, normally it's awarded after a marriage and divorce.

4. ) Garbage, comparing wedding costs to Sin Sot is a nonsense and you know it.

5. ) That may have applied in your family but most families I know are close.

1) You might be right, I don't actually know any western hookers, I bow to your experience.

2) We agree.

3) Marriage and divorce no longer necessary, 6 months co-habiting will normally do it.

4) We will have to disagree here, my western wedding costs were considerably higher than any combined charges my 'gfs' levied here.

5) You must know a better class of western person, all my lot had the surviving olds either living alone or dumped in OAP homes.

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There are several fallacies in your arguements

1) Hookers in the western world aren't looking to marry guys at any price, they want to earn $200 a go, 10x a day, get em in, get em off, get em out. Your chances of marrying a western hooker half your age are ZERO. They don't want you.

2) Hookers in Thailand are often looking for a husband, I've not encountered any girls who didn't prefer to stay the whole night.

3) Every man in the western world ends up buying a house in his gfs name, the judge awards it to her.

4) SinSot, most western weddings cost far more than the sinsot anyone pays in Thailand, just think 'wedding costs' instead of 'sinsot' if it upsets you too much.

5) Gfs family, you are right most western people completely financially write off their parents and their gfs parents, no matter how much the parents spent bringing them up, not sure if it's right or not but it's totally disloyal.

1.) Wrong

2. ) Correct

3. ) Cynical, normally it's awarded after a marriage and divorce.

4. ) Garbage, comparing wedding costs to Sin Sot is a nonsense and you know it.

5. ) That may have applied in your family but most families I know are close.

1) You might be right, I don't actually know any western hookers, I bow to your experience.

2) We agree.

3) Marriage and divorce no longer necessary, 6 months co-habiting will normally do it.

4) We will have to disagree here, my western wedding costs were considerably higher than any combined charges my 'gfs' levied here.

5) You must know a better class of western person, all my lot had the surviving olds either living alone or dumped in OAP homes.

1. ) I had the displeasure of having a call girl renting a room from me last year. This girl was from a real monied background and I a real looker too, she was flat on her back 6 nights a week because " I will never allow myself to run short of money "...................while she was waiting for the right victim to marry. I have a cousin that runs an escort agency and quite frankly I have been flabbergasted at the women offering themselves up to work for him. A sad state of affairs.........at least in Thailand it can be looked upon as a way out of abject poverty, in the UK either drug usage or avarice are normally behind it. A sad a pitiful state of affairs.

2. ) We agree.

3. ) The key word is "normally", you would find it extraordinarily unusual for a live in girlfriend to be awarded your home after 6 months of living together, so unusual that I have never heard of it.

4. ) Paying for a wedding is nothing to do with Sin Sot, you are perfectly aware of the distinction. More to the point, in the West traditionally it would be the Bride's father that would pay for the wedding, however that practise is now less prevalent as weddings become ever more extravagant. The idea of the Bride's father asking for Sin Sot in the West would be laughed out of town.

5. ) Such, unfortunately, is the nature of life for too many older people. In this regard Thailand is ahead of the West as the culture of family is still so ingrained. Give it 30 years though and you'll see a change, the richer Thailand get's the more like the West it will get.

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5) You must know a better class of western person, all my lot had the surviving olds either living alone or dumped in OAP homes.

Sadly true.

Whatever the story of sick buffalos, people over here usually are more responsible for their elderly relatives than in the west.

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5) You must know a better class of western person, all my lot had the surviving olds either living alone or dumped in OAP homes.

Sadly true.

Whatever the story of sick buffalos, people over here usually are more responsible for their elderly relatives than in the west.


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Moral of this thread: there are good and bad people all over the world. So perhaps we should stop generalising and make sure we are in the good group of people and have relationships with such people too. Sorry for not writing anything inflammatory or stereotyping.

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HiSo= good family, rich, well-educated, best school, best university, succesful career, beautiful house(s), expensive cars, wear the right clothes, to shopping in the right shops, class.

2% have. 98% want.

Apparently, another requirement is to have an old Farang husband who is a ThaiVisa member. rolleyes.gif

Not forgetting old falang who is from the ghetto = bar whistling.gif

Edited by welsh1
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hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex who models herself on the moody, selfish, spoilt women she watches on lakorns.

Can someone explain to me the appeal of such a woman, other than for a farang male to sound superior on thaivisa.com? B)

Try again :), don't understand your post. :huh:

OK: hi-so = moody, selfish, spoilt woman with entitlement complex.

Got that?

Now, why would a man be interested in such a woman?

Answers please ;)

After reading this thread I got to thinking just why would a man marry a "hi so" from any culture?

They probably won't work outside the home, won't do the housework or cook. I'm pickin' they're the expensively dressed women shopping in expensive stores and having coffee with other hi so women during work hours.

So why would any man marry a parasite?

Must be some reason. For instance, Ivana Trump got picked up once or twice after Donald, so what is it that women like that can offer, that less high maintenance women can't?

Beats me.

Well put. :thumbsup:

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5) You must know a better class of western person, all my lot had the surviving olds either living alone or dumped in OAP homes.

Sadly true.

Whatever the story of sick buffalos, people over here usually are more responsible for their elderly relatives than in the west.


I can't help but think that the reason is money. In the west most parents would have their own independent source of income such as pension. Thus, no need for monetary support or the kids to look after them. In Thailand the vast majority do not have any income when they get old so they become the responsibility of their children. It makes sens to have your parents to live with you in that scenario as it is cheaper than renting somewhere separate for them. However, there are more than enough Thais who dump their parents leaving the to abject poverty. A dumped parent in the West would still have social security to fall back on.

I believe that whether or not you get close with the family depends on how you treat each other. If the foreigner is seen as the walking ATM then probably the further away you can get the better. But if there is a mutual respect, a meeting of personalities, etc. then a close family could be something good in the long run.

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I can't help but think that the reason is money. In the west most parents would have their own independent source of income such as pension. Thus, no need for monetary support or the kids to look after them. In Thailand the vast majority do not have any income when they get old so they become the responsibility of their children. It makes sens to have your parents to live with you in that scenario as it is cheaper than renting somewhere separate for them. However, there are more than enough Thais who dump their parents leaving the to abject poverty. A dumped parent in the West would still have social security to fall back on.

Sure but isn't this the heart of relationships / family life? That there's a certain amount of dependency on each other. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. A grandparent might live with her son and his family, but she helps look after the small kid much of the time, and cooks and cleans around the house. That kind of thing. This has been how families have lived for generations.

In the west, we're all taught to be super-independent, but I'm not sure that's the healthiest way to live a life if it means you've either got nobody who can look after you when you really need help (state pension only goes so far, and it doesn't give you the emotional sustenance a family can give you), or you have nobody relying on you. A lot of people would say "I'm glad I have nobody relying on my help" but for many it's actually a satisfying part of life to actually helping others (shock, I know). We're taught to rely on the government to wipe our bottoms and feed us if we need help - again, I don't believe that's the best way to run a society because it means families are less relied-upon. I think the west has been running a kind of socialist experiment (that's been failing) over the last 40 years or so - every individual ultimately relying on big government.

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I can't help but think that the reason is money. In the west most parents would have their own independent source of income such as pension. Thus, no need for monetary support or the kids to look after them. In Thailand the vast majority do not have any income when they get old so they become the responsibility of their children. It makes sens to have your parents to live with you in that scenario as it is cheaper than renting somewhere separate for them. However, there are more than enough Thais who dump their parents leaving the to abject poverty. A dumped parent in the West would still have social security to fall back on.

Sure but isn't this the heart of relationships / family life? That there's a certain amount of dependency on each other. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. A grandparent might live with her son and his family, but she helps look after the small kid much of the time, and cooks and cleans around the house. That kind of thing. This has been how families have lived for generations.

In the west, we're all taught to be super-independent, but I'm not sure that's the healthiest way to live a life if it means you've either got nobody who can look after you when you really need help (state pension only goes so far, and it doesn't give you the emotional sustenance a family can give you), or you have nobody relying on you. A lot of people would say "I'm glad I have nobody relying on my help" but for many it's actually a satisfying part of life to actually helping others (shock, I know). We're taught to rely on the government to wipe our bottoms and feed us if we need help - again, I don't believe that's the best way to run a society because it means families are less relied-upon. I think the west has been running a kind of socialist experiment (that's been failing) over the last 40 years or so - every individual ultimately relying on big government.


So going back to the OP, to have a successful relationship in Thailand you have to understand the family dynamic is different from the West.

Unfortunately it is made harder to understand as their is a fine line between genuine Thai culture / family dynamic and having the p*ss ripped out of you.

As a rule of thumb don't lead with your wallet and trust your instincts, if you wouldn't do it for a GF in your own country then don't do it here.

You will be pleasantly surprised to find that your Thai girl very often cannot stand the idea of people leeching from you too, Thais can be remarkably harsh on each other.

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So going back to the OP, to have a successful relationship in Thailand you have to understand the family dynamic is different from the West.

Exactly right. This is the big confusion farangs have sometimes because they're operating with the "we're all independent" mentality. Actually, the west operates under a pathological, weird setup that runs counter to family life. Thailand is a poorer country and it assumes people NEED a family since there's no welfare and families tend to be more extended and more tightly-knit. Again: NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL. This is how humans have lived and continue to live outside of the west. The west is a weird world where governments love the fact that house occupancy rates are very low i.e. 1.5 people per house or whatever - more toasters and TVs sold, more houses sold, stronger economy. We're told that our money is our money and we live in the "me me me" culture of individualism. Live under that poisonous culture for long enough, of course you see Thais as "greedy" because they dare ask you to contribute to the family. Again: there's a difference between contributing and you being an ATM.

By the way, I live in an extended family and I am the breadwinner. But I can tell you - I get a lot back in return - everyone is contributing in some way to the family life. I never thought I'd live the normal life....

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So going back to the OP, to have a successful relationship in Thailand you have to understand the family dynamic is different from the West.

Exactly right. This is the big confusion farangs have sometimes because they're operating with the "we're all independent" mentality. Actually, the west operates under a pathological, weird setup that runs counter to family life. Thailand is a poorer country and it assumes people NEED a family since there's no welfare and families tend to be more extended and more tightly-knit. Again: NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL. This is how humans have lived and continue to live outside of the west. The west is a weird world where governments love the fact that house occupancy rates are very low i.e. 1.5 people per house or whatever - more toasters and TVs sold, more houses sold, stronger economy. We're told that our money is our money and we live in the "me me me" culture of individualism. Live under that poisonous culture for long enough, of course you see Thais as "greedy" because they dare ask you to contribute to the family. Again: there's a difference between contributing and you being an ATM.

By the way, I live in an extended family and I am the breadwinner. But I can tell you - I get a lot back in return - everyone is contributing in some way to the family life. I never thought I'd live the normal life....

Your being overly harsh on the West, the West is struggling under some unexpected consequences of the rapid advance of capitalism. One consequence is the reduction in birth rate / longevity. Simply put many people now moving into their dotage had small families, or no family at all. People are walking this earth in numbers unprecedented in human history. It is believed that 10% of the humans ever born are alive today, and the numbers in their dotage is roughly equivalent to the entire world population in the year 1850.........so people born of big families are living into their 80's and beyond, and relying upon their single child or two children for support.

Unfortunately a lot of these " children " are themselves in their 60's and beyond, which in any normal social and demographic run would make them the people requiring support, and so the problems are being knocked down through the generations.

Simply put, there is a mass of people over the age of 80 alive today that should not be alive at all, a brand new generation of people requiring high support from a smaller population base born of them. This demographic is going to explode in a very messy way in China during the next thirty years, as the children of Chairman Mao's revolution hit their dotage, and have to rely upon their only child to support them.......assuming that the child has survived and prospered themselves. Chairman Mao encouraged large families, and families of 7/8/9/10 were common, then a one child policy was enforced.

This will most likely be the worst example of badly thought out social engineering in human history, however just about every country will eventually be caught in a similar trap, therefore this same problem awaits Thailand and the rest of Asia too, the richer it becomes, the more it will experience the problems that the West is currently experiencing.

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Your being overly harsh on the West, the West is struggling under some unexpected consequences of the rapid advance of capitalism. One consequence is the reduction in birth rate / longevity. Simply put many people now moving into their dotage had small families, or no family at all. People are walking this earth in numbers unprecedented in human history. It is believed that 10% of the humans ever born are alive today, and the numbers in their dotage is roughly equivalent to the entire world population in the year 1900.........so people born of big families are living into their 80's and beyond, and relying upon their single child or two children for support.

I would have to disagree with the cause of the problem in the west.

Feminism is to blame for most of the breakup in traditional family life. Women want smaller families, women want to be independent, women don't want to look after aging parents.

Historically it was always women that held families together, sacrificing their wants to the needs of their family both young and old.

I have not seen many men doing the "me me me" thing (OK, so men have always been selfish) any more than they did in the past.

But there are plenty more women these days only thinking of themselves and what they want and believe they are entitled to get.

Edited by ludditeman
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Your being overly harsh on the West, the West is struggling under some unexpected consequences of the rapid advance of capitalism. One consequence is the reduction in birth rate / longevity. Simply put many people now moving into their dotage had small families, or no family at all. People are walking this earth in numbers unprecedented in human history. It is believed that 10% of the humans ever born are alive today, and the numbers in their dotage is roughly equivalent to the entire world population in the year 1900.........so people born of big families are living into their 80's and beyond, and relying upon their single child or two children for support.

I would have to disagree with the cause of the problem in the west.

Feminism is to blame for most of the breakup in traditional family life. Women want smaller families, women want to be independent, women don't want to look after aging parents.

Historically it was always women that held families together, sacrificing their wants to the needs of their family both young and old.

I have not seen many men doing the "me me me" thing (OK, so men have always been selfish) any more than they did in the past.

But there are plenty more women these days only thinking of themselves and what they want and believe they are entitled to get.

What you mean is women had the cheek to demand the right to vote? We can't be having that .............." Quick Horace, to the barricades!! Bring some sinks and chains with you, we'll soon teach those harridans a thing or two!! "

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